I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 63

Chapter 62 “Iron Army”

Early the next morning, the sky was getting brighter.

After He Mu got up, he opened the window, and a blast of fresh air blew his face.

I have to say that the air in this mountain is far better than that in the city. He somewhat fell in love with this quiet and beautiful place.

looked at the phone. It was only seven o’clock at this time, and there was still one hour left before the opening ceremony.

He Mu slightly made the bed, and then did some simple morning exercises indoors before opening the dormitory door.

The door of Wu Ideal’s dormitory next door was kept open. Perhaps he heard the sound of He Mu opening the door of the dormitory. Wu Ideal also walked out of the dormitory at this time.

“Hey, He Mu, don’t tell me, this dormitory bed is really comfortable, I thought I would not fall asleep when I first came here, but I slept till now, and I slept really well.”

“The environment here is really good, quiet, and the air is good.” He Mu replied.

Someone also walked out of the other dormitory room where they were talking.

Wu Ideal is a familiar character, he immediately went up to say hello when he saw this. It didn’t take long for five or six people to gather together.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the feeling of strangeness gradually disappeared. When it was about 7:40, they walked out of the dormitory building together and walked towards the school square.


After walking for seven or eight minutes, the school playground appeared in front of everyone.

He Mu has seen a lot of playgrounds in his previous life, so just glanced at this playground, and roughly estimated that a circle around the playground was about 500 meters.

The entire playground can hold thousands of people for gatherings.

It’s just that there is only a small sparse figure in the middle of the playground at this time.

As a rough estimate, no more than three hundred people.

The three hundred people are divided into two groups, the left is close to two hundred, and the right is more than one hundred.


“Fuck, the beauty salon professional is here too?”

Next to Wu Ideal suddenly pointed to the group of people on the right and exclaimed.

He Mu looked around and saw that at least half of the people in the group had dyed their hair, and they gathered together in colorful colors like a rally to kill Matt.

Seeing this scene, He Mu subconsciously touched his hair, and found that it was not so hard that he needed the Red Mist Warrior to take care of it.

Since Red Mist Warriors are not needed for beauty salons, how many roads did this group of people take?

He Mu couldn’t guess.


After a while, the students gradually arrived.

He Mu and others found their place.

is next to the group of students with dyed hair.

As for the major of the group of students with dyed hair, everyone has also figured out.

Those are all sophomore students majoring in excavators.

Looking at the classmates around, Wu Qiang looked bitter and complained quietly: “He Mu, our major is just a girl… My mother, look, it’s at the end.”

He Mu turned his head and glanced, then turned his head calmly.

The girl standing at the end of the line is nearly two meters tall and has a very burly physique. Standing there like a mountain, there is no one around one meter. If it is not for the clothes and hairstyle, she can’t see that she is a girl.

“He Mu, I feel she can beat me to death with one punch!”

Wu Ideal glanced again, a little scared and authentic.

He Mu faintly smiled and said: “The strength of this world is the most important. If you like good-looking, you should have ordinary majors and chef majors.”

“The truth is such a truth, but…Forget it, let me see if there are any good-looking seniors.”

Wu Ideal murmured, turning his head to look at the group of sophomores with dyed hair not far away.

There are a little more girls in that group of students, there are four people.

And the body looks normal.

Wu Ideal watched for a moment, then quietly pointed to one of the white-haired girls and said, “That senior sister seems pretty good!”

He Mu looked in the direction he was pointing, and at a glance he saw the silhouette of a girl.

This girl is just over 1.7 meters tall and well-proportioned, standing there silently looking at the rostrum in front of her, giving her a very quiet feeling.

Just as Wu Ideal was about to comment on a few sentences, the white-haired girl suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of He Mu and Wu Ideal.

The girls are surprisingly good-looking, but there is an invisible power in their eyes, which makes He Mu’s body shake slightly, as if an ordinary person is being stared at by a fierce tiger.

The last time this feeling appeared to him was when Yu Chao went to the gate of the military community to look for himself.

Later, when chatting with the teacher, I learned that for a period of time after slaying a powerful monster, the young strong will have an unblockable spirit on his body.

And it will take at least a few months for this spirit to dissipate.

“This girl is a strong one.”

He Mu had this idea naturally in his mind.

Just when he was about to withdraw his gaze, the white-haired girl suddenly smiled, nodded slightly, and then turned her head back.

“Fuck… Senpai smiled at me! Is this the university?”

Next to   , Wu Ideal, who had been shocked, was instantly excited.

He Mu looked at the girl’s feet subconsciously.

At some point, a stone was trampled into powder.

Under normal circumstances, if you step on a stone hard, the stone will sink into the ground.

Only when the power encountered suddenly is too great, can this situation occur before it has time to sink into the ground and be trampled into powder.

The girl who turned her head just now was probably wary, and the stone was crushed the moment she turned her head.

But she shouldn’t be that kind of indifferent person, so she only showed that kind of gentle smile after discovering that she was watching her with two younger brothers.

“People can’t look good, that girl is very powerful.”

He Mu turned his head and said softly.

“How awesome is it? I didn’t see it.”

Wu Ideal muttered softly.

“The girl behind us may not be able to kill you with a punch, but she certainly can.”

Wu Ideal originally wanted to refute, but he swallowed it before he could say it.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. At a certain moment, he felt a lot of eyes staring at the vital points of his body, which made him shudder.

“Damn, I can’t afford to provoke…”

muttered to himself, Wu Qiang lowered his head, and he didn’t want to look at him.



stood for about four or five minutes, and the roar of the excavator came from a distance.

After a while, a group of young people wearing blue overalls quickly ran into the playground and lined up the team in a very short time.

Seeing this group of people, Wu Qiang’s eyes suddenly lit up. This kind of brightness was different from the one just now. This time it was a cult from the heart.

“These are senior seniors! They seem to have just arrived from the construction site, this is too busy? It is indeed the Lingzhou Iron Army who is being rushed by various units!”

“Lingzhou Tiejun? What do you mean?”

He Mu is a little curious.

This is not the age of war. It is very difficult for non-soldiers to obtain the title of Iron Army.

While standing on tiptoe, Wu Qiang stared at the seniors, and explained, “Don’t you know this? More than a year ago, the Southwest Military Region was attacked by a wave of monsters and saw that the first line of defense was about to be breached. .

At that time, Southwestern Road could not provide any manpower Our school sent sophomores, 3s, 4s, and 4 excavator students to the front line overnight with more than one hundred excavators.

They dug between the first and second lines of defense for three days and three nights, and they dug three huge and steep trenches that were 1,000 meters long, 20 meters wide, and 10 meters deep.

dug until the first line of defense was broken, and then they withdrew.

Because of the buffer of these three steep trenches, the army later defended the second line of defense.

You don’t know the environment between the two lines of defense at that time… It was an explosion, the roar of monsters shaking the sky.

From time to time there are stray bullets and monsters breaking through the defense line! Ugh! Just thinking about it makes me shiver! ”

Wu ideally said and gestured as if he was at the scene in person, causing several freshmen next to him to listen.

“Under such an environment, they were under tremendous psychological pressure, risking their lives and working continuously for 72 hours with high intensity and efficiency. When the excavator was driven to the rear, it is said that people were all lifted down. .

Some students’ hearing does not even return to normal until one or two months later.

Later, the Southwest Road Army conveniently awarded them the honorary title of “Iron Army”.

Because of that mission, our university’s excavator major was hailed as the strongest in the country.

But it has been more than a year now. At that time, all the juniors and seniors had graduated. This was the last student who participated in the action. ”

Listening to this description, He Mu also raised his head and looked at the seniors in the distance.

Compared to sophomores and juniors, these young people have amazing maturity on their faces.

suddenly, I couldn’t imagine that these people were only one or two years older than the students next to them.

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