I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 I’m coming

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, He Mu spent two days on the train.

These two days have been quite smooth, only some ordinary monsters have been seen far away along the way.

Besides, half a day ago, a section of the railway was destroyed on the route.

But because there were spare rails on the train, and road repairers, excavators, etc. were all available, it was only a delay of 20 minutes.

Seeing that he is getting closer and closer to Lingzhou City, Rao He Mu has always been very patient, and at this moment, a wave of emotion has also occurred in his heart.

After nearly two months of hard work, I am finally going to the place my brother once guarded.

took out his mobile phone and opened the map software. He Mu once again searched for the place name that he didn’t know he had searched several times, Lingzhou.

Lingzhou is located in the southern border area.

Sixty or seventy years ago, China Centered on Kyoto, spreading around, regaining lost land, and building new cities on the basis of the original ruined cities.

It wasn’t until more than ten years ago that the restoration of the territory gradually slowed down due to the increasing pressure from the monsters.

After   , eight big cities rose up, guarding China’s eight directions: east, west, south, north, southeast, southwest, northeast, and northwest.

The largest city guarding the south is Lingzhou City.

Around Lingzhou, there are seven small cities about the same size as Nancheng. Together with Lingzhou, they are collectively called Nanfangdao.

Aside from these seven little brothers, Lingzhou is divided into six districts, each of which is not smaller than Nancheng. It is precisely because of this that there will be district-level guardians.

Although almost all six districts of Lingzhou have a complete industrial system, the focus is different.

For example, the Tianmen District guarded by my brother focuses on science, education, culture and health. It has the best hospitals and high schools in Lingzhou, as well as a national biological research institute.

And Lingzhou Vocational University is located in Yishan District. Yishan District focuses on industry. It has a large number of factories and the largest arms manufacturing center in Southern Province. It has continuously provided various weapons and equipment for millions of troops in the entire Southern Province Military District.

Yishan District and Tianmen District are far apart, but fortunately they are in Lingzhou City. There is no barrier between them. You can cross the district at will by bus.

glanced at the map, He Mu said to Ling Hanxing next to him: “Teacher, when I get to Lingzhou, I want to go to Tianmen District first.”

Ling Hanxing yawned upon hearing this.

“There are two days left before school starts. The two days were originally reserved for delays on the road. Who would have thought that this trip would be so smooth?

If you want to go to Tianmen District, go to Tianmen District. Anyway, if you go to the school now, I can only arrange a temporary dormitory for you. ”


He Mu responded and looked up at the railway that stretched forward to the end of the sky.


After half a day, it is noon.

The train slowed down and finally stopped in the train station.

A crowd of passengers lined up to get off, and He Mu and Ling Hanxing jumped out of the bucket directly.

The train station is crowded with tourists, far from the Nancheng train station.

Of course, He Mu’s face didn’t have the curious look of a small citizen when he first arrived in a big city.

Although Lingzhou City is big, it is still not as big as the real big cities he visited in his previous life.

After all, this world has experienced decades of disasters. The population is far smaller than that of the previous life, and the degree of commercial prosperity is also much worse.

“How is it? Let’s get a better understanding, this is Lingzhou City!”

Ling Hanxing made a fuss, as if he had come for the first time.

He Mu smiled and echoed a few sentences.

It didn’t take long for the two to come to the station exit.

If you want to get out of the station and really enter Lingzhou, you must perform identification. If there is no document approved to enter, you will not be able to pass here.

Ling Hanxing walked in front, pointed to his face and said, “I forgot to bring my ID. Let’s recognize your face.”

At the exit of the station, the station staff in uniform took out the scanner and scanned Ling Hanxing, and quickly identified him.

“It turned out to be Teacher Ling…Next time you should pay attention. If the ID is fraudulently used, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Ling Hanxing nodded, and pointed at He Mu again.

“This is a freshman in our school.”

Turning his head and said to He Mu: “He Mu, show him your ID. As long as you enter the information, you can pass through face recognition next time. Besides, in other places in Lingzhou where ID is needed. , You can also recognize your identity on your face.”

He Mu heard the words and handed over his credentials with both hands.

The staff took out the instrument and scanned it slightly, and He Mu’s information appeared on the screen in front of him.

“He Mu, male, age 18, family member of a meritorious serviceman, specially recruited freshmen from Lingzhou Vocational University, intermediate member of the Red Mist Alliance, winner of the City Hero Medal, is allowed to enter Lingzhou.”

After reading this information, the staff looked at He Mu with awe.

An intermediate member of the Red Mist Alliance at such a young age, he has not seen him a few times since he has been here for several years.

Not to mention the winner of the City Hero Medal.

City Hero Medal, this is awarded by the state to ordinary citizens. Each city counts that number every year, and most of them are people who have already sacrificed.

It is the first time he has seen such a young city hero alive.

After recovering, the staff returned the certificate to He Mu, and then stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically: “He Mu, welcome you to Lingzhou!”

He Mu reached out and shook his hand.

To be honest, the classmate with your title makes him feel a little awkward.

But it also shows from the side how popular a city is for a meritorious person.


After leaving the train station, He Mu bought something his brother used to eat in the supermarket near the station, and then he directly took a taxi.

Seeing that He Mu is quite young, the driver’s master naturally asked: “Classmate, which school to go to?”

He Mu shook his head.

“Go to the army tomb in Tianmen District.”

Upon hearing this, the driver’s master turned his head and glanced at He Mu, and then at Ling Hanxing, who was playing with his mobile phone.

“Tianmen District is very far from here, taxis are not cheap.”

“Master, are you stupid? If you have money but don’t make money, go quickly! He can’t wait for a second!” Ling Hanxing next to him impatiently said.

The driver’s master stopped talking when he heard the words, kicked down the accelerator, and the taxi went straight to Tianmen District.


more than an hour later.

The taxi stopped in front of a wooded, solemn white cemetery.

This is the Army Tomb in Tianmen District.

Inside are buried heroes who have lost their lives, not only soldiers, but who have lost their lives because of guarding the city.

Brother He Feng was temporarily buried here.

gave the fare, He Mu got out of the car and looked at the cemetery in front of him.

Then he took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

“He Mu, you can go in, I will wait for you here, so I won’t accompany you in.”

Ling Hanxing next to him looked at the entrance to the cemetery , showing a rare sadness.

He Mu didn’t notice the strangeness of Ling Hanxing, nodded slightly and then carried his bag into the cemetery.


The cemetery is sparsely populated, and rows of tombstones are neatly arranged.

Looking around, there are no fewer than a thousand seats.

Each tombstone has a photo of the deceased and the cause of death.

He Mu just looked for it one by one.


“Wang Feng, a young officer of the Lingzhou Military Region, died on the front line on May 22, 83rd year of the Meteorite calendar, due to the use of glorious bombs.”

“Li Ran, a member of the Tianmen District Special Operations Team, died on April 13, the 82nd year of the Meteorite Calendar, for arresting criminals.”


“Liu Xiaojia, a doctor at the First Hospital of Tianmen District, died on October 6th in the 80th year of the Meteorite calendar for treating citizens who were seriously injured by monsters and was attacked twice by monsters.”


Each of these tombstones represents the fall of a life. He Mu is looking forward to finding that person, but is also afraid to see that the living person who lives with him becomes a cold tomb.

However, the one that should come will always come.

Half an hour later, he found a lone tomb in the corner.

There is no detailed description of the cause of death on the tombstone, but there is a picture of a familiar person.

The young man in the photo smiled brilliantly, as if he was right in front of his eyes.

He Mu smiled subconsciously when he saw that smile.

Then his eyes gradually filled with tears.

At last.

There was a soft sound.

He knelt before the tombstone.


“Brother…I’m here.”

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