I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 528

Chapter 522 Everything is ready

The noise on the earth has nothing to do with He Mu who is far away on the moon.

He is devoted to practice, and he never thought of being a great emperor or **** of faith.


Two months passed in a blink of an eye, and He Mu smoothly stepped into the realm of the eight-step real king.

At this time, he has time to care about the earth.

Turning on the communicator, He Mu contacted Wang Xiaoteng.

“He Mu, the earth has been unified, all forces have begun to rapidly expand the city, and various policies to encourage childbirth and economic development have also begun to be implemented…

It’s just that you have to decide what system this unified earth adopts. ”

“What system? Is this still necessary? Of course it is the most advanced one!”

He Mu blurted out and made his debut.

“Uh… alright.”

“What about other aspects?”

He Mu asked again.

“One million people have been stationed in the submarine base, and the Mars project is continuing. Today, the first batch of 3,000 Red Mist fighters have landed on Mars.

They started to build a base on Mars, and it won’t take long to build a Mars base with a capacity of 500,000 people.

In short, everything is normal on the earth.

Where is your side? Are there any changes? ”

He Mu smiled faintly.

“What can happen to me, if there is, someone will press it for me.”

“That’s… you take care. Uncle and Auntie have been arranged to go to the submarine base for a mission, and they won’t be out for a year.

Haha, as your parents, you are under a lot of pressure. You can go to the submarine base and be quiet. ”

He Mu naturally understood what Wang Xiaoteng meant.

“Thanks a lot.”

“What are you talking about between you and me? Thank you. Okay, I won’t disturb your practice anymore. I’ll be busy too. I’ll contact you again if I have something to do.”


The communication was disconnected, and He Mu contacted the Green Demon again.

The Green Demon King is now under the command of the Celestial Clan in name. Tian Tian is in contact with the Celestial Clan, and he might be able to detect useful information.

The Green Demon quickly replied: “Master He Mu, there are indeed some circumstances.

Today Tianmang summoned us to prepare us to evacuate the moon…

I think I am afraid that some powerful enemy is about to come, sir, you must be careful. ”

“Evacuate the moon… well, I see.”


In the training room, He Mu closed his eyes and meditated.

The Green Demon’s words actually revealed only one meaning.

Let yourself step into the realm of God as soon as possible.

This is exactly the same as Tianmang’s intention.

Has the Green Demon already turned to Tianmang?

What kind of power made him turn his back on himself, a great backer who is almost bound to become a god?

Maybe only the true **** himself.

“Is it the true God of heaven… or the enemy of the true God of heaven?”

He Mu became more and more curious about Tianmang’s identity.

At this moment, he has no choice but to go to the dark.

The person who calculated him is probably a true god, what can he do?

Even if he sees through, he doesn’t have the power to fight against it, so he can only follow the opponent’s heart.


He Mu continued to practice.

Eight sacred trees surround him, and under the powerful power of the eight sacred trees, the bottleneck of the Eight Step True King can’t hold him at all.

Two months later, he stepped into the realm of Nine Steps True King.

This is still the result of his two body cultivators. If the two become one, he is probably already qualified to attack the true god.

Stepping into the Nine Steps True King, he began to listen to the situation on the earth again.

After four months of unscrupulous and rapid development, earth-shaking changes have taken place on the earth, a large number of new cities have been built up, and people have gradually walked out of the excitement of the end of the suffering and began to plunge into normal life. .

The Mars base has begun to accept the immigrants of the Red Mist Warriors, and the total number has exceeded 10,000.


He Mu completely let go of his mind and began to continue to improve his cultivation.

And during this period, the five great tribes headed by the Tiancang tribe on the moon are exceptionally harmonious, as if they were one tribe with each other.

Time is like flowing water…

With the passage of time, He Mu’s realm has grown deeper and deeper.

His mental power is strong enough to see all the details in the entire God of War City.

If he wants, he can even use mental energy to kill everyone except him and Tianmang in a single thought.

And so powerful, he is not a true god, but just a nine-step true king.

It is conceivable that once you become a true god, I am afraid that you will have the ability to destroy the planet.


Two months later, He Mu walked out of the city lord’s mansion.

There are still 10,000 human Red Mist fighters in the God of War at this time. These people have no relatives on the earth, so they have no intention to return to the earth at all.

In other words, they wanted to go back to Earth, but they were bound in their hearts, so they never went back.

Uncle Zhou is one of them.

He Mu’s figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Zhou Weiran.

Zhou Weiran looked a little surprised when he saw He Mu who appeared suddenly.

“Are you out?”

“I have almost practiced, and the next step is to break through the realm of God.”

He Mu smiled.

He knew that Zhou Weiran never returned to the earth to protect him.

Even if he is already invincible on the face of it now, Zhou Weiran is still worried about leaving him among so many alien races, alone and helpless.

“Really? That’s great! Don’t worry, I will guard for you when you break through!”

Zhou Weiran promised boldly.

He Mu shook his head slightly.

“Uncle Zhou, you can lead everyone back to Earth, I will break through the true god… The movement may be relatively large, and I don’t want to affect you.”

Zhou Weiran felt a little anxious about this, and immediately wanted to refute.

He Mu waved his hand and said, “Uncle Zhou, I know that you promised my parents… I also know that everyone is not afraid of death.

But, it’s not necessary.

In fact, you are in my eyes, just like my parents. As long as I am still on the moon, I will be concerned about it, and I will be affected when I break through the true god.

Don’t worry, go back, I’ll be fine, really. ”

Zhou Weiran listened to tears in his eyes.

He has been the city lord of the God of War for so many years, and his perception is extremely keen.

He faintly feels that something big is happening, so he has been reluctant to leave.

Except for him, so are everyone else in the city.

Anyway, everyone is lonely. If they die, they will die, as long as they can protect He Mu and become a true god.

But when He Mu said this, he couldn’t refute it.

“Then… I’ll take everyone back!”

Zhou Weiran responded with great difficulty.

“Well… the ancient creatures also take it away, free up a continent for them on the earth, don’t treat them badly.”

He Mu added.

“Don’t worry We will never treat the ancient creatures, they are our friends forever!”

Zhou Weiran promised, and then his conversation changed.

“It’s just that we are all gone… Will the five clans care about anything?”

“No, don’t worry.

listen to me, nothing will happen. ”

He Mu made a vow.

“That’s good! We’ll leave tonight”

Zhou Weiran responded.


At night, the spacecraft vacated one after another, and the ancient creatures also followed the Mo King Mo Lin and his son to the earth.

Above the walls of the God of War, Tianmang looked up at the spacecraft one after another ascending into the sky, faintly flashing stars in his eyes.

Behind him, the Qingyan King said with some worry: “My lord… the city lord has transferred everyone back to earth, leaving only our five races… won’t you have any bad thoughts?”

Tianmang did not answer, but slightly raised his head and looked at the vast starry sky.

After a long time, he sighed softly: “From the ages to the present, those who can step into the realm of the true gods have not been the generations who have crushed the world…

He is not a mortal, I think he should have sensed it. ”


Qingyan Wang looked blank, and didn’t know what Tianmang was talking about, so he just raised his head and looked at the starry sky.

Starry sky is dotted with stars.

The world is fickle, but they live forever, overlooking the world.

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