I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 524

Chapter 518 Set off

As soon as these words came out, the War God City suddenly screamed.

At this moment, everyone can only express their inner excitement in this way.

It can be said that the coolest person among all human beings is He Mu in the city lord’s mansion.


After    announced, He Mu began to close his eyes and rest his mind.

After half an hour, the Green Devil contacted him on the initiative and directly verbally called an adult.

“My lord, congratulations on stepping into the Seven Steps Real King!”

“Oh? How did you know?”

He Mu asked.

The Green Demon rubbed his hands and asked for credit: “Since you contacted me last time, my lord, I took the initiative to contact the Celestial Clan and expressed that I wanted to take refuge in them.

Just now, they finally agreed to accept the allegiance of our green demons and told us that you have stepped into the Seven Steps True King.

Hey, as soon as his side agrees, I immediately contacted you, your lord. ”

“Okay, good job, since you know that I have stepped into the real king of Seven Steps, you should also know that I will attack Qingyan City three days later, right?”

He Mu asked.

“I know! Heavenly Wheel King sent me a message, let me fight against the Scarlet Blood Race after the Green Demon Race!

Hey, the Scarlet Blood Race is still in the dark, and you don’t know that you have stepped into the Seven Steps Real King. I think they’re going to the end!

Oh… By the way, I don’t know if the Scarlet Blood Race has taken refuge in your lord? ”

The Green Demon tentatively asked.

He Mu shook his head slightly,

“No, you will deal with the Scarlet Clan in three days.”

“it is good!

That day the Cang clan… are you going to clean up together? ”

The Green Demon asked again.

He Mu frowned upon hearing this.

He had never thought of destroying the Celestial Clan directly, so that he would be jealous again.

But he dare not.

Since Tianmang dared to let him step into the realm of true gods, he must have a certain degree of confidence.

Its true strength may not be what it shows now.

For the sake of safety, it is better not to touch the Celestial Clan.

Moreover, even though Tianmang is constantly doing some small movements, he hasn’t shown the slightest malice from beginning to end. If he does it directly, he feels uneasy.

“No, as long as the Celestial Clan lives up to me, I will never defeat the Celestial Clan.

I have always treated my allies with this attitude, and I will not go to the river to demolish the bridge.

makes you pay attention to the Celestial Clan, more just want to guard against them, and does not mean to deal with them. ”

He Mu said lightly.

He said this not only to give the Green Demon a reassurance, but also to guard against the Green Demon.

God knows if he has taken refuge in the Celestial Clan in a fake or true refuge?

Treating this kind of old slippery head, he can’t completely trust it.

The Green Demon felt relieved when he heard this, and his tone became more respectful.

“My lord, I understand!

I would like to congratulate your lord in advance for unifying the moon! Step into the realm of the true **** as soon as possible! ”


After disconnecting from the communication, He Mu began to ponder.

The Sky Wheel King asked the Green Demon King to deal with the Scarlet Blood Race, and the Scarlet Blood Race did not take refuge in his side, let alone escape…

Could it be that the strongest Crimson-blooded race in the past has reached such a critical moment that concerns the life and death of the race, and there is no way to deal with it, and can only wait for death?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The Scarlet Clan definitely has some means, otherwise it must have run away.

As for what means, it has to be seen in three days.

He Mu is looking forward to the battle three days later. He wants to see what tricks the various races can make for him.


The war began in the War God City.

Although almost 100% of the final battle can be won, everyone is serious, even serious enough to have a sense of ritual.

is like a student who is about to take the college entrance examination, even if he knows all the questions, but on the eve of the college entrance examination, he will still prepare carefully.

is nothing else, just because the college entrance examination has an extraordinary meaning to life.

In contrast, the significance of this final battle is not comparable to exams.

So no matter how serious everyone is, it’s normal.

The earth obviously does not want to miss this battle. Under the repeated requests of the major forces, God of War has prepared a lot of camera robots, ready to cooperate with satellites to record this battle completely and synchronize to the earth.

That is to say, this battle is tenable, otherwise it would really be impossible to do such a thing.

Like the previous battles, they were all fierce, and people were killed at every turn.

If such scenes are seen by the earth, it will definitely bring great psychological pressure to ordinary people.


Three days passed in a flash. In the early morning of that day, all those who had the cultivation base of the Royal Sky Realm in the God of War gathered together, and there were 60,000 people!

Earth human beings, the Tiancang clan led the Zilin clan, the ancient creature clan, and the three powerhouses have a clear-cut stand. Under the leadership of He Mu, they marched towards Qingyan City.

On this day, everyone on the earth stopped their work and paid attention to this battle wholeheartedly.


On the way, He Mu glanced at the satellite image.

No one from the four clans in the city of Blue Eyes fled, they were also gathering at this moment, and it turned out that they wanted to fight a decisive battle with the city of God of War.

“It’s getting more and more interesting.”

He Mu secretly said in his heart.

I am afraid that today’s battle will not be fierce, but there must be some dramatic changes.

Maybe today is not a big battle at all, but a big drama.

I just don’t know who was shown this drama?

Is    played for one or two of the four clans who are kept in the dark, or is it for yourself?

“Xiao Teng, use the camera robot to lock me all the true kings of the four clans later. After the war, I want to clearly see all of their fighting.

He Mu used a communicator to contact Wang Xiaoteng.

Wang Xiaoteng sent a reply soon Don’t worry, it has been arranged, I will record all the expressions of all the real kings, and ensure that they will not fall for a second.

Including the true kings of the Celestial Clan and Zilin Clan on our side. ”

“Okay, I don’t worry about your work.”

He Mu instantly gained confidence in his heart.

There is Wang Xiaoteng, he can devote himself to the battle later.

so that he won’t show any flaws in front of others.


Ares City and Qingyan City are separated by thousands of miles, but everyone here is flying in the air,

The distance of thousands of miles did not take long, and before long, the outline of Qingyan City appeared in the sight of everyone.

At this time, in front of Qingyan City, the four powerhouses gathered together, plus various vassal races, the total number was 80,000.

Only speaking of momentum, it is not weaker than the War God City side, and even faintly surpassed.


On the earth, countless people are paying attention to this battle. For ordinary people, it is impossible to understand the gap between the true kings. Now they suddenly see through the screen that the momentum of the Qingyan City is even stronger than the God of War. He clenched his fists subconsciously, and became tense in his heart.

On the screen, the two forces gradually approached, and finally when the two sides were separated by a kilometer, the side of God of War stopped.

Immediately after that, a person who displayed on the screen the size of a grain of rice flew out of the army formation and hovered directly above the center of the two armies.

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