I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 508

Chapter 502 Make a choice

The Scarlet Blood King withdrew from the enchantment with a group of hard-fought scarlet blood tribesmen.

The Immortal God of War City said that it will never retreat.

This oath was broken, and King Green Eyes could feel that the morale of the coalition forces had suffered a major blow.

How long has it passed after all?

The coalition army has been teased, and now one of his teammates has been beaten away. Looking back at the city of God of War, only some miscellaneous fish have been lost.

Not to mention the powerhouses of all races, even he felt a little chilly in his heart.

But, he didn’t mean to flinch.

This time, the great tribes were able to unite with their enemies and fight against humanity. It was because the humans on earth destroyed the White Horn tribe, killed ten true kings of the Scarlet blood tribe, and captured 15 true kings of the Blue Eye tribe. This kind of achievements made all tribes feel There is a huge threat.

If we retreat again this time, the big clans will probably recognize the status of the strong man on earth from the bottom of their hearts.

“The Scarlet Blood Race and their vassal race…we have left about 25 true kings, and now we still have more than 70 true kings, whose strength is twice that of the War God City!

We will not lose! ”

The blue-eyed tribe strengthened their conviction in their hearts, and then loudly encouraged: “The red blood tribe has tested out the hole cards of the God of War! It can be regarded as a contribution!

They are gone now, which means that they voluntarily gave up dividing the spoils after we won the city of God of War! This is even more a good thing!

The strength of God of War is now seen by everyone!

Is there anything we should be afraid of?

We still have more than 70 true kings! The God of War can be destroyed!

And if they miss this opportunity, they are likely to study the kind of technological weapon just now!

Maybe we will deal with the blue-eyed people next time, what about next time?

Is it the Green Demon or the Blue Spirit?

You can imagine the final result! ”

I have to say that the words of King Blue Eyes are very encouraging. After hearing these words, all the coalition forces immediately boosted their morale.

Although the Scarlet Blood Race is gone, the coalition forces still occupy an absolute advantage, and there is no need to be afraid of anything at all.

The King of Blue Eyes was afraid that the city of War God would repeat its tricks again and would engage in special routines to deal with one clan. He immediately ordered: “All races are mixed! Don’t give them the opportunity to target which race!”


When King Blue Eyes commanded the coalition forces, Zhou Weiran also contacted He Mu.

“He Mu, the group of the Scarlet Blood Race has been hit hard and went back, you leave Scarlet City as soon as possible, don’t run into them.”

“Okay, how is the situation in God of War?”

He Mu asked.

“It’s better than just now, but the coalition forces didn’t mean to retreat. It seemed that they wanted to fight us to the end.

Where is your side? ”

Zhou Weiran replied.

“Six True Kings of the Scarlet Blood Race were beheaded and four were killed.”


Scarlet Blood City.

The battle has just ended.

After He Mu replied, he kicked away the corpse at his feet.

Although King Chikun is also the five-step true king, he is far from his opponent. After a few minutes of fighting between the two, King Chikun fled.

He Mu didn’t go after him either, but helped to solve the other true kings.

How can the other true kings of the Scarlet Blood Clan resist this shot?

It didn’t take long for the remaining three true kings of the scarlet blood clan to be beheaded.

As for the other two true kings of vassal races, one was beheaded and the other was captured alive.

At this time, the other people in the city escaped from the dead, wounded and wounded, leaving only an empty Scarlet City behind.

“Leave a surprise for the Scarlet Blood King…”

He Mu said softly, and then randomly searched the Scarlet Blood City and found out some of the most precious resources.

Immediately after that, he was burned down with the fire of the true phoenix.


As soon as the fire of the true phoenix touched those buildings, it broke out in an instant, turning into a huge sea of ​​flames!

The sea of ​​flames raged, everything was burnt, and it quickly swallowed and spread to the surrounding like a huge mouth of flames, not to mention the buildings, even the ground was burned out one by one.

Whether there are any precious resources in this sea of ​​fire, He Mu doesn’t know.

He didn’t have time to find it slowly, and he didn’t want to leave it to the Scarlet Blood Clan, so he could only burn it.

After the fire was set off, He Mu quickly led people out of Scarlet Blood City.

This time he didn’t copy the nests of other races again, but took a detour and went straight to the city of God of War.

There are not many cards in God of War, and there is bound to be a big battle next.

Although the six true kings on his side are not very powerful, they are quite important to the God of War City at this time.


Within the War God City, the two sides fought fiercely again. Due to the large gap between the strengths of the two sides, the War God City was retreating steadily.

In spite of this, the powerful people of the earth humans, ancient creatures and the Celestial tribe did not panic too much.

Even if someone died in battle, it was a violent death, and no one died on the way to escape.

Tianmang was fighting fiercely with the Blue Spirit King at this time, but his gaze was subconsciously glancing at the Purple Forest King in the distance.

It’s almost time for the Zilin Clan to take action.

Since the battle, the Zilin people have basically been playing soy sauce. If they don’t make a move, they may be seen by the Blue Eyes King.

And now that the people of several big clans are mixed together, it is the best time to shoot.


The Purple Forest King also noticed Tianmang’s gaze,

To be honest, at the moment the coalition was formed, his heart was actually shaken.

Hundreds of true kings, thousands of incarnations, even if they are the Zilin tribe, what can they do?

can only die with God of War!

So when he first attacked the City of Wars, all he was thinking about was how to not admit to taking refuge in the City of Wars.

In case of a poke from the War God City, how should he explain these problems to the King of Blue Eyes.

Actually, he can’t be blamed for his rebellion. As a small clan, the Zilin clan has no chance to fight for hegemony, so standing in a team is particularly important.

Right to stand, chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

The station is wrong The whole family is over.

However, the series of events that just happened gradually changed his mind.

He didn’t expect that War God City would defeat the Scarlet Blood Clan before letting them fall in battle and defeated the allied forces.

Although there are more than 70 true kings against more than 30 true kings in God of War, as long as the Zilin clan turns against each other…

In that moment, it will become more than fifty to more than fifty!

God of War City seems to be really hopeful…

As soon as I thought of this, the Zilin King took a deep breath.

He never thought that the Zilin clan would have a chance to decide the outcome of such a big battle!

At this crossroads of destiny…

He became the king of Zilin at the helm.

Before he could continue to think about it, the cold and quiet words of the sky rang in his mind.

“Purple Forest King, do you still remember what I said to you?

If you don’t make a move, I’ll take someone to break through the siege and escape into the abyss of the meteorite. When I come out again, I will deal with you Zilin Clan first!

And as long as you make a move, the Zilin Clan will become the right arm of my Celestial Clan.

You have seen the potential of God of War.

is life or death, you have to think about it! ”

Hearing these words, King Zilin seemed to have a thunderbolt in his mind!

At this moment, he made a choice!

“God don’t worry! This matter…I did it by the Zilin clan!”

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