I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 505

Chapter 499 1 infuriating, and then failing

Zhou Weiran didn’t continue to talk, but hurriedly returned to the city, as if to understand the situation.

It was the Celestial Lun King who succeeded him and continued to fight.

Although the Celestial Wheel King only had half of his body left, he spoke domineeringly.

“In the past, I was only a promise in front of me, but now everyone is arrogant!

Scarlet Blood King! Do you remember the scene when you crept in front of me and asked for resources? ”

“The old thing, only half of it is left incomplete, dare to speak madly here!”

You and me, the two of them scolded each other across the barrier, not giving way to each other.


Zhou Weiran returned to the city to replenish his energy.

After a long time, there was news from He Mu that the six true kings had returned to the moon.

“Uncle Zhou, we must take the initiative in our own hands.

This battle has been unavoidable, and sacrifice is no longer inevitable. It is better to take the initiative to attack. ”

He Mu suggested.

“What do you propose?”

“This way…”


By the side of the War God City barrier, the Heavenly Wheel King and the Scarlet Blood King were still scolding. They were separated by a barrier and could not get together two meters. If it weren’t for this barrier, the two might have already fought.

At this moment, someone in the city of God of War suddenly yelled: “City Lord! Let’s kill it! The earth is almost unable to hold it!”

The roar was quickly suppressed, but it still caused a lot of turmoil.

Many people’s expressions become panicked, and from time to time they take out the communicator and take a look.

The Scarlet Blood King saw this scene, his expression instantly became hideous!

Counting the time, it is indeed almost the same.

Thinking of this, he hit the barrier with a heavy punch, and then looked back at the other clan chiefs.

“Let’s do it! I’m fed up with this old guy!”

The King of Blue Eyes narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said loudly: “Kill! No one in the city of God of War is allowed to leave the enchantment if you don’t kill all of them today!”



One hundred thousand strong shouted and screamed, and they surrounded the city of God of War for nearly a day, and their potential was almost accumulated!

Now they are like tigers out of the cage, as long as they let go of the cage, they will rush out and bite everything they see frantically!


The Blue Eye King and the Scarlet Blood King, two six-step real kings, first attacked the barrier of the God of War, and the other real kings followed.

Nearly Hundred True Kings attacked at the same time, how could the War God City enchantment be able to withstand it?

In just a few moments, the barrier of War God City has dimmed a lot.

However, at this moment, a light and fluttering sound suddenly sounded in the God of War City.

“Let them taste our big killer.”

bang bang bang!

The voice fell, and a series of explosions sounded. Bombs from nowhere exploded one after another between the two enchantments, and a large amount of gray mist instantly diffused!

Seeing the iconic gray fog, the Scarlet Blood King suddenly missed a beat, and subconsciously roared: “Hurry up and wrap the whole body with the red fog!”

Even him, let alone other people.

The original ferocious aura faded in an instant, one by one avoided the gray mist like a snake and scorpion.


An inexplicable sound of a slight explosion was heard in the gray fog, which made the 100,000 strong people more panicked.

The originally orderly array instantly became a mess, and many people tried to rush out of the enchantment they had arranged to avoid the erosion of the gray mist.

In the mist, someone panicked and began to attack their own enchantment. It didn’t take long for the outer enchantment of the coalition forces to dim a lot.


Blue Eyes King’s whole body is wrapped in red mist and airtight.

Looking at the gray mist around him, he was extremely vigilant.

Although those humans said that this thing was only useful to the Jinyang Clan, he already had a shadow in his heart, so he couldn’t help but guard after seeing the gray fog.

It is precisely because of this that the coalition forces will suddenly be in chaos.

“Is it true that the news is true?”

This thought flashed through his mind.

Then he found something wrong again.

Because none of the coalition forces fell under this gray mist.

“Damn, fraud!”

yelled in a low voice, and the Qingyan King suddenly hooked his hand, and a green demon clan’s condensed state appeared in his palm.

Before the Green Demon Clan Realm could react, the Blue Eyed King slapped the red mist around him.

The gray mist instantly eroded the whole body of the Green Demon Race’s Condensed Formation Realm. Seeing this scene, the Green Demon Race’s Condensed Formation Realm couldn’t help hiss and scream.

The screaming screams echoed in the gray fog, especially infiltrating. Many people in the coalition army heard the screams and became more and more confused.

“Really useful?”

Qingyan Wang was surprised.

It took a while to realize that the Green Demon clan had nothing to do, but screamed to himself.

“You call you a horse!”

The Blue Eyed King roared.

Then he threw away the Green Demon Clan Condensation Realm, and removed the red mist all over his body.

The gray mist adhered to him, and sure enough, nothing happened.

Seeing the chaotic and panic look of the coalition forces again, he stopped getting angry.

This situation is like a group of tigers coming out of the cage aggressively rushing to bite a rabbit, when the rabbits suddenly fart, the group of tigers coming out of the cage is scared to panic.

How awkward the picture is, how awkward it is!


What a shame!

The King of Blue Eyes couldn’t help shouting with mental power: “This gray mist is useless to us!

What are you panicking!

I said before! Their technological weapons are only useful for the Jinyang clan!

a bunch of waste! ”

Under this harsh curse, some of the coalition forces started to come into contact with the gray mist Then they realized that the crackling sound was not the red mist that was corroding them, but the red mist inside. I don’t know if something is reacting, it rang out.

was teased, and the anger in the hearts of this group of people could be imagined, and they all yelled loudly, calling on the people around to calm down.

Three or four minutes later, the gray fog has faded a lot, and the coalition forces have completely calmed down.

But there are still many people with panic on their faces.

Inside the City of God of War, Zhou Weiran laughed and sarcastically said: “What are you doing, we are just joking, don’t you know that our technological weapons are only useful for the Jinyang clan? How come we were so scared?”

Sky Wheel King looked at the a little embarrassed coalition forces, and laughed: “Is this the elite of the five clans? Hahaha, a mob! I thought how powerful it is!”

Many people in the War God City laughed, and the tension before the war was wiped out.

Outside the dim enchantment, the face of the 100,000 strong coalition forces was very ugly, and their hearts were extremely angry.

The Blue Eyed King roared: “What are you doing in a daze! Keep attacking! Kill them!”

The one hundred thousand strong coalition forces continued to attack the enchantment. Although they all wanted to turn their anger into strength, the panic they had just received could not completely subside for a while.

The momentum accumulated before has completely collapsed in the chaos just now.

Although the barrier is still fading rapidly, it is much slower than the speed at which it faded before.

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