I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 Silent war

He Mu watched the taxi leave, and shook his head after a long time.

He had a hunch, so Yu Chao’s words did not bring him much shock.

It’s just that Yu Chao has something he doesn’t understand, what is meant by “don’t ask him in the future”, can someone force him to fail if he doesn’t ask for it?


At this moment, Grandma Wang, who had just returned from the supermarket not far away, saw He Mu and trot over with a few plastic bags full of things.

“He Mu, you really recovered! What are you doing here, what about the person who just looked for you?”

Seeing her red face and vigorous, He Mu smiled and replied: “I just left.”

“Are you an acquaintance?”

“I’m not familiar, just say a few words and leave.”

“Oh, no matter what, your body is recovered, and I finally come back. How can I make more orders to celebrate and celebrate, go, go to my house.”

Grandma Wang didn’t ask too much, she raised the bag in her hand and pointed to her home.

He Mu didn’t refuse. Now Yu Chao’s relationship is completely cut off. I am afraid that only Grandma Wang is the only person in this world who is still relatives to him.

“I will take it for you.”

“I forgot that your body has recovered, can you move it?”

“You can hold it.”

From time to evening.

He Mu sat at the dining table at Grandma Wang’s house, looking at the table full of steaming food, worried.

He didn’t know how to say about his brother.

Grandma Wang went home two days a month, and if she went out tomorrow, she would be told the news as long as she met someone in the military community.

After all, her elder brother was almost brought up by her, which is well known in the community.

It’s impossible for no one to tell her about this kind of thing.

“Xiao Mu, do you have something on your mind? If you have something, just tell your grandma. Grandma has lived for most of her life, and there are some things that you see more or less thoroughly than you.”

Grandma Wang smiled kindly, and put a piece of braised pork for He Mu while she was talking.

He Mu raised his head when he heard the words. Although the old man in front of him was in his 70s, he had a very good body and a good brain. Instead of waiting for someone else to tell her the bad news tomorrow, she would come and ask herself again, it would be better to say it herself.

Thinking of this, He Mu brewed for a few seconds, then whispered: “My brother…”


“He’s gone.”

After a short sentence, He Mu felt extremely depressed after saying it.

The room became quiet for an instant.

He could see clearly, and Grandma Wang’s hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly.

After a long time, Grandma Wang put down her chopsticks, her eyes dimmed. At this moment, she seemed to be getting older all of a sudden.

“Xiao Mu, since my eldest son left, whether it is my second son or He Feng, he has called me every two weeks.

Even if you can’t say a few words, you can report your safety.

Actually, since He Feng didn’t call me and I couldn’t get through when I called him, I had a hunch…”

Grandma Wang is calmer than He Mu imagined. Although there is a deep sadness on her face, at least she has no tears.

“Did you know? Since the day after our son’s father joined the army decades ago, my heart has been held every day. I have never fallen. From worrying about him to worrying about our two sons, it has passed in a blink of an eye. Ten years.

I worry every day that I will receive news of their deaths in battle.

That kind of situation, I have rehearsed it many times in my mind, and even often have similar nightmares, crying and waking up from the dream every time. ”

He Mu lowered his head and was silent.

Perhaps this is the difficulty of living in this era. Whether you are on the front line or behind, there is something that holds you back, tortures you, and makes you unable to rest.

“Later, I got used to it and figured it out. After all, I am an ordinary old lady. What can I do if I worry about it? Can I help them fight?

What I can do is to cooperate with the country, take care of the orphans who are alone and helpless, and let those on the frontline have less worries when fighting.

If we humans really have a winning day, as long as I do more, I can more or less make the day of victory come a little bit earlier, so that those on the front can return home earlier…”

Grandma Wang slowly said, He Mu listened carefully, but her mood became heavier.

At this moment, he realized that the war with the monster is not only the soldiers and the Red Mist soldiers paying and fighting.

There are more ordinary people like Grandma Wang, who do ordinary, even very inconspicuous things.

But their hearts, like soldiers on the front line, are doing these ordinary things with a war mentality.

This is really a war that the entire human race is participating in.

The front line is a fierce battle, cruel fighting, and the back is a silent battle that moisturizes things.

No one can escape the shadow of war and the fear it brings.

This is the terrible part of war.

There was a long silence, and He Mu said softly: “There will be one day, and I promise that one day, you will see the people on the front line return to their hometown with your own eyes.”

At the same time, at the entrance of the Red Mist Bar.

A long-haired man touched his shriveled trouser pocket and hesitated to go in.

hesitated for a long time, after all, he failed to resist the temptation of the smell of alcohol inside, and entered the bar cautiously.

Originally, he wanted to see if any table had left, and the wine hadn’t been finished, so that he could take a while, but as soon as he entered, he met the big fat middle-aged man behind the bar.

“Li…Li Da? Oh…no, no, Brother Li!”

whispered, the long-haired man came to the bar with a stride.

“Brother Li, do you remember me? I am Xiao Ling from your neighbor’s house!”

The long-haired man pulled his hair away while putting it close, revealing a decadent face.

“Xiao Ling?”

Li Da was drinking alcohol. Hearing this, he looked at the face of the long-haired man and almost spit out the wine in surprise.

“Ling Hanxing? Is it really you?”

To be honest, if it wasn’t for the similarity between the eyebrows and the person in the impression, Li Da couldn’t believe that the person in front of him was the neighbor’s child.

You must know that Ling Hanxing was a high-achieving student and handsome. Because of this, girls often pass by even with his own door.

But the person in front of me is sloppy, his trouser pockets are rolled up, where can I still be in contact with the person back then.

“I said, why are you so confused?”

Li Da cursed with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

Since Ling Hanxing went to university more than ten years ago, he has never heard from this man again. He didn’t expect that goodbye would be like this.

The long-haired man smiled awkwardly: “Brother Li, what are you talking about? I was actually pretty good, but when I returned to Nancheng, I forgot to bring my bag. I didn’t bring any card or mobile phone ID. I only had enough cash. I bought a mobile phone, and I haven’t received any assignments in the past two days, and I’m unaccompanied, and it’s just like this.”

Li Da’s face slowed when he heard the words. When UU read www.uukanshu.com, seeing Ling Hanxing constantly watching the wine on the bar, he shook his head and took out another bottle from the bar and put it in front of Ling Hanxing.

“Please, tell me, where is the tallest place now?”

“I have been a university teacher since I left school, have you heard of East China University?”

“Top ten prestigious schools, where are you a teacher?”

Li Da couldn’t believe it.

Famous school teachers are all strong, but Ling Hanxing in front of him seems to have nothing to do with the strong.

Not to mention that he is only about 30 years old when he is full of money. There are very few teachers at this age who can be famous schools.

“Uh, I have been there for a few years, but the principal there is not something. One day I was sleeping in a daze. The old guy gave me time to trim my hair and said that I am not worthy of being a teacher like this.

I just replied, are you teaching me to do things?

As a result, he was beaten on the spot and fired. You said **** or not? ”

Ling Hanxing flicked open the cap of the wine bottle as he spoke, and then took a sip.

“Of course, I am still a university teacher now, and I have returned to Lingzhou City. I have traveled to many places over the years, and Lingzhou is the most suitable for me.”

Ling Hanxing said, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, and his tone was slightly sad.

“You came back from Lingzhou City? Are you still a university teacher?”

Li Da thought of something, and his voice suddenly increased a bit.

“Yes, Brother Li, can I lie to you?”

Talking, Ling Hanxing took out his mobile phone and found a photo of himself on a university website.

There is a short introduction below the photo.

“Ling Hanxing, deputy director of the Excavator Department of Lingzhou Vocational University.”

Hey fucking, not only a teacher, but also a director.

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