I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 29

Chapter 28 Scarlet Swaddle

retracted his fist, He Mu glanced at the red mark on his fist, and he had a faint enlightenment in his heart.

Combat experience is something that really can only be obtained by fighting continuously, there is no shortcut.

Because the combat experience includes not only the methods and strategies in the battle, but also the cognition of one’s own strength.

Just like him, even if he has 50 combat power and someone cuts it over with a chopper, he will still subconsciously dodge.

Because subconsciously, he is afraid of the kitchen knife, even if he can easily break the kitchen knife, he can’t escape the psychological shadow.

While fighting constantly, you can gradually eliminate this subconsciousness and discover your true limits.

Like the punch just now.

With a few more punches like that, he might dare to use his fist and something.

This is the combat experience.


Next to the Wei family’s third sister and brother, He Mu didn’t even listen. After he had summed up in his heart, three members of the special operations team rushed over.

“Where is the dead?”

“It’s inside.” Wei Lan pointed to the second floor of the next building, and said sadly.

The three special operations team members immediately carried a stretcher into the building, and He Mu and Wei’s third siblings followed behind.

When He Mu walked to the door of the house, two members of the special operations team had already walked out carrying a stretcher.

There was a corpse on the stretcher, covered with white cloth, which was dyed red.

Seeing this scene, He Mu’s heart suddenly became heavy.

Entering the room, besides the large pool of blood at the door, there are also wisps of blood forming a route, stretching towards the bedroom.

Walking along the blood stains, He Mu came to the bedroom.

The safe room of this family is inside the bedroom. Looking at the blood trail, it is obvious that someone has been injured and struggling to enter the safe room.

This made He Mu’s heart moved, and he blurted out, “Are the people inside still saved?”

The sigh of the remaining member of the special operations team came from the safe room.

“Oh, come and see for yourself.”

He Mu was startled slightly, and then walked into the safe room.

The special operations team members inside    raised the lights, and the originally dark safe room became very bright.

Seeing the scene inside, He Mu’s pupils kept shrinking, and his breathing became quicker unconsciously.

There was a young woman leaning against the edge of the safe room. There was a big opening in her belly, surrounded by blood. In her arms, there was a swaddling that was stained red with blood. In the swaddling, there was a baby sleeping soundly. .

“she was……”

He Mu pointed at the woman, and subconsciously wanted to ask if there was any help.

Wei Lan’s voice came from behind.

“When I came, she had already died of blood loss.”


Upon hearing this, He Mu took a deep breath and looked at the baby with sympathetic eyes.

At this time it does not know, it has become an orphan.

“Get the baby out, she hugs the floor tightly.”

The special operations team member said softly.


He Mu responded and stepped forward to help.

Just when he was about to pull away the woman’s arm, the mobile phone in the woman’s hand caught his attention.

Because the phone screen is still on…

He Mu slightly used his force, and the phone came into his hand.

At this time, the phone opened on the memo page, and there were a few words that were slightly misleading.

“The baby is lacking in vitamin D, and the doctor said to get more sun.


He only likes to drink that brand of milk powder, the kind at home.


The baby is allergic to rubber.


After   , the sentence became more and more chaotic. He Mu could imagine that when he took out the phone and typed these words, the woman was extremely weak and her consciousness was very vague.

But at the end, she still typed a sentence clearly.


“The house is no longer needed, the passbook is in the bedside table, and the baby has no other relatives. I would like to find a good house for him. Thank you very much.”


Seeing this, He Mu only felt that his heart was hammered hard, there seemed to be something blocked in his throat, and he didn’t vomit.

At this moment, he knew what every urgent task meant.

is not what he thought at the beginning, it means punishing murderers and killing monsters, it means money, city contribution value and psychological satisfaction.

What each emergency mission really means is likely to be a human tragedy.

While witnessing the tragedy with his own eyes, he found that seeing the miserable experiences of the same kind brought him a sense of grief that the mission gains could not be smoothed out.

At this moment, he didn’t want to hear the prompt of the urgent task.


exhaled again, He Mu cut out the memo interface.

The mobile wallpaper is a photo of a family of three. A man in his twenties smiles very honestly, and the woman also has a bright smile. Among them, the baby who is now sleeping in the swaddle is held up to sit up, pouting, with a face full of faces. Is reluctant.

He Mu didn’t dare to look at this wallpaper again, and quickly clicked on the call log.

The call log shows that the alarm call was made twenty minutes ago, which means that at most twenty minutes have passed since the Sickle Itachi raid.

In just twenty minutes, it completely changed the destiny of a family.

Ordinary people are so vulnerable.

“Is there any important information in the phone?”

Wei Lan asked aside.

“Look for yourself, there is this woman’s last words in the memo.”

He Mu’s voice was hoarse, and he put his hands in Wei Lan’s hands.

Wei Lan looked at it for a while, and it didn’t take long before the sound of a video rang in the phone.

Obviously, Wei Lan opened something that shouldn’t be opened, such as… an album.

“Look! This is my four-legged gold swallowing beast! It’s been two months today!”

“The baby tells mom, should I love my dad more or…”


seems to have heard the mother’s voice The baby in the swaddle woke up and stretched out a small hand to the woman who had lost her vitality above, grinned at the corner of her mouth, and made a “chuckle” laugh.

“It doesn’t have to be this way.”

He Mu couldn’t stand it anymore, took the phone from Wei Lan and closed the video inside.

The special operations team member next to him took the baby from the woman’s arms.

Wow wow wow…

In an instant, the cry is loud and clear.

Wei Lan looked at the crying baby, and said with difficulty:

“I…I should have come here earlier. If I were earlier, she might not die… Now this child is an orphan like me.”

After saying this, she turned around and walked out.

After a while, Wei Lan’s crying loudly came from outside, which was especially clear in this silent night.

He Mu sighed in his heart.

This world makes some people have to be cold outside and hot inside.

is like Wei Lan.

Those swear words, careless gestures, and tattoos on the neck are just protective colors disguised because of lack of security.

When Uncle Li said that the three siblings are reliable, he also believed it.

is also because of this, he has never been angry because of certain words and certain actions of Wei Lan.


After a while, the crying ceased, and the stretcher was lifted up again.

Seeing that the special operations team member was about to take the child away, He Mu asked softly: “This big brother, what are you going to do with this child?”

“Send it to the orphanage, if someone adopts it, then he can have a new home.”

“What if not?”

“The country will raise him up.”

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