I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 Heavenly Trench Pass, New Moon Alliance,

At the same time, the guardian of the South City lives.

A burly middle-aged man in a special operations team uniform sat face-to-face in front of an old man in a white shirt, with a simple desk in between.

The two are Sun Wei, the captain of the Nancheng Special Operations Team, and Wu An, the guardian of Nancheng.

On the boundary of Nancheng, they are figures who can affect housing prices with their moves.


“Old Wu, the people in my team were on a mission last night and they found someone suspected of the New Moon League.”

Sun Wei’s expression was serious, and his tone was even cold.

Wu An raised his brows and said, “There is a New Moon League in Nancheng, isn’t that normal?”

Anxiety flashed in his eyes, Sun Wei said in a low voice: “Old Wu, you will never forget that Lincheng was attacked by a monster wave three months ago. At the time of crisis, people from the New Moon Alliance in the city sneaked on the arsenal, so that The city was broken, and the civilians were killed or injured countless, right?”

Wu An shook his head, her expression rather helpless.

“I haven’t forgotten, the people of the New Moon League are like this. They can’t dormant at ordinary times. They are no different from ordinary people. They jump out at critical moments and give you a fatal blow.”

Seeing the guardian’s expression, Sun Wei, who had been solemn and steady in front of outsiders, stood up and began to walk in the house one after another, pacing as he said:

“Our lair near Nancheng has been restless recently. I think it might erupt within a year or two. Now I have found traces of the New Moon Alliance in the city. If we can’t keep it by then, how can we explain to the villagers in Nancheng? ”

“Old Wu, what do you say?”


That’s it. After Sun Wei paced back and forth for more than ten minutes, Wu An finally couldn’t stand it, and said: “I already have a countermeasure in my heart for this matter, but I will give you an answer in ten days.”


“Little boy, would I still lie to you?” Wu An scolded with a smile.

Hearing this, Sun Wei sat down at the desk again, his face lightened a lot.

Mr. Wu has always kept his promises, he has seen more things than him, and has a wider network than him. In his heart, Mr. Wu has always been an elder that he can rely on.

But the good times didn’t last long, and I didn’t know what he thought of. The captain of the special operations team became more and more angry. Finally, he slammed off the desk and said angrily: “Old Wu, I just can’t figure it out. Now we humans are already It’s in danger, why does the New Moon League want to make trouble internally! Are they not humans? It’s really a pain for a mother to be idle!”

Wu An, who was opposite the desk, glanced at the cracked desk, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and calmly poured Sun Wei a cup of tea.

“Although this matter has not been announced, it is actually not a secret that cannot be said. You are not so stunned. You know what can be publicized and what cannot be publicized.”

Sun Wei raised his head and said, “If this is the case, then tell me, what is going on with this New Moon League?”

Wu An put down the teapot in his hand, and the color of remembrance flashed in his eyes.

A moment later, he slowly said: “As you know, the meteorite descended decades ago, and various monsters emerged in an endless stream. That scene can be called the end of the world…

You said, in the last days, there are no rules and restrictions. The red mist warrior suddenly appears in the human race. What will happen? ”


Sun Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought of a certain possibility, his face became a little ugly.

“You mean…”

“Yes, the Red Mist fighters and ordinary people at that time were not as united as they are now.

In addition, at that time, the order was almost collapsed. Some Red Mist fighters who had gained extraordinary power did a lot of bad things for their own desires. They wantonly enslaved and slaughtered ordinary people…

Of course, because there were too many monsters and the flood of guns, ordinary people were not so weak.

Some of them also regarded the Red Mist fighters as alien, and shot and killed many innocent Red Mist fighters.

In the darkest time, some people even proposed to list the Red Mist Warriors as the fourth type of monsters.

Just like this, you kill me, I kill you, good people die, bad people die, the grievances between the Red Mist Warriors and ordinary people are becoming more and more unclear, and each other is becoming more and more hostile.

In the end, the two sides simply separated completely.

Among them, the Red Mist Warriors established an organization exclusively for the Red Mist Warriors, named “New Moon League”.

Ordinary people built a huge city wrapped in various technological weapons, including hundreds of millions of remaining survivors, called “Tianchi Pass”.

There are thousands of miles apart between the two, and each uses its own means to resist the monsters, and there is a tendency that the old and the dead will not communicate with each other. ”

Hearing this, Sun Wei was a little dazed.

He couldn’t think of how that situation developed into the current situation.

Especially the New Moon League.


Wu An over there saw what he was thinking, and sighed slightly outside the window, her eyes full of melancholy.

“Just like that, after a year, something happened.

In July of that year, through satellite monitoring, tens of millions of monsters were rushing from all directions at Tianchuan Pass.

There are obviously leaders among this group of monsters. In order to avoid all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, they are very sparsely distributed, and they even have the meaning of arranging troops.

At that time, there was no weapon reserve sufficient to destroy monsters of this size in Tianhou Pass.

In addition, the living space of ordinary people at that time was compressed by monsters to be very small, a large amount of resources could not be exploited, and productivity was limited.

So… Tianchiguan was in desperation.

At the most desperate time, dozens of nuclear weapons were deployed in Tianhou Pass. Hundreds of millions of people were ready to burn with monsters and jade at any time! ”

Hearing this, Sun Wei’s expression became nervous.

At this time, Wu An’s conversation changed.

“As a result, when the monster came to Lincheng and the death battle began, there was a scene that no one could imagine.

Nearly 100,000 Red Mist Warriors in the city stood up!

This group of people usually hides in the sky, trying to hide their strength, pretending to be ordinary people, so that they can live with their families, so as not to bear the strange eyes of others.

At this critical juncture, whether they wanted to protect their family or Tianchi Pass, they stood up and fought a desperate fight to help Tianchi Pass block the first wave of attack.

At this time, some ordinary people who had never seen the Red Mist Warrior before, just heard that the Red Mist Warrior was terrible realized…

The Red Mist Warriors are also humans, and they also have feelings.


Next, there was another day of war.

At the moment when Tianmaguan was facing the danger of falling again, the leader of the New Moon League, the first Red Mist warrior I recorded in China, and Mr. Mo Lingyu, who was later revered as the God of War, led the New Moon League with more than 300,000 red mists. Soldiers, rushing for thousands of miles, came to the front of the Tianchuan Pass to support.

What is meant by a smile and an enmity when meeting each other? It’s probably the same smile Mo Lingyu God of War had when he said “We are here” outside Tianchi Pass.

Hey, we humans like infighting, but at the moment of real survival, we will unite naturally again, don’t you think it’s very interesting?


Alas, it is said that he led hundreds of thousands of Red Mist soldiers of the Crescent League to support Tianchi Pass and gave a ten-minute speech.

He said, Tianchi Pass preserves the crystallization of Chinese civilization and wisdom and historical heritage for thousands of years.

He is afraid that after the destruction of the Heavenly Pass, his descendants will not know what is Huaxia and Yanhuang, and will even regard humans as a kind of monster.


He said, if you just sit back and watch, he’s sorry that the meteorite has just arrived, and the Red Mist Warriors hadn’t appeared before, and they sacrificed tens of millions of ordinary soldiers to protect the people.

Because if it were not for those willing to sacrifice, he would never have the chance to become a Red Mist Warrior.

Now the relatives and children of those victims are at the barrier of the sky. After thinking about it, he can’t do it because of the evil of a few people. After allowing the heroes and the compatriots who have never done anything bad, they become the blood of monsters. .


He says……

Follow him if you want to go, and stay here if you have hatred in your heart.

In case no one returns here, it means that the Heavenly Trench Pass has been destroyed. Naturally, there is no hatred in the hearts of those who stayed here at that time. I hope everyone can think of the same human beings and go to the ruins of the battlefield to collect stars. The fire of civilization preserves the heritage of civilization.


Finally, he said, he sees the world clearly, but he still loves the world.

He knows the sinister heart, but he is still proud of being a person.

Because in human nature, there is far more to love than you should hate.

Man is not a physical concept, but a spiritual concept.

As long as everyone feels that they are still human, then no matter how the body changes, they will always be human. ”

At this point, the guardian of the South City, who is more than a few years old, exhaled deeply.

” His speech made 90% of the Red Mist fighters of the New Moon League choose to follow him to support Tianchi Pass.

In the first battle to guard Tianchi Pass, the Red Mist fighters and ordinary soldiers fought side by side for the first time. In total, more than 200,000 Red Mist soldiers and millions of ordinary soldiers were killed.

Among them, Mo Lingyu, the other two strong men of the New Moon Alliance, and the two hidden powerful red mist warriors in the Heavenly Pass, severely damaged the monster leader who could ignore all technological weapons at the cost of all fall.

This is enough to repel the monster army.

After   , the five of them became the first Red Mist fighters to win the title of God of War.

Although except for Mo Lingyu’s God of War, the other four people cannot be called the top powerhouses now, but they are the most well-deserved God of War.

From that time on, science and technology began to lean towards the Red Mist Warrior, and the Red Mist Warrior also began to help mine a lot of resources.

The two sides completely put aside the hatred between each other, and a new order was established. ”

Sun Wei was a little surprised when he heard the words.

He knew the story of the Five Great Wars, but the history he knew started from the reconciliation of the two sides. He had no idea that Mo Lingyu was once the leader of the New Moon Alliance, let alone that the Red Mist Warriors and ordinary people had been opposed.

, he knew very well that it was the predecessor of Kyoto now.

“Old Wu, how did the New Moon League become what it is now?”

Sun Wei puzzled.

Wu An shook his head and sighed: “At the beginning, 10% of the Red Mist Warriors remained in the New Moon League These people either carried a deep hatred on their bodies, or they had killed ordinary people. Heavily sinful.

In addition, there are some extremists who feel that ordinary people are the drag of the Red Mist Warriors, and ordinary people should be eliminated by history. Because of this, they even hate Mo Lingyu’s God of War.

Later, some of this group of people secretly avenged their revenge and disappeared without a trace. Some chose to lay down their hatred and return to mankind. Some of them failed to avenge their lives and died in depression, leaving the hatred to the next generation.

Their next generation and those extremists who are deliberately hoping to destroy the existing order, enslave ordinary people, and restore the world to the form of the weak and the strong, constitute the embryonic form of the new Moon League.

Now that they have undergone decades of changes, the New Moon League is now full of brainwashed lunatics and conspirators. They believe in ideas that sound tall and do some crazy things. ”

Hearing this, Sun Wei was stunned.

The original issue of the New Moon League is a question left over from history.

“Uh, Mr. Wu, you remember these things so clearly, were you also a Red Mist soldier of the New Moon League?”

Wu An smiled when he heard this question.

“I am an ordinary young man who was protected in Tianchi Pass.”


Sun Wei was stunned, he did not expect this answer, because it did not fit the guardian’s stalwart image in his mind.


“Captain Sun, do you know the reason why we humans have not been defeated so far?”

“Technology? Red Mist Warrior?” Sun Wei answered subconsciously.

Wu An shook his head.

“Wrong, in the final analysis, we humans are one ethnic group.

The ethnic group means that someone is willing to die for me, and I am willing to die for others. “

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