I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 Into this world

With this loud noise, He Mu’s feet immediately sank two inches underground!

Looking at the bald man again, he staggered back three or four steps.

There is no estimate of strength, no weighing of pros and cons, the bald man roared as soon as he stood still, and rushed towards He Mu again.

At this moment, he has no choice. Whether it is the person lying on the ground in front of him who reacts and shoots at him, or the pursuit of soldiers coming from behind, he is a dead end.

The only way for him to survive is to entangle the young man in white short sleeves in front of him, kill him, and then use his body as a shield to kill the lying special operations team member.

As for whether it can be beaten or not, it is too late to consider.

Seeing the bald man rushing over, He Mu flashed through the scenes of the spheres attacking him in the reaction room, and conditioned his reflexive punch to the bald man’s head.

This punch is fast and swift, and if it is really going to hit, I am afraid it will have a headshot on the spot.

At this critical moment of life and death, the bald man also exploded with all his potential. He turned his head between the sparks and fire, and his fist rubbed his face and blasted past.

A sharp pain came, and the bald man snorted.

No need to look, he knew that the punch just hit his ear, and he directly knocked out his right ear.

Although    was injured, it aroused his fierceness even more. Taking advantage of He Mu’s time to close his fist in the future, he directly bullied him and hugged He Mu like a street gangster fight.

Immediately after his body turned, he walked around behind He Mu, and locked He Mu’s throat with his right arm.

“Death to Lao Tzu!”

The bald-headed man used frantically, as if he wanted to screw He Mu’s head off all at once.

But no matter how hard he exerted his strength, one hand was like iron tongs, pulling his arm firmly, making him unable to complete the strangulation action.

Seeing this scene next to Xiao Zhou, he didn’t shoot or didn’t shoot, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot for a while.

It was that after He Mu entangled for a few seconds, his heart gradually calmed down.

Although this bald man is aggressive, his combat effectiveness is not very strong. Judging from the strength of his arms, he is at least five to six points lower than himself.

I want to strangle myself, it’s impossible.

recalled the scene of a fight when he was a child in his previous life. He Mu stretched his right leg forward and bent it slightly, pressing his left hand against the arm of the bald man, and at the same time, he used his right elbow to hit the back fiercely!


There was a dull popping sound, and the pressure on He Mu’s left hand was suddenly reduced. At the same time, a warm heat sprayed on his shoulder.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to take a shoulder fall, but the power behind him was getting smaller and smaller.

Then, the bald man let go of his arm.

He Mu turned around.

I saw the bald man lying on the ground, staring blankly at the night sky, blood flowing out of his mouth uncontrollably.

The black vest on his body was even more wet, and the blood poured around his body.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the courtyard.

A few seconds later, Luo Sheng rushed into the courtyard with six members of the special operations team.

One of the members of the special operations team saw the bald man lying on the ground. First he fired a shot and saw that the bald man did not move. Then he went up to check the situation.

After a while, he glanced at He Mu, and then said to Luo Sheng:

“Captain, this man’s breast bones are shattered, his bones pierced into his internal organs, and he is dead.”

Luo Sheng heard this and looked at He Mu, whose short sleeves had been dyed red, and asked, “Is there any injury.”


Luo Sheng nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Zhou again.

“Are you locked in the east?”

“The lock… is locked!”

Xiao Zhou completely recovered, and quickly got up from the ground and looked at the screen.

The screen showed that the No. 4 target Yu Dong had already passed through the woods at this time, and rushed to another residential area.

“Target No. 7 has been killed by us.”

Wei Lan’s slightly arrogant voice came from the earphones at this time.

Luo Sheng said: “It’s great. Please also ask the three of you to go to the Anju community immediately, and the bandit leader Yudong went there.”


Getting a reply, Luo Sheng turned and looked at the special operations team members behind him.

“A lot of innocent people were bruised just now, you go to treat them, and by the way, meet other people to help the panic-stricken people.”


Six members of the special operations team responded and left the courtyard quickly.

“Xiao Zhou, He Mu, you are still here to track the No. 4 target Yudong.”


After the order was given, Luo Sheng jumped out of the fence and chased in the direction of Anju Community.


After Luo Sheng left, Xiao Zhou slumped directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

“Dude, thanks to you this time, I must treat you to dinner when I have time! The kind that the Red Mist Warriors eat!”

“What I should do, don’t have to be so polite.”

He Mu smiled back and sat on the ground.

His eyes were fixed on the body of the bald man from beginning to end.

At this time, he murdered for the second time, and it was the first time that he directly caused death.

But he didn’t have the kind of panic and fear he had imagined in his heart. Some just made him feel chilly and calm.

As if he was not killing a person, but an ordinary monster.

“Maybe you have seen more life and death in this life, right?”

He Mu laughed at himself in his heart, then looked up at the blood moon.

My heart gradually emptied. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

I can’t help thinking about how my brother felt when he killed for the first time.

Think about all kinds of messy things.

“Killing is inevitable in this world.”

He Mu whispered softly.

At this moment, in this courtyard, beside the corpse, he really felt that he was merging into this world, feeling the temperature of this world.

After Xiao Zhouping regained his thoughts, he continued to control the drone to track the No. 4 target Yudong.

From time to time, messages came from the earphones that Luo Sheng and the third siblings of the Wei family were exchanging positions.

Ten minutes passed unconsciously, and footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

He Mu abandoning all distractions and stood up when he heard this voice.

Before long, two middle-aged men in black leather armor walked in through the gap in the wall.

“We have received a real-time mission from the Red Mist Alliance system. Come here to support. Do you need help?”

After entering the courtyard, the two of them took out the Red Mist Alliance ID from their arms and shook He Mu with a very natural expression.

“People from the Red Mist Alliance? We don’t need support here anymore. You can go out and help the crowd. By the way, take a look at the explosion site…”

Xiao Zhou replied casually, his eyes never leaving the screen from start to finish.

He Mu frowned when the two men were getting closer and closer, and he said in a deep voice, “Stop, this is the control center of this operation, no one who is not involved should not come near!”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhou raised his head in surprise and looked at He Mu.

The pace of the two men also stopped abruptly.

A breeze blew by.

The atmosphere in the courtyard became weird.

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