I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 live for yourself

turned around, He Mu didn’t go to the Red Mist Alliance again, but changed the direction and walked towards Nancheng Junior High School.

It’s mid-July. The middle school students have just been off and there are no people in the school. But if you find the principal, you might know the specific situation of Lin Wei. No matter how bad you are, you can also inquire about her contact information.

after an hour.

He Mu came to a community near the school.

The principal of Nancheng Junior High School’s name is Shen Lan, and he is considered a famous person in the surrounding area. He inquired a little and knew that her home was in this community.

After searching, He Mu came to Room 306 in Building One of a certain unit and knocked on the door lightly.

Not long after, an old lady with gray hair, glasses and wrinkled face opened the door.

“you are?”

The old lady glanced at He Mu through the crack of the door, her eyes full of questions.

“You are the principal of Shen Lan, I want to ask you something about Lin Wei. I heard that she was a teacher in Nancheng Junior High School.”

He Mu is very polite and authentic.

Who would have thought of hearing this, Shen Lan’s gaze turned alert.

He Mu felt a sudden change in his heart, and quickly added: “Principal Shen, don’t worry, I am not a bad person. I can ask a few questions and just leave. Just ask at this door.”

Shen Lan looked at He Mu up and down again after hearing this, and then completely opened the door, at the same time very calm and authentic:

“I have seen too many young people, you don’t look like a bad person, come in.”

He Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully followed the old lady into the house.

“Sit down, first tell me why you want to inquire about Lin Wei?”

The old lady pointed to the sofa, with a somewhat indifferent attitude.

He Mu sat down gently, sorted out the words in his heart, and then replied sadly: “I am entrusted by others to tell Lin Wei personally an important news.”

The old lady shook her head when she heard this, with a sharp insight in her eyes.

“Lin Wei’s parents asked you to find out her contact information, right?”

He Mu was stunned when he heard this.

Where and where?

After recovering, he hurriedly said: “No, Principal Shen, why can’t I understand what you said? Is it possible that Lin Wei and her parents can’t get in touch with Lin Wei?”

The old lady didn’t answer, but she looked straight into He Mu’s eyes, as if she wanted to see He Mu’s heart.

He Mu did not evade, her eyes were full of sincerity, and after a while, the expression of the old lady finally eased.

“It seems that you have nothing to do with her parents, I am the one who cares.”

At this point, the old lady laughed at herself.

“Well, her parents are determined not to let her go to Lingzhou, and even came to me to make trouble for this reason, so I was a little too vigilant.”

“Then there is no need to make trouble without leaving contact information, right?”

He Mu is very puzzled.

The old lady shook her head again.

“You don’t know, her parents are gamblers, so they don’t care about their family, and they use her as a cash cow… In fact, she kept her contact information at the beginning, but she couldn’t afford to make hundreds of calls a day. The number.”


He Mu really didn’t expect that Lin Wei’s family was in such a situation.

The old lady over there seemed to have a lot of words in her heart. After she was sure that He Mu and Lin Wei’s parents were okay, she opened the chat box all at once.

“Lin Wei was a student of mine before. He is very sensible. He has been among the best in his grades since childhood. Not to mention the tuition is free, and he has also won a lot of various scholarships.

Unfortunately, she has no talent in science, so she can only learn literature.

Later, because of the restlessness of his parents and younger brother, after the college entrance examination, he chose to go to Nancheng Normal University.

After becoming a teacher, nine out of ten of the money he earned was given to the family…”

Hearing this, He Mu made up a patriarchal family in his mind.

But it is unreasonable. In this era, the proportion of men in the army is very high, and the possibility of death in battle is also very high. Some families are even afraid of having boys.

“So…Lin Wei went to Lingzhou City. Her parents were afraid that she would not give the family money and tried to stop them, but Lin Wei simply severed her contact with her family…Is that right?”

He Mu said softly.

“Well, it’s almost like this.”

The old lady nodded, then sighed lightly.

“Oh, what a nice girl, she was born in such a family, you don’t know, the day before she left, I went to her house and heard what her parents said…”

“What are you talking about?”

“Speaking of giving birth to a son and sending them to the army, even if they die outside, they can still move into the military community. They have money to receive every month and have a daughter. They don’t have anything to do with it. Now that they are finally a little bit prosperous, they want to abandon it. Parents go to the big city, it’s really a white-eyed wolf!”

The old lady was filled with indignation.

He Mu felt cold after hearing this.

This family is not patriarchal, but doesn’t care about family affection at all, otherwise they can’t say that “the son who joins the army and dies outside can receive money every month”.

Gamblers rarely have humanity, no matter whether it is in the past life or in this world, it is the same.

“But just like that, Lin Wei’s child still doesn’t worry about his parents and younger brother. Before leaving, he gave me the savings he had hidden for the past few years, and asked me to give her parents every month in the name of school subsidies… and said to wait for her. Pay wages over there, call back again.”

At this point, the old lady’s eye circles were red, and she subconsciously wiped the corners of her eyes.

He Mu didn’t feel like it.

“Her parents actually expected her to marry a rich man, but she hadn’t talked about it for years. I also introduced her to a Red Mist Warrior who was also a former student of mine, but she said she has a sweetheart.

I asked her who she was. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com wanted to tell her that being an intermediary, she said she was not good enough… Alas, because of the family, this child has a low self-esteem since she was a child, but she is actually as good as her. How can you not be worthy of someone? ”

“More than a week ago, she came to my house and told me that she wanted to go to Lingzhou. She was a bit emotional at the time, obviously she had just cried. I saw her pitiful appearance, without even thinking about it, I promised to fight for her. Fight for.

I think it’s better to leave Nancheng and live a new life in a big city than to be angry in Nancheng.

She also told me before she left…

She said she wanted to live for herself this time. ”

“I want to live for myself.”

He Mu sat on the sofa, his heart getting more and more congested.

Just like that, after listening to the old lady talking for more than half an hour, He Mu left the old lady’s home.

Compared to when he came, he had an extra piece of paper in his hand, with a string of numbers written on it, which was Lin Wei’s current contact information.

But He Mu didn’t know how to contact.

Because he realized that some things were unclear over the phone.

“Wait when I go to Lingzhou and then look for her.”

He Mu put the note in his pocket and made a decision in his heart.

And next, all he has to do is to concentrate on the task to get more city contribution value.

Without delay, He Mu left the community and got on the bus to the Red Mist Alliance.

An hour’s drive, He Mu once again came to the Red Mist Alliance.

came here before, just to play house.

But this time, it’s really going to be true.

Thinking of this, He Mu took a deep breath and walked towards the Red Mist Bar.

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