I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 341

Chapter 341:

The dark blue panel in front of him was closed, and Count Clentieu suddenly fell into contemplation.

“Infinite proliferation… What is this thing, it’s more shameless than our mages?”

“War Knight… One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?”

“Doesn’t that mean that there are three more monsters like this?”

The earl frowned, all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

Under such a doomsday threat, even he has no confidence in surviving from the boundless war machinery, let alone the war knight himself.

“This kind of thing, only the gods of the heavens can deal with it?”

“My lords, why haven’t you taken action yet?”

Count Clentieu frowned, “Taling, go and ask the Church of the Gods, and pass them the information about the war knights.”

“As long as the gods are still normal, it’s impossible to ignore them.”

Chapter 443 Finale!!! Finished

The infinite void, the stars shine.

A stalwart existence is stationed here, as if it is in perfect harmony with the world, and it seems to be independent of the universe.

As he got closer and closer to the Immortal King, Gu Qingan felt more and more detached, and everything was not stuck in his heart.

If she doesn’t want to, even if she stays above Ella’s world, no one can perceive her existence.

“Pray for the gods to take action…”

“It’s quite in line with Ella’s characteristics.” Gu Qingan chuckled and commented on this.

Praying for the gods, in this age when the gods are real, cannot be said to be a fault or a manifestation of spiritual weakness.

After all, gods are real and willing to help mortals to gain faith.

Almost all people in the world of Ella have a little faith in gods.

After all, in the world of gods, piety is by no means a manifestation of ignorance.

“If the gods make a move, it can indeed solve the current war knights. After all, the three powerful gods still have some spare power.”

Arcane, Eternity, and Destruction are the three main gods of the neutral, lawful, and chaotic camps, respectively. Converted to the Tianyun universe, they also have extremely immortal cultivation.

Unlike other gods who are in a storm of spiritual power, it is not difficult for these three to wipe out the underdeveloped war knights if they want.

However, Gu Qing’an wouldn’t let them relax so easily.

After all, what she wants is people’s tenacious and unyielding will in the face of difficulties, which can offset the crazy will in her own heart.

If it is to simply resort to the existence of gods without inspiring the spiritual power of the human being, it will be a failure for Gu Qingan’s purpose.

It’s like she wasted a wave of effort, how can this be possible?

“So I can’t let you all succeed like this, ignorant little god, can’t interfere with my plan.” Gu Qingan’s eyes showed a hint of coldness.

As for giving mortals a way to defeat the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, she certainly has it in her heart.

It’s just that this method can only be done by mortals themselves, and cannot be entrusted to the hands of gods.

Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the intervention of the gods at this time, so as to achieve the goal that Gu Qingan wants to achieve.

And it’s easy to stop the gods from intervening…

In the boundless void, Gu Qing’an looked at the splendid scene of the spiritual power tide. She looked down at the many gods in Ella’s world, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.


In the void, along with Gu Qing’an’s will, the violent tide of spiritual power became dozens of times stronger again, and it wrapped all the gods, like the eye of a typhoon.

In this way, the impact of the spiritual tide on the throne of the gods is reduced, giving the gods more time to prepare.

However, it is more difficult for the gods to interfere with the outside world, no! directly cannot be done.

Under the tide of spiritual power of this level, any power that the gods exude to the outside world will be instantly shattered by spiritual power.

Whether it is incarnation or spiritual thoughts, all of them cannot be transmitted.

“Just stay here…” Gu Qingan was very satisfied with the effect of his shot.

At this time, the gods in the eye of the wind are all in the heart.

Are you moved? Don’t dare to move, really don’t dare to move.

By this time, most of them can actually guess that there is a black hand behind the scenes. You see, how can it be natural that this spiritual power tide can become such a ghost?

Just… so what?

The Lord doesn’t care.

Even if they see the hidden dangers, what can they do?

Resist? Sorry, this will only die faster.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

At this time, the entire world of Ella and the world of Fah have begun to communicate on a small scale. In the two worlds, wormholes the size of one person will appear from time to time to communicate the materials and personnel of the two worlds.

Sometimes people walk and walk, and they come to a journey to another world.

At the same time, there have also been stable wormholes that can be passed between the two worlds.

However, these people who came to another world were not beheaded or anything, but were kindly sent back.

Because the two worlds have a common enemy.

【Four Horsemen of Apocalypse】

The source of these is unknown, but they are of great significance to human beings. The existence known as the Knight of Apocalypse is the common enemy of human beings in both worlds, and no one can stay out of it.

According to the information brought by the Doomsday game, as well as the summary of the information brought by the countless efforts and sacrifices of the players, the creatures of the two worlds have a general understanding of the Knights of Apocalypse.

[Every once in a while, there will be apocalypse knights falling from the sky, and they will become active after dormancy for three months]

[Apocalypse Knights, mortals are invincible, only by outsmarting the rules]

[All mortals can do is to climb, the Tower of Atonement]

The so-called Tower of Atonement is the ray of life brought by the doomsday game.

With the advent of the Apocalypse Knight, a corresponding tower will be built on the entire land.

This is the Tower of Atonement, and the last hope that the Doomsday game brings.

[Whoever climbs to the top of the tower can destroy the corresponding apocalypse knight]

In the process of climbing the Tower of Atonement, mortals will encounter various difficulties, and if they overcome difficulties, they will be rewarded.

Or a magic weapon, or a secret book, or a spiritual object that directly enhances the cultivation base…

The higher the level of climbing, the more difficult they will encounter, but at the same time, they will get more rewards that can promote them to become stronger.

Of course, the tower does not need to be directly reached there to climb. Those who are qualified as players can climb the tower after falling into a dream every day.

However, one thing to note is that although it is only a dream, each player has only three chances at a time. If they all die, it will take a long time to cultivate.

If all three chances are used up, if you continue to fail to climb the tower, you will die, and you will die together with your own body in reality.

Fortunately, during the climbing process of the Tower of Atonement, you can exit at any time and save your progress at any time.

But even so, many people died in the process of climbing the tower.

As for why human beings are so persistent in climbing the tower?

Then we have to talk about another mechanism brought by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

[When there are four apocalyptic knights of war, famine, death, and plague on the earth at the same time, the end of mankind will be announced, and the end will come completely]

[And every once in a while, an apocalypse knight will come]

This also means that humans need to eliminate a knight of the apocalypse within a given time…

This means countless sacrifices and pains. It can only be said that appreciating the struggles of mortals is really a bad taste for gods.

And among the countless climbers.

Su Xiaoshuang is one of the best climbers.

After all, the fifth- and sixth-order people have to fight against the Apocalypse Knights in the outside world, so that their subordinates cannot wantonly slaughter humans.

After all, climbing the tower is more about intelligence and puzzle-solving than force.

The force level is also to suppress the realm to the same level, depending on the player’s combat skills.

This is also the opportunity for low-level extraordinary people like Su Xiaoshuang.

At the same time, it was also because of the rewards from the Tower of Atonement and the hunting and killing of the fallen church that Su Xiaoshuang, who had just become an official superhuman not long ago, began to soar into the sky and embarked on the path of his own protagonist.

And this is what Gu Qingan wants…

In the following five years, countless climbers fell, but in exchange for the disintegration of apocalypse knights.

Among them, many outstanding people who were originally in the stage of low-level supernatural beings have risen to the fifth and sixth orders.

The leader among them is Su Xiaoshuang.

In the past five years, she not only rose to the sixth rank like lightning, but also beheaded the two fifth rank who attacked Qingnan Mansion, and the rest of the fallen fell countless.

Even the Fallen Sons of God died at her hands.

Mass slaughter is the easiest way to use the godhead shards of Fallen Blood, which attracts Su Xiaoshuang’s hostility.

At this time, as Su Xiaoshuang once again climbed to the top of a high tower, what followed was the fall of the [Plague] knight.

The fall of this last apocalypse knight seems to have touched a certain joint.

Outside the crystal wall system, Gu Qing’an opened his eyes and felt the sense of peace in his heart.

“It’s time…” Her eyes moved slightly, and she secretly said in her heart.

The next moment, her figure flashed suddenly and disappeared.


The endless torrent of time and space, here is the gap between the two universes, also known as the Sea of Diversity.

There are many universes floating up and down here, and the power of time and space is unimaginable. You must know that the rules and times of each universe are different.

It is extremely difficult to cross from one universe to the other universe. Even Gu Qingan did this by relying on the backhand left by [Returning Ruins].

Not to mention, it is a completely chaotic sea of multi-dimensional mixed with countless rules. If it is an ordinary fairy, I am afraid that it will be shattered the moment it appears here.

However, Gu Qing’an’s eyes were cold, and a layer of golden-red light radiated from his body, isolating all these external obstacles.

The Immortal King, transcending all worlds, is an extremely stable beacon in itself, and it is difficult for any rules to override it.

Although Gu Qingan has not yet officially attained enlightenment, he is only one step away. At this time, it is time to take this step.

“My way, what is it?”

“Returning to the ruins is naturally inadvisable, so… it is naturally its opposite – [Original].”

The root of everything, the infinite rules of evolution, is the opposite of returning to the ruins.

In the beginning, returning to the ruins, watching each other, confirming the existence of each other, like the two ends of the time line, ending everything.

Achieve the unchanging past, the established future!

Back all the rules that you have mastered back to the original, like this, the Tao is complete.

There was no earth-shattering, no visions, just a simple moment, Gu Qingan successfully became the Immortal King!

As for the Immortal King, it was immediately different.

In an instant, in the void, a few points of gold and red emerged, merged into the body, and systematized Gu Qingan’s original, leaving only a little gold, attached to her body.

Gu Qing’an’s eyes narrowed, and his heart suddenly became clear.

[GuiXu] and her are almost one with two sides. When Gu Qingan became an Immortal King, he could borrow the power of Returning Ruins and possess some ultimate characteristics.

Vaguely, Gu Qingan seemed to see a woman with the same face as his own, but with a more lonely and deadly aura. She looked at herself with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

“Are you waiting for me?” Gu Qingan was silent.

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