I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 332

Chapter 332:

In the past few years or more than ten years, after the birth of the new generation of the fortress era, regional governance will inevitably become a trend.

However, the recovery of spiritual energy has an impact on the human beings of the Fah star, and it does not stop there.

The border between Shia and Sroia.

A minivan was driving, and although Sloya’s license plate number was on it, there were five people with Shia faces inside.

The driver was a man in his thirties, and in the seat beside him sat a woman with a baby.

In the back row of the van, there were two young people, one had eyes and was a little student-like, while the other was much leaner.

However, the faces of these adults were a little haggard, as if they hadn’t slept well for several days.

In the back of the van, the young man frowned and said, “There’s not much water and food, I’m afraid I can only last for two more days.”

The driver man said comfortably while holding the steering wheel, “It’s alright, we’ve already arrived at Shia. After a while, it’s safe to arrive at Fufeng City.”

As he said that, he gritted his teeth and said, “Sroya, the goddamn, usually pays taxes, but at this time, he doesn’t care about the lives of the Shia people. It’s really a bunch of beasts…”

There are also many Shia people in Sloya’s territory. It was the result of the war 40 years ago. A large number of core territories of the Shia Empire were cut off by Saint Ai and Sloya.

But at this time, the world has changed drastically, and Sloya hasn’t even built a fort in his own core area. How can he manage these second-class citizens, and simply let them fend for themselves.

If it wasn’t for Shia’s special broadcast, announcing that she was accepting refugees, and giving hope to the Shia people in Sloja and St. Egypt, they wouldn’t know what to do.

“It’s alright, it will get better when you get to Fufeng City.”

However, the shrewd young man shook his head when he heard the words, “Uncle Zhao, I have been to Shia. In the past two days, I have driven more than 50 miles…”

“If it were normal, Fufeng City would have arrived long ago, and now, we have just left the border…”

Hearing this, Uncle Zhao was silent. He actually realized that something was wrong, but he was still fantasizing.

And at this time, are they the only ones who are troubled by the new world?

When the original Fah star lacked spiritual energy, the entire world barrier shrunk down, forming the appearance of a planet, which is also the appearance of some worlds after the fall of the heavens.

The planet-shaped world is extremely difficult to fight against external influences, and there is no such thing as a round barrier world.

But at this time, with the infusion of massive spiritual qi brought by the tide of spiritual qi, everything began to change.

The first point is that the whole world is ‘getting bigger’, or filling, just like an inflated balloon, and the whole world is expanding.

The Fah world was originally a high spirit world, and it was naturally large in area, but it was only limited by the lack of aura, and it shrunk into the Fah star.

At this time, when the spiritual energy recovers, naturally there is no need to stick to the original size.

In the three months after the night of the blood moon, the entire planet Fah had more than tripled, and countless mountains and rivers appeared in the wilderness, making the whole world ‘unfamiliar’.

In these newly emerging mountains and rivers, extraordinary people from various countries found a large number of aura-intensive environments in them, and a group of spiritual fruit and spirits that helped extraordinary people practice.

In addition, the flesh and blood of alien beasts can also nourish the body of the extraordinary, which is a good psychic food.

Therefore, although the wilderness becomes more and more dangerous with the passage of time, human beings still have not given up their intention to explore outward.

For the extraordinary, the recovery of spiritual energy has allowed their cultivation base to break the shackles and begin to advance by leaps and bounds. Tier 3 and Tier 4 are no longer illusions, but real existences.

Of course, as the extraordinary becomes stronger, countless exotic beasts in the wilderness and deep sea are also getting stronger, and there is even a [Lord] who can order the beasts to appear.

Although the lord is also bloodthirsty and crazy, but to a certain extent, he can order other exotic beasts to launch a terrifying beast tide to attack the fortress city.

On the night of the blood moon, one year after the great tide of spiritual energy, human beings are still slowly repairing their wounds and trying their best to restore stability. The city launched a beast tide.

Originally, many small countries that retreated to the fortress were caught off guard and were taken away by a wave. Even a large country must have a team of Tier 4 extraordinary people and behead their lords in order to defeat the crazy beast tide.

Madness and reason, flesh and steel, endless slaughter between races, a new order is bred in the chaos.

And the second, the third wave of spiritual energy, and the subsequent influx of spiritual energy, added a few more fires to the disputes in the world.

It was not until the fifteenth year of the new century, the fifteenth year after the Blood Moon, that after losing a lot of territory and hundreds of tragic battles, human beings finally reached a dynamic balance with the alien beasts, and there were no more fortresses of great powers. The city was breached.

The alien animals have also formed their own food chains, and no longer rely entirely on humans for nutrition.

Most of the beast lords were also beaten, and they simply found a place with abundant spiritual energy, occupying the land as the king, and no longer thinking about attacking the difficult fortress.

The human beings behind the high wall gained a rare chance of respite, and began to hide in the fortress, licking their wounds, and planning a counterattack.

Fifteen cruel years have passed, and human beings can finally breathe a sigh of relief and think about how to save this cursed world.

Xia, the former Qingnan prefecture, is now the Qingnan fortress group.

The first ray of morning sun slowly illuminated the city inside the fortress, solemnly these poor mortals announced a good news, you have lived another day.

But at the same time, there is also bad news, you still have to continue to live in this hellish world.

However, objectively speaking, the Qingnan Fortress Group is a well-developed territory.

Before the new century, this area was only a second-tier city in Shia. After the new century, it has developed rapidly. In recent years, it has a tendency to be comparable to the capital of Shia and Shangluo.

And the reason for that… is pretty simple.

The key middle school of Qingnan Prefecture, Daoyuan class.

“stand up!”

“Bow to Dao Zun!”


“Thank you, Lord Dao Zun, for giving me a stable and peaceful life.”

“Okay, let’s start class.”

Forty students from the Daoyuan class bowed to the Taoist shrine at the top left of the classroom according to the class leader’s instructions.

The statue of Taishang Dao Zun on the shrine has soft and beautiful facial lines, and it looks like a woman with outstanding charm.

Obviously, the **** pointed to by this shrine is naturally Gu someone.

Since the birth of wisdom, human beings have always been keen to put certain things on the altar, as if they would die without a ‘god’, which is sad.

And the strong people who can show the real and unreal power are always more worthy of worship than those nihilistic clay puppets.

At this point, in class.

A girl who looked sixteen or seventeen years old with big watery eyes was sitting in a chair listening to the class, glancing at the niche from time to time.

“I really want to enter the Taoist Taoist School… If only I could pass the entrance exam… Lord Dao Zun is so handsome, I admire him…”


The next moment, a chalk tip hit the girl’s forehead precisely.


“Student Su Xiaoshuang, please stand up and answer the question.”

The voice of the bald old class who was over forty years old sounded. With the strength of a first-order extraordinary person, he could spot any student who had deserted, and then threw the chalk in his hand accurately.

“You are all going to take the college entrance examination, but you can’t be so sloppy. Now, tell me the impact of the third spiritual tide.”

“Uuuu…” Su Xiaoshuang rubbed her head and stood up.

“After the third spiritual tide, the shackles of heaven and earth loosened. The most important point is that it is reflected in the extraordinary. The extraordinary can go further on the basis of the fourth-order lord and reach the fifth-order [king]”

“And the alien beasts in the wilderness and the ocean have also given birth to the existence of the fifth-order beast king, setting off a more terrifying tide of beasts.”

“At the most dangerous time, a full nine beast kings were born near our country, intending to completely destroy Shia.”

“Fortunately, at that time, Lord Dao Zun stepped forward and defeated five beast kings from the sea with one enemy and five.”

“At the same time, several kings of the special affairs bureau also defeated the other four beast kings and defended our civilization.”

“Also…” Su Xiaoshuang replied fluently, repeating the answer to this question.

“Well, fine, sit down.”

Jingle Bell! The get out of class bell rang.

“stand up.”

“Bow to Dao Zun!”


“Okay, get out of class is over.”

Su Xiaoshuang packed her things, said hello to a few friends, and left the school with her schoolbag on her back.

In the urban area, there is a lot of traffic, and occasionally you can see extraordinary people rising and going high on the roof. In the past 15 years, human beings have finally recovered a little bit of vitality.

Today, in the main urban area of Qingnan Prefecture, there is finally a prosperous scene.

However, Su Xiaoshuang’s footsteps did not stop. Her home is in the outer city. Although it is also within a high wall, it is a bit remote after all.

Still, it’s safer than outside the city…


The next moment, Su Xiaoshuang watched helplessly as a two-story building not far to her left burst into flames, and a terrifying explosion shock wave erupted!

Along with it, there was a loud voice.

“Degenerate Church! You traitors from the Special Affairs Bureau, dare to come to Qingnan Mansion, die!”

“I…” Su Xiaoshuang’s mind suddenly fell into a state of downtime.

“What’s the situation? Bean sprouts and bean sprouts!!”

With the vision of an elite student of the Daoyuan class, she could sense the fluctuations like flames rising into the sky between the two superhuman beings who were fighting in that building.

These two people have at least a third-order level.

And… the fallen church…

Su Xiaoshuang’s face changed drastically, she was shocked and angry, “Those human traitors!”

However, at this moment, a bloody, embarrassed figure flew out from the ruins of the building and quickly fled.

And if he didn’t die, the direction he chose was the path of Su Xiaoshuang.

“Little girl, get out of here!”

The incomparably terrifying energy, even if it just radiated out, made Su Xiaoshuang feel trembling and unable to move.

“Damn… why is this level of superhuman being here?”

“Am I going to die?”

The next moment, there was an explosion.


An operative of the special affairs bureau stood in front of Su Xiaoshuang and blocked the church superhuman.

“In front of me, you still want to kill?! Death!”


With a punch, the head of the blood shadow exploded like a watermelon.

However, the man’s expression changed, “No, he’s going to blow himself up!”

In an instant, the headless corpse swelled up strangely, and then…


“No! It hurts!”

Su Xiaoshuang only felt that she had hit a truck head on, and a clear sound of bone shattering sounded.

At the same time, her pupils shrank, and she felt that something had pierced through her heart.

“Do not…”


Gu Qingan, who was in a palace on the top of Xianju Mountain, lowered his eyes, without sadness or joy, and looked coldly at the scene that appeared in the water mirror in front of him, especially Su Xiaoshuang’s terrified face.

“The fourth spiritual tide is approaching, has this world chosen its protagonist?” Gu Qingan murmured.


Chapter 436: Fighting for a hundred days, I want to enter Taishang Daozong 4k

On the top of Xianju Mountain, Taishang Daozong.

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