I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 33

Chapter 33:

At this time, a team of Jing Yaosi Rangers appeared and surrounded Ji Yiyun.

“Suspicious person, take away.”


Chapter 39 Chapter 39

“Don’t catch me!”

Ji Yiyun exclaimed.

‘Where did these Jing Yaosi Rangers come from? ’

But now is not the time to struggle with this problem, she quickly turned her mind and thought about a solution.

It’s definitely not possible to do it with hands. With her current rudimentary Taoism, it’s okay to deal with one or two bandits, and to deal with these dozen or so well-trained rangers, she will definitely die.

Can only outsmart, Ji Yiyun sinks his heart and points to Nanpingzhen with a look of fear.

“Just now, just now… the townspeople in the town have all turned into walking corpses, so go take a look.”

The leading warrior raised his brows and waved to the ranger behind him, “Follow me into the town to see.”

“Huh…” Being saved, Ji Yiyun let out a long breath.

“Oh, by the way, bring this woman.” The leader said casually.

Ji Yiyun was so angry that he blurted out a few swear words in foreign dialects.

“What did you say?”

“No…Nothing, I’m talking to myself.” Ji Yiyun’s face turned pale, and he was instantly cowardly.

She shouted wildly in her heart, ‘Fuck, can you not drag me to be buried with you when you go to die? ! ’

That is a strange state. Although it is a newly induced state, there are not many monsters, but it is not something that many people can challenge.

“I’m going to die… I’m going to die…” Ji Yiyun’s eyes were blank, and he followed the rangers to the town numbly.


As soon as he entered the town, Ji Yiyun was stunned for a moment. He drew a talisman in the void and released an unobtrusive Dao detection technique.

There is a strange atmosphere, but the strange… no?

In her previous life, she worked diligently in the Cursing and Forbidden Division for more than ten years.

In the current situation where there are not many treacherous situations, it can be said that many middle and high-level managers in the Jing Yao Division and the Cursing Division do not have as much experience in treacherous situations as she does.

Not to mention that she also knows many Dao techniques specially developed by later generations, such as the detection Dao technique that was performed just now.

But no matter how she detected it, she didn’t notice the slightest fluctuation in the strange realm, and there was no danger from beginning to end.

‘What’s the situation? ‘ Ji Yiyun looked at the corpses piled up and burned on the street, a little dumbfounded.

If it wasn’t for the discovery of these walking corpses, she would have begun to wonder if her parents’ death had caused her mental disorder, and imagined that she was a rebirth.

‘Here… it seems to be quite safe? ‘ Ji Yiyun thought.

Strange situation, safety, these two words that are completely incompatible with each other, there is no sense of disobedience.

Moreover, she scrutinized the wounds on the walking corpse.

‘Extremely sophisticated infuriating manipulation methods, the same position in the center of each corpse’s head was pierced with a hole of the same size. ’

‘This method of killing…’ Ji Yiyun only felt a sense of sight emerge.

She thought of someone.

A few years later in the original history, she had seen this scene on the battlefield outside the sky. The Cheng Dynasty was victorious. The bones of the six monks all over the ground, and the fatal wounds on those corpses were no different from these walking corpses.

‘However, shouldn’t that person be in the expedition army to conquer the outside world at this time? ’

Ji Yiyun’s small head was full of big doubts.

“Okay, go back and return to Master Qing.”

The martial artist covered his nose with disgust, the smell of so many corpses being cremated was unbearable even for his old ranger.

After Qing Qinan destroyed the bizarre situation here, she took the opportunity to say something to the people from Jing Yaosi.

These rangers are sent to wrap things up.

Ji Yiyun jumped up abruptly after hearing this.

“Master Qing?!”

“Is it Master Qing Qinan?” Her voice trembled a little.

The leader was startled, “How did you know?”

“Sure enough, it’s a suspicious element, take it away.”

“Ah!! No!” Ji Yiyun cried out.

However, Ji Yiyun’s wish came true, she can eat dinner tonight.

prison meal.

“Jing Yaosi’s prison food is really delicious. The prison is full of talented people. I really like it here.”

Gu Qingan, who was unaware that the butterfly effect caused by himself to save Heihe City, was cultivating at this time.

But even if she knew, she would calmly accept the title of Heihe City’s savior.

Maybe even a few words of “As expected of me”.

She just finished Qing Qinan’s small Xiuwu class and started a top-level exercise. Her mind was full of “I understand, so it is.” “It can still be like this, let me try it.”

As soon as he returned to Shang Luoyun’s house, Gu Qingan couldn’t wait to practice the end of the dusk map.

“Let me Kangkang how to practice this method…”

According to what Qing Qinan said, the first step is to visualize, to bring a trace of the true meaning of dusk to one’s heart, and then to run it with the exercises.

Little by little, completely transform one’s own true qi foundation, and when the first ray of twilight true qi is naturally born, this twilight end map is initially completed.

“Visualizing the true intention will consume a lot of energy, and it can’t be accomplished overnight, which will lead to mental injury.” Gu Qingan thought about the exhortation in the exercises in the brain. ”

“Then, try it first.”

Gu Qingan closed his eyes and lowered his mind.

In the darkness, the picture of the end of the dusk emerges.

‘With the heart to each other, feel the true meaning. ’

Gu Qing’an guided his will to the end of the twilight.

The image of the end of the dusk seemed to have infinite suction, and Gu Qingan sank into it in an instant.


Gu Qingan only felt that his consciousness was sinking and blurring.


When she woke up again, there were orange-yellow and blood-red clouds everywhere, and the ground was dry and cracked, revealing the bones of many creatures.

In addition to this, she could see the ruins of the kingdom, the ruins of the tower, just empty and without signs of life.

Gu Qingan seemed to be standing in the sky, staring at the apocalyptic scene.

“This is… the end?”

Gu Qingan thought about it, the end will come, and everything is gone.

While Gu Qingan was comprehending the end of the twilight, for some reason, an extremely thick sense of emptiness and sadness spread towards her from the surrounding environment.

Just being blocked by an invisible barrier outside her body, Gu Qingan only had some slight discomfort, and she didn’t care too much.

“Master has said that comprehending the true meaning will slightly affect the spirit, which is not a big deal.”

“Practice! How can I, Gu Qingan, be affected by these little things?!”

At the same time, the creek-like infuriating stream in her body began to transform into dusk infuriating at an extremely fast speed.

In the station, Qing Qinan was suddenly stunned while drinking tea. Did I forget something?

“By the way, I didn’t tell Qing An about the real intention of the visualization, so don’t sink into the mood at the beginning.”

Although sinking into the artistic conception can perceive the true meaning and transform the true qi at the fastest speed, the mental intrusion is also magnified several times than what is expected from the outside.

Although she also immersed herself in the artistic practice from beginning to end, it may be a little dangerous for Gu Qingan who chose the end of the dusk map.

Qing Qinan’s figure flashed and appeared directly outside Gu Qing’an’s house.

“Have you started practicing yet?” She was a little worried.

With a movement of divine sense, he sensed Gu Qing’an’s heart.

Calm and calm, almost no abnormal emotions.

Qing Qinan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, “Yes, Qing An shouldn’t sink into such a dangerous mood, right? I’m just worrying about it.”

I have a cold, I’m not feeling well

Chapter 40 Chapter 40

Qingqi Nan’s spiritual sense probed into every inch of Gu Qing’an’s body.

There is no problem.

It’s just, isn’t the speed of this infuriating transformation a little too fast?

Qing Qinan has some doubts about life.

“Is it so easy and simple to cultivate at the Jinyu level?”

I still remember that every time she immersed herself in the artistic conception with great perseverance and determination, she was tortured by the residual true meaning of the visualization map every night until she couldn’t sleep.

After half a month of not thinking about tea and rice, and unable to sleep at night, Qing Qinan successfully transformed her infuriating attributes.

But… looking at Gu Qing’an’s speed, it will be over in three days at the latest?

And there is no abnormal state?

Is this reasonable?

Qing Qinan expressed doubts from her heart.

At this moment, Gu Qingan opened his eyes, and there was some confusion in his eyes.

Does visualizing the true intention really have an effect on the mind? I’m calm, and I feel annoyed that I haven’t lost the match. Did I practice fake gong?

However, several phenomena of over-cultivation mentioned by Qing Qinan did not happen. Gu Qingan felt that the problem was not a big deal, and the practice was over.

She sank into the mood again.

After realizing that Gu Qingan really didn’t have any problems with cultivation, Qing Qinan scratched her head and left.

The time in the mood passed quickly.

It was not until the afternoon that Gu Qingan clearly felt the erosion of the cultivation technique on himself.

‘Cultivation is so tiring, let’s touch it today. ’

The initial erosion of the true meaning of dusk just makes people feel meaningless.

Cultivation is meaningless, learning is meaningless, eating is meaningless…

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