I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 312

Chapter 312:

Lin Simiao frowned, holding back her unease, and continued to read. At this time, this file was about to end.

However, the last sentence of the file made his pupils shrink.

[And… the twisted blood tree in the mature stage, it is suspected that… has wisdom]

“Wisdom?!” Seeing this sentence, he couldn’t sit still.

“Such a dangerous thing, hurry up and blast it with missiles!” Lin Simiao couldn’t help but speak.

The officer shook his head, “The above attitude towards the Twisted Blood Tree is to control and utilize it. After all, the Twisted Blood Tree is extremely valuable. Although its mist is dangerous to ordinary people, after dilution…”

The officer paused, a hint of hesitation flashed on his face, but considering Lin Simiao’s status, he continued.

“Those mists, after being diluted, can replenish life essence and prolong life.”

“Also, the **** refining masters attach great importance to this place.”

“Destroying this place is not feasible.”

Lin Simiao heard the words, her eyes flashed with despair, and sighed, “I understand.”

The power of the martial arts world is deeply ingrained in Shia, and the master of refining gods has all kinds of incredible abilities, which bring about the detached status of the martial arts world.

The military and the military are almost indistinguishable.

While speaking, the helicopter began to fall towards the ground, and they arrived.

Lin Simiao looked out of the window, her eyes trembling. Under the deep sky, a pale red mist shrouded several mountains, so dense that it was difficult to spy on them.

Not far from the plain at the foot of the mountain, a temporarily established military base has been under full martial law.

Teams of soldiers, armed with live ammunition, were on alert with all their attention, and countless lighting devices were running at full power, illuminating the vicinity of the base as bright as day.

The propeller whistled, causing a strong wind, someone on the ground gave a signal, and the helicopter began to slowly descend towards a landing area.


The eight-ton gunship fell to the ground, and the propellers began to slow down, kicking up fine dust.

With the help of the soldiers, Lin Simiao got off the helicopter. He looked at the mountain and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

At this time, when he landed on the ground, he realized more deeply that the influence of the twisted blood tree was huge.

The reddish fog covered the sky and the sun, as if it would swept down from the mountain at any time, giving people a psychological pressure like the top of Mount Tai.

Looking forward to such an environment for a long time, I am afraid that even normal people will have a mental disorder.

“Professor Lin, please come this way. We have already arranged some equipment, and more equipment will be shipped from other places in the future.”

The two said as they walked, and a team of soldiers followed behind to guard.

“We hope…” the officer said to Lin Simiao.

“You can conduct research on the captured living Twisted Blood Tree, of course, only in the growth stage.”

“Huh?” Lin Simiao’s eyes lit up. Being able to preside over the research on this suspected alien life is an extremely brilliant resume for his career.

Entering the research room, not long after walking, I saw the living body of the twisted blood tree.

It was immersed in a five cubic meter hydrochloric acid tempered glass box.

The countless eyes on it were tightly closed, and it looked like they were dead.

Lin Simiao walked forward, wanting to observe this creature more.

“Professor Lin, be careful, don’t get too close.”

“I see.”

But, right now!


The blood tree soaked in hydrochloric acid suddenly opened his eyes at the same time, staring at Lin Simiao.

The hallucination reappeared, “Sahusu Kuanka…”

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the base!

“Enemy attack!”

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the pale red mist that was originally entrenched on the top of the mountain, like a cloud, swept down like an ocean wave.

No, it’s not that the fog is sweeping, but the monsters in it are rushing down!

Chapter 418 No one really thinks Gang Jin is hysterical, right? 4k

What rushed down was not the body and roots of the twisted blood tree, but a monster created by some kind of fungus attached to the corpse.

Whether they were humans or animals before their death, at this time they are just carriers of fungi.

Huge yellow mushrooms grew up and down their bodies, emitting pale yellow spore powder, and came towards the base.

“Fuck!” An officer put down the binoculars in his hand, watched the fungal monsters rush over quickly, and cursed angrily.

“Fire! Kill these monsters!”

“Don’t let them rush over!”

This temporary base is not far from the mountain peak, only about two kilometers, and in front of these monsters who jumped more than ten meters, two kilometers is too close.

Da da da! !

Nervous soldiers shouted at the heavy machine guns that were turned on the base, and the muzzles sprayed deadly fire, interweaving into a terrifying firepower network.

However, this was of no avail. The number of monsters that rushed down was extremely large, and there was an endless stream. At first glance, it was collected from countless corpses in the nearby mountains and forests.

At the same time, after being attached to the fungus, these corpses don’t need to care about the damage to the flesh, each with infinite strength and extremely fast speed, even heavy machine guns can’t stop their progress.

In just a few dozen seconds, they began to impact the barbed wire and temporary fortifications placed outside the base.

At this time, the five armored vehicles in the base drove to the gate of the base, the barrels were offset and calibrated.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

The five tanks shook together, making a loud noise, and five large-caliber main guns burning with fire roared, setting off a **** storm in front of the fungal corpse tide.

The high temperature and the shock wave of the explosion caused many fungal corpses to be directly smashed into pieces. Even if the fungus was strong, it was impossible for such a corpse to stand up again.

However, the officer holding the binoculars sighed and his eyes were solemn.

He noticed that the rapid recovery of the corpse tide filled those gaps again.

“Time is still too short, and Fufeng and Xingyue Erzhou on the border are tense, and most of the tanks and armored vehicles have been transferred there.”

The internal borders of Shia are called states, and the interior is called provinces.

Every border state is facing huge military pressure, so the system is different from that in the interior. In fact, the semi-military control and militia reserve system are implemented, and the military has great power.

The border state has a huge military force. Of the two million active soldiers in Shia, 70% of the soldiers are on the border, while inland provinces like Tongchang Province have very few troops stationed.

Even if we tried our best to mobilize our troops, we managed to make up about a thousand people, and in the previous week’s exploration into the mountains, we had already lost hundreds of people.

At this time, there were only 600 soldiers capable of fighting, and the number of living fungal corpses that appeared now exceeded 3,000…

The battle between humans and living corpses, steel and flesh are intertwined.

Even if the gun barrels in the hands of the soldiers were hot and red, they only reduced the number of living corpses to just over a thousand.

Although the soldiers were not injured, they had lost their greatest advantage – distance.

Ten steps away, the gun is fast.

Within ten steps, punch fast!


A loud bang.

Countless living corpses tore apart the last barbed wire and charged directly towards the gate of the base, unstoppable!

In addition, there were several living corpses with cysts all over their bodies that jumped high and exploded in the air, and countless spores quickly spread out under the action of the shock wave.

“Get on the flamethrowers! Incendiary bombs!” an officer shouted, raising the nozzle of the flamethrower beside him and aiming it at the spore rain.

“No contact with spores!”

Without the urging of the commander, the soldiers quickly activated the flamethrowers. They were not stupid. When they came into contact with these spores, most of them would join the living corpses below.

Chi Chi Chi!

Rich flames spewed out, containing the spores, but they were unable to stop the advance of the corpse tide.


A giant fungal corpse, which seemed to be a combination of several living corpses, avoided the bombardment of the tank’s main gun with agility that did not match its size, and jumped directly onto a tank.

The bullets fired by the surrounding soldiers bounced off his skin like a tickling.


His arms were raised high, and they were clasped together to form a giant hammer, which slammed down!


The top of the tank was directly smashed by a terrifying force, and several of the drivers were killed by the force on the spot.

And this is not the end. The giant living corpse directly stretched out his hands and held the barrels of the two destroyed tanks. With a click, the entire barrel was removed.

The giant living corpse held the gun barrel in his hand as if he was holding a giant hammer, and then he turned his gaze to the other four tanks.


Drop, knock, explode!

The smoke and dust were everywhere, and the explosion of the ammunition depot made the corpse unable to move, but its purpose had been achieved, and three tanks were destroyed by it.

There are no obstacles in front of the corpse tide, and the entire military base is in front of them.

A large number of fungal corpses poured into the base, so that the soldiers had to fight with them, even though there were many body refiners in the army.

However, the living corpses they faced were not weaker than body refining, and their bodies were full of fungal spores. As long as they were inhaled, they would transform into new living corpses after a while…

After inhaling the spores, within a dozen seconds, the person’s face began to melt, fungal spores emerged, and then completely turned into a living corpse.

Looking at the melting marks on his body, he aimed the flamethrower at himself…

In desperation, a soldier overwhelmed by living corpses detonated his grenade…

“No…” The telescope in the officer’s hand fell to the ground.

It’s over, this base is over, even if there is a **** refining master in the base, it’s impossible to stop all this…

If it is not good, the tide of living corpses will spread, and the Qingnan Prefecture not far away will be finished.

And if the millions of residents of Qingnan Prefecture were all turned into living corpses, it would definitely affect the front line, and if Saint-Eye and Sluya took advantage of the situation to invade…

“No… it can’t be like this, then I’m Shia’s sinner.”

His trembling hand picked up the radio, “The situation in the outskirts of Qingnan Prefecture is out of control… Apply for a saturation strike…”

“The coordinates here are…”

However, at this moment.

A loud voice rang in his ears.

“Boy, it’s not over yet, you look down on this old man too much!”

In the blink of an eye, an old man in a white martial arts uniform appeared beside him.

“Elder Sun?” The officer was taken aback for a moment, but then hurriedly said.

“This place is over. You and Professor Lin will take a helicopter and leave this place. Master Refining God, you can’t lose it here!”

However, Lao Lao shook his head, stretched out his hand, and slowly clenched his fist. He was full of energy and spirited.

“Wait, watch me break the enemy.”

“Don’t!” The officer was shocked, what’s the situation with Elder Sun today? sick?

Divine Refinement Warriors are strong, but their influence on people’s minds, the pure physical strength, is similar to that of cultivating marrow.

However, warriors in the realm of refining gods, strengthen their spirits, and have an extraordinary ability to grasp their own fleshly bodies.

If it is said that Martial Artists can exert 50% of their own strength, then Divine Martial Artists can exert 100% of their strength.

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