I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 310

Chapter 310:

Feishamen said it was a martial arts sect, but it was actually a martial arts hall.

And Ying Lecheng is even more stingy, not even willing to teach his disciples the method of practicing dirty, only willing to teach his own son.

Such a sect, beheading their father and son, the overall situation is almost settled.

“Flying Shamen, Ying’s family is over.” Yu Wenrui gasped, and immediately motioned to his disciples to control the surrounding disciples.

“This… so cruel…” Someone on the side said timidly.

“Peerless murderer, Feishamen has really been bad for eight lifetimes, provoke this…” Someone’s face

Jiang Heng’s face was ugly, and he stretched out his hand to signal his subordinates not to fire. In a few seconds, the two practicing dirty were all dead.

How to fight this?

“How is it, Law Enforcement Jiang?” Gu Qingan smiled.

“What’s your history?”

Such a decisive and powerful martial artist really made him feel like he was stuck in his throat.

“It doesn’t matter what my origins are, the important thing is that I have no intention of expanding, as long as I keep the previous enterprise groups, in addition, the rest of the assets of this Feishamen…”

Gu Qingan showed a cruel smile.

“Chase order, performance mode.”

“Which other sects will send people to chase and kill them together, and which one will kill more true disciples of Feishamen, which one will share more.”

“Miss Gu, is this true?!” Yu Wenrui’s heart skipped a beat and asked immediately.

“If a gentleman says a word, hurry up with a whip.” Gu Qingan said lightly.

Hearing this, the eyes of the martial masters present were a little strange.

Fight to death, fight for power, fight for industry, what is it for? Isn’t it just for resources and land?

The martial artist refines and transforms qi, the physique is strong, and the consumption is also large.

Without the support of the forces, how can there be so many resources for the hundreds of people under his control who are not involved in production, and work their muscles and bones every day?

At this time, Gu Qingan directly sentenced Feishamen to death.

“You…” Jiang Heng couldn’t help feeling a little powerless.

“Also, if the Martial Arts Association can meet some conditions for me, I can register with the association.”

“Huh?” Jiang Heng’s heart moved.

This Miss Gu is actually quite talkative.

Half an hour later, Gu Qingan walked out of the gate of the Martial Arts Association.

The maid Xiaofang stood beside Gu Qingan’s coupe, and when she saw her coming out, she went up to her.

“Master, there was news just now that the remaining true disciples of Feishamen died, and the rest of the ordinary disciples were dismissed. Feishamen is considered dead…”

“Well, I see.” Gu Qingan didn’t say anything, got into the car calmly and motioned for the driver to drive her back to the villa.

This time, she has gained a lot.

In this half hour, the entire Martial Arts Association of Qingnan Prefecture has been controlled by her. As long as she gives an order, there is no problem in letting them go out of Shia.

Moreover, Gu Qingan also has his own official identity.

The Qingnan Prefecture Martial Arts Association is a guest minister, and his strength is… the goal is to cultivate the essence.

After controlling a martial arts association, she gave an order to let them use official forces to collect martial arts secrets for them.

You don’t need to be able to practice it. The more outrageous the description, the better. The description of ascending to immortality and becoming a Buddha on the ground should be given to her quickly.

With the strength of the Martial Arts Association, after a period of time, there will be results.

And she can also hide in Qingnan House unobtrusively, and at the same time, she can also use the official power of Shia to find the guinea pig.

Suddenly, Gu Qingan felt a sense of it and looked out the window.

At this time, it was when the high school was dismissed. Twos and threes of students walked by the road, and some who knew cars looked at Gu Qingan’s car with shock.

Gu Qing’an’s gaze, through the window, looked at an ordinary-looking, somewhat handsome high school student beside the road.

She pointed and said with a smile, “Interesting, it’s such a coincidence… Then… let’s see your good fortune.”

“Exactly, the stage has been set up, and there is still a leading role.”

Gu Qing An’s spiritual sense moved slightly, and an invisible ripple penetrated out, heading towards the ordinary male high school student, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into his mind.


Lu Haoyan, an ordinary high school student, certainly couldn’t have noticed Gu Qingan’s methods.

In this era of extraordinary extinction, now Gu Qingan can be regarded as the supreme in this world.

He just felt that his eyes swayed a little, and he returned to normal.

“Maybe it’s too tiring to study? After all, the college entrance examination will be in a few days.” Lu Haoyan rubbed his temples and continued to go home.

His home is a bit far from the school, but thanks to the well-established bus and subway construction in Qingnan Prefecture, he returned home in less than half an hour.

“Mom, I’m back.” He said briefly, seeing his mother still preparing dinner, Lu Haoyan returned to his bedroom.

His father works in the provincial capital. He is a state-owned enterprise employee who guarantees income during droughts and floods. His income is not low, but he is tired from traffic and usually only returns home on weekends.

Today is Monday, and his father Lu Qiao is definitely not here.

Lu Haoyan went back to the bedroom and sat at the desk. According to common sense, he should start his homework.


He took a deep breath, took out the phone hidden under the pillow, and clicked on an audio.

That’s… the audio file he found in his father’s USB drive.

Chapter 416 Blood of the Fallen 2k The last chapter is 4K

The sound of zizi electric current sounded, and tension appeared on Lu Haoyan’s face.

These electric sounds are not his purpose. What he cares about is the subtle sounds hidden in the electric sounds next.

Sure enough, it was the same as his last attempt.

After just a few breaths, it was horrifying like a roar, but with a hint of ethereal and holy chant, it rang in his ears.

“Moyedisa Lake Merroba…”

Hearing this voice, Lu Haoyan’s face showed a trace of fear and… desire.

This audio was found in the unplugged USB flash drive by using his father’s computer to search for information.

Curious at the time, he clicked on the audio file without any hesitation.

Ordinary people would actually only hear the sound of electric current, but… Lu Haoyan, like his father, heard the whisper hidden in the sound of electric current.

If people like him were placed thousands of years ago, they would have been born with extraordinary seeds, prepared by priests.

Born with the existence of [inspiration].


It seems that the blue is better than the blue, and what Lu Haoyan heard is more… more extensive than his father…

Not only will you hear a different whisper each time you listen, but there’s also the chance of sparking fantasies.

At this time, it is so.

Listening to the sound from the phone, Lu Haoyan only felt that everything around him was leaving him, and the whole world quickly turned gray and white.

The world began to quieten down, only the voice in his ears became louder and louder, which led Lu Haoyan’s spirit to gradually loosen up.

In his ears, all kinds of ravings and crazy prayers switched back and forth, never ending.

In a trance, he saw a dense and dark mountain forest. In this forest, countless black and red roots spread and grow between this gray and white world, and trees with countless eyeballs emerged one by one in the valley.

“Where is this? Hell?” Lu Haoyan was horrified.

This kind of thing can never be the native life of Dongzhou!

And at this moment, all the eyes on the black and red trees looked at him in unison.


Lu Haoyan woke up suddenly and found himself still sitting in front of the desk.

However, his body was already wet with cold sweat, as if he had taken a bath, and the clothes on his back were stuck to his body.

And the audio has finished playing, and the phone stopped making sounds.

Lu Haoyan looked at the time on the phone. At this time, only a minute or two had passed.

“Supernatural power…” He looked at his phone with a very complicated expression on his face.

The logical thinking cultivated by more than ten years of reading told him that the things behind this may be very terrifying, at least, it is definitely not something he can relate to.



Lu Haoyan held his mobile phone with great force. The meridian on his wrist bulged, showing that he was not at peace.

A teenage boy, who doesn’t have the dream of becoming a saint, one person enemy of the country?

At this moment, Lu Haoyan seemed to be standing by the lake, staring at the terrifying person in the calm deep lake, fearful, nervous…and…excited!

And… According to his two experiences of listening to whispers, even when listening, it will be very painful, but after a while, the whole person’s thinking speed will be faster.

“Haoyan, it’s time to eat. If you don’t come to dinner, you will come.” His mother’s voice interrupted his thoughts.


After having dinner and taking a shower, Lu Haoyan sat down at the desk again, opened his homework, and looked at the familiar questions. He hardly had to think about it, he could organize the answers in his mind.

And the topics of liberal arts, those that need to be memorized, also quickly emerged from his mind.

“Huh… Memory and thinking speed have improved a lot!”

After finishing the set of papers, Lu Haoyan’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the phone on the table again.


“Perhaps, our understanding of the world is just the tip of the iceberg…”

Although the spiritual energy has been cut off for thousands of years, people in this world already feel that the myths of the ancient times are just the boasting of the ancients. There is no extraordinary in the world, and we must believe in science.

However, the so-called materialism is the only truth.

If there are really extraordinary people who can appear holy, there will naturally be people who believe it, after these few days, especially after the changes in themselves.

Lu Haoyan had already believed in Transcendent, and…began to look forward to how he would change if he listened to this audio a few more times.

However, he is an educated person and will use his brain to restrain his greed.

“Next, once a week, wait and see, don’t have any sequelae, go to the hospital in two days to register for a check.”

“If you can really awaken extraordinary power…” Lu Haoyan swallowed, his eyes twinkling.

It was something called [Ambition] that took root in his heart.

Originally, according to the established trajectory, his life should be a normal study for the college entrance examination, and he went to a fairly good university. After graduation, his father would arrange a job for him.

Then, just like his father Lu Qiao, he lived a life of drought and flood, living together to eat and wait to die.

Lu Haoyan felt that there was nothing wrong with such a day. He was someone who had read books. Even if his grades were not top-notch, his mind was very clear and he didn’t get sick.

I know what level I am, and I am willing to accept the arrangement of my parents.


“Having an extraordinary seed…why should I live such an ordinary life?”

“I can…beyond the mundane, above the world.”

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