I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

The huge tentacles came straight at Gu Qingan with unparalleled power.

Gu Qing Anxin tightened, holding the knife in both hands.

“Breaking Soul Demon Blade!”


As skilled as she has used it thousands of times, Gu Qingan only felt a surge of energy in her body, her originally deep black pupils turned into crimson like red crystals.

In an instant, the scene in front of her took on a new look.

In her eyes, the gray and black aura filled the huge egg of chaos, but a faint light appeared in the center.

Gu Qingan instinctively had a kind of enlightenment.

Although the huge gray-black aura is powerful, it reveals a dullness.

And the faint light in the center is the key to maintaining the Chaos Egg.

“This is the soul of the person before, and if you chop it, you can kill the Chaos Egg.”

Gu Qingan jumped up abruptly and rushed towards the body of the Chaos Egg along the tentacles.

Chaos Egg danced with tentacles, trying to throw her off.

Gu Qing’an’s eyes were full of resoluteness. He stepped on his feet and jumped again. The blade pointed directly at the giant eye in the center of the egg of chaos, which was where the soul was.


at this time.


A tentacle hit Gu Qingan’s back.

The bones were broken, the blood splattered, and the entire back was sunken.

Gu Qing’an’s face was pale, the upward trend stopped instantly, and he fell down.

“The injury is too serious. Without a lot of hunting magic points and attributes, I will die without a doubt.”

At this moment, a fierce look flashed in her eyes.

With the last of his strength, he threw the blade that contained the power of breaking the soul.

“Breaking Soul Demon Blade, give it some strength.” Gu Qingan said to the tentacles surrounded by him.


The blade pierced the closed giant eye, and the Chaos Egg trembled.

The meaning of breaking the soul blasted into the egg of chaos, accurately beheading the original soul of Cao Honghua.

Cao Honghua’s soul is only one percent of the huge messy soul of Chaos Egg.

If it is a normal heart or star palace, it will not cause much damage in the face of this blow.

It hurts at most, and then slaps Gu Qingan to death with a backhand.

After all, Gu Qing’an is too weak. He has crossed two major realms, and being able to hurt that level of existence is already a powerful plug-in.

But Chaos Egg is different.

The air seemed to freeze.


A tentacle fell on Gu Qingan’s body, and the severe pain made her cry out in pain.

The smoke was scattered, the corners of her mouth were bleeding, and the organs in her body seemed to be broken, but her eyes lit up.

Just now, she clearly felt that the tentacles were not exerting any force, but simply self-respect.

Otherwise, she’d probably be dead.

Gu Qingan used her last strength to push the tentacles away and stared at the Chaos Egg. She didn’t know the power of the Soul Breaker, and she was very nervous.

Suddenly, the egg of chaos began to twitch abnormally.

Bang bang bang!

The flesh and blood on its body began to disintegrate in large chunks, and its huge flesh collapsed like a deflated inflatable ball.

Based on Cao Honghua’s everything and adding a lot of magical energy in the strange realm, the egg of chaos was formed.

Without Cao Honghua, the Chaos Egg is just a piece of meat.

A system prompt pops up.

[Behead the Chaos Egg and get 11 Demon Hunting Points]

[Haunted Demon-Egg of Chaos has been recorded]

Taking into account the 1 Demon Hunting Point given by the demon who killed her when she upgraded the punishment, she now has a full 12 Demon Hunting Points.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

‘What does this recorded mean? ’

But Gu Qingan didn’t have time to think about it.

If I don’t add my physique, I’m gone.

Life was of the essence, so Gu Qingan added 5 points of physique neatly.

At the moment when the attributes were added, an unimaginably large amount of warm heat was generated in her body, and the shattered bones on the back that had just been beaten began to assemble and grow.


Gu Qing’an’s throat was sweet, and a burst of blood spurted out, and she felt much better in an instant.


The infuriating qi was running, and the whole body was looked inward, and the injury just now was almost healed.

“By the way, Senior Sister, where is my Senior Sister?” Gu Qingan stood up.

Looking left and right, I finally found Shang Luoyun by a wall.

She is playing with mud.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Qingan’s mouth twitched.

At this time, Shang Luoyun had already repaired his injuries, but he looked even more stunned.

“Sister Shang?”

“Hmm…” Shang Luoyun tilted his head and looked at Gu Qingan with wide eyes.

In the next instant, Shang Luoyun jumped up and threw himself into Gu Qing’an’s arms.

Shang Luoyun: /≧▽≦)/”

Gu Qingan was stunned for a while, a little at a loss.

Where is that arrogant, mature business sister?

Naturally, she didn’t know that too much regeneration in a short period of time would lead to unconsciousness and blunt thinking for a period of time.

“Oh, don’t lick…” Gu Qingan held Shang Luoyun’s head, and Senior Sister’s tongue licked her so itchy.

Shang Luoyun turned a deaf ear, and based on her vague residual memory, she judged that Gu Qingan was a friendly object, and instinctively wanted to be intimate with her.


Eh? What’s up with this?


At this moment, a loud noise came from the air.

Gu Qingan only felt the ground vibrate violently, his body was tense, and he was immediately alert.

Even Shang Luoyun, who was in his arms, was blown away and looked up at the sky.


The whole strange realm shook again, and then it shattered, as if re-coloring everything, and the dead gray and white disappeared.

Gu Qing was startled and looked up.

At this time, Nanping Town in reality was still at night, but the sky was as bright as day.

A cyan figure stood in the air, exuding endless pressure.

The cyan flame emanating from her body was like a cyan sun, suppressing the brilliance of the bright moon.

The egg of chaos was beheaded, and the strange state had no owner. Qing Qinan itself was a top-level divine will, and it was easy to find and smash the strange state here.

After Qing Qinan smashed the strange realm, she swept away her spiritual thoughts, and everything in the town was clear in her mind.

“Luo Yun?!” Her heart tightened.

She noticed that Shang Luoyun’s situation was wrong.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

People safe is good.

Stepping forward, he landed in front of Gu Qingan in the blink of an eye.

Gu Qingan only felt that his eyes flickered, and the next moment, a woman landed in front of him.

Gu Qing’an was startled. The woman in front of her had delicate facial features, snow-white complexion, short cyan hair reaching to her shoulders, and the ends were slightly rolled up. The fine bangs covered her left eye, and the light in her right eye was mysterious and unpredictable.

There is an invisible majesty on his body, which can only be possessed by the superior who has been in power for a long time, and who can take life and death.

“Senior is…” Gu Qingan said tentatively.

“Ow!” Shang Luoyun, who was still in Gu Qing’an’s arms a second ago, went up and hugged Qing Qinan, looking extremely well-behaved, like a docile and clingy cat.

Gu Qingan was stunned: “?”

Qing Qinan touched Shang Luoyun’s face and smiled.

“Meeting for the first time, I’m Qing Qinan.”

“It’s also your master.”

Chapter 35 Chapter 35

Qingqi stretched out her hand towards Gu Qingan in the south, “Let’s go first, the two of you will survive in this town.”

While they were talking, townspeople with stiff expressions, or walking corpses, began to gather towards their location.

Gu Qingan grabbed Qing Qinan’s hand, and the green light rose up into the air.

Qing Qinan took out a small flying boat instrument from the storage ring and put Gu Qingan and the two in it.

‘These walking corpses can’t be left alone…’

Qing Qinan glanced at her eyes, and a burst of true energy popped out.

The true energy was divided into thousands in the air, shuttled through the town, and the walking corpses fell like reaping wheat.

“Come on.” Qing Qinan smiled, then frowned again.

“Is it a bit of a waste, these walking corpses seem to be able to be used for mining?”

“That’s all…”

She shrugged and stepped into the flying boat.

The flying boat is similar to a daily room, with a very spacious space, a bed, and several tables and chairs.

“Master Qing.”

Qing Qinan looked at the injuries on Gu Qing’an and Shang Luoyun, and took out two green leaves from the storage ring.

Ye Hua Qingguang poured into the two of them.

Gu Qingan only felt a pleasant coolness. Some of the internal injuries that were still aching before disappeared, and the whole person felt light.

Qing Qinan sat down in front of Gu Qingan.

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