I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 23

Chapter 23:

Then there was another smile, how could there be people in this place, most of them are some kind of demon.

The system radar map flashed, and sure enough, another red dot appeared there.

‘Go and see if you can find a chance to kill it. ’

With such thoughts in mind, Gu Qingan walked over.

It has to be said that Liu Yunsi and Yu Ye cooperated really well.

Gu Qingan felt that his ability to infiltrate would definitely blow up the female investigators in some literary and artistic works.

“Cough cough! Cough cough…”

The coughing in the house was very fast and painful.

Gu Qingan thought about it, kicked the door, and shouted.

“Open the door, pay the tax!”

Then he jumped back suddenly and landed a few meters away.

As soon as the coughing in the room stopped, a faint and old voice sounded.

“Help me, I’m sick.”

“Okay, old man, come out first.”

“I have trouble with my legs.”

“It’s okay, you crawl out with your hands.”

“…” The voice inside was silent.

Gu Qingan smiled, it was impossible to let me in anyway.

“Young man, can you go to Zhenbei Pharmacy to get me some medicine?”


Gu Qingan responded casually, and suddenly she had an idea.

“Old man, wait a minute, I’ll be right back.”

“Don’t move.”

Regardless of whether the room gave a reply or not, Gu Qingan flew towards the station.

She suddenly remembered that there was a lot of kerosene there.

Not long after, Gu Qingan came back with two bags.

With a smile on her face, she shook the kerosene bottle in her hand. The kerosene bottle was half full, and there was a small cloth on the bottle mouth stained with flammable liquid.

Simple and easy to use, just ignite the cloth at the mouth of the bottle and throw it out.

“Old man, the medicine is here! Take it.”

Hearing inside the house.


The door opened a small gap.

Gu Qingan threw a lit bottle of kerosene into it.

Then quickly ran back.


There was a loud noise in the house, and the fire could be seen outside the window.

Gu Qing’an looked at the fire, and felt a little uneasy, “Is it my killing to be directly burned to death?”

“Don’t black out my hunter.”

She looked at the house worriedly and asked aloud.

“Old man, are you okay?”

But there was only a roar of pain in the room, and the sound of sizzling oil could be faintly heard.

The fire of the kerosene bombs burned more and more vigorously, and the whole room began to smoke.

At this moment, there was a low voice of resentment from inside the house.

“Human! I’m going to kill you!”

A monster with a rotting body that looked like an old man rushed out.

His body was scorched red, and his entire face was scorched black by the flames, with some unextinguished flames.

“Good come!”

How could Gu Qingan be afraid of you? Just waiting for you to come out and die!


Infuriating with infuriating energy, with a knife, a terrifying surge of power directly slapped the half-cooked corpse on the ground.

‘This demon is really weak. ‘ Gu Qingan felt the power from the sword and thought to himself.

With the completion of body forging and the blessing of attributes, Gu Qingan has been able to crush the monsters of different levels in terms of physical fitness.

The hand did not stop.

Gu Qing’an generally doesn’t speak harshly unless it is confirmed that the opponent is completely dead or completely non-threatening.

Another knife, with a relaxed head.

[Beheading the rotten corpse of a different-level demon, get 1 hunting point]

The corners of Gu Qing’an’s mouth rose, and there was some emotion in his heart.

Once upon a time, the alien monsters who could kill me easily in the past have become trash fish that can be killed with a little effort.

She didn’t even need to use discipline.

Originally, true qi warriors were not afraid of the vast majority of monsters of different levels, but Gu Qingan was much stronger than the average true qi warrior.

Thinking about it, she glanced at the attribute panel.

Name: Gu Qingan

Cultivation: True Qi Realm (gaseous state)

Strength: 2

Agility: 2

Constitution: 5

Defense: 2

Skill: Punishment LV.2 (3/5)

Demon Hunting Points: 2

I’ve saved 2 points of hunting magic, and I can get a wave.

Gu Qingan pondered for a moment, “A little bit of strength and agility.”

【Strength: 3】

[Agility: 3]

A wave of heat emerged, and Gu Qingan was shocked, but at this time, she was already a senior martial artist who had been practicing hard for a whole month, and she was no longer a novice who did not know martial arts.

After a short period of activity, you get used to the added physical fitness.

Moreover, after the strength attribute was increased, there seemed to be some changes.

Gu Qingan felt that the infuriating energy in his body seemed to be sharper.

Infuriated in her hands, she squatted down, found a stone, and pinched it.


Under the pressure of infuriating energy, the stone quickly turned into stone powder.

She had done something similar before, but at that time she had to use her own power to turn her fossils into powder.

At this time, only infuriating was used.

Strength attribute can affect the lethality of infuriating.

“Sure enough, the four attributes are not as simple and simple as the name.”

“Agility should also have mysteries, but there is no time for detailed experiments at this time.”

“This place is really a treasure.” She smiled.

Demon = Demon Hunting Point = Stronger

Looking at [Retribution LV.2 (3/5)] on the attribute panel, she was full of energy.

After counting the remaining kerosene, Gu Qingan walked into the distance.

“Does anyone need help?”

“Provide free cross-border services for those who are stuck here, come quickly.”

Indeed, the kind that crosses the realm of life and death.

crackle crackle.

Gu Qingan took off the hood of the raincoat and let the raindrops fall on her face to cool her down.

The blaze raised the temperature in the air several degrees.

She looked at the fire burning in front of her and couldn’t help but admire.

‘My dear, I used five bottles of kerosene in a row and didn’t even make a sound. ’

Gu Qingan was also confused.

On the street just now, she found two more demons in the house.

One has turned into her hunting point, adding to the defensive attributes.

But it was embarrassing in front of him.

The kerosene used so much that she couldn’t even get in.

She shouted outside, “Brother, stop resisting, the fire is so big, come out quickly.”

‘Quickly come out and die, let me punish and upgrade. ’

Just then, a mutation arose.


The wall on the side collapsed suddenly, a blue-black arm stretched out from the wall, and a terrifying muscle monster emerged.

Cao Honghua said solemnly, “Little bug, I found you!”

Part 29 Chapter 29

“Why didn’t the system give an early warning?!” Gu Qing felt a little nervous.

Although Cao Honghua is now more terrifying than many demons, he is indeed not a demon and the system cannot detect it.

“Die.” The speed of Cao Honghua’s terrifying body was astonishingly fast, and he was in front of Gu Qingan in an instant.

The blue-black palms turned into claws, grabbing straight at Gu Qing’an’s head.

Cao Honghua’s heart was not disturbed.

In his opinion, even if the strange realm suppresses the primordial power and the effect of Taoism is greatly reduced, but he can still shake the innate and deal with a true qi simply by relying on this fleshly body?

Piece of cake.


The sharp claws approached, Gu Qingan waved the knife to block, and an unimaginable force came, and Gu Qingan was smashed into a room across the street.

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