I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 19

Chapter 19:

Chapter 24 Chapter 24 Youquan (recommended ticket!)

“Well…” Shang Luoyun said with a smile, his words changed.

“You kiss me and I’ll tell you.”

ah this? Gu Qingan’s face stiffened.

A trace of loss appeared in Shang Luoyun’s eyes.

Are you in a hurry?

She concealed her emotions and said with a smile, “Hee hee, alright, I won’t make fun of you.”

Shang Luoyun said sternly, “Most of the demons are born irregularly. Maybe it was just a coincidence that it was difficult for us, Jing Yaosi, to find out the first time.”

“However, the murderous nature of demons is hard to hide. The rangers under our command can usually find their traces in three or four days, and then judge their strength. If they can kill, they will kill themselves. If they can’t, they will come back and call someone.” Shang Luoyun said with a shrug. Shrug.

“Huh?” Sadly, the idea of squatting and killing monsters was shattered.

“However, there are still some areas that belong to the rule nodes, and there will be a lot of monsters in them, and there will be special suppression points in the Jing Yao Division.”

Gu Qing’an’s eyes lit up.

He hurriedly asked, “Senior Sister Shang, do we have such a repression point in Quan’an County?”

“Yes, but why are you asking this? Suppression is dangerous.”

Shang Luoyun looked at Gu Qingan and said sternly, “The suppression in Quan’an County named Youquan, if you don’t reach the True Qi state, you will die if you enter it.”

Seeing Shang Luoyun’s seriousness, Gu Qingan nodded, “I see.”

True Qi realm, according to her current progress, if she works hard, she will be able to cultivate it at the end of the month.

Since Sister Shang said that, I will wait.

What can’t wait, don’t I live next month?

At this time, Shang Luoyun looked at her and smiled again, “Junior Sister Qing’an wants to meet a demon, right?”


By the way, let’s see if we can K two heads.

“That’s it, at the end of this month, I will go out to inspect the edge of Heihe City. If you can complete your fitness before then, Qing’an, I will bring you with me.”

Gu Qing’an’s eyes flashed, “Thank you, Senior Sister Shang.”

“Small things, small things.” Shang Luoyun smiled indifferently.

Gu Qingan was able to take the initiative to propose the idea of seeing the demon, which made her feel a little relieved.

People in the Jing Yao Division must have the courage to face the demon.

“However, if you want to go out with me, your martial skills can’t be too bad.”

“From now on, I will practice martial arts with me for half an hour every day.”

“starting today.”

The two wiped it off and put on light white training clothes.

The backyard of Shang Luoyun’s residence is a small indoor martial arts field.

Even though the sun had set at this time, the lighting Taoist technique on the ceiling still made the martial arts field as bright as day.

Shang Luoyun was wearing a white training suit, his purple hair was tied into a high ponytail, and there were still water droplets from the medicinal bath in his hair.

She walked to the weapon rack, “Junior Sister Qing An, what weapon do you like?”

“Like… knives.”

“Have you used it?”


Shang Luoyun smiled, “Shhh!”

He took out a wooden knife from the weapon rack in front of him and threw it to Gu Qingan.

He also took out a wooden knife.

She held the wooden knife in both hands and took a stance.

Gu Qingan looked at Shang Luoyun who was standing holding a knife in front of him, feeling that he couldn’t take his eyes away.

It’s not that I suddenly found out ‘Why is my senior sister so beautiful’, but literally I can’t look away.

On Shang Luoyun, there was an indescribable sense of oppression.

Like putting a ticking bomb in front of you, the strong presence makes you unable to look away.

In Gu Qing’an’s eyes, everything turned pale, the air around her became dignified, her body trembled slightly, her pupils shrank, and the whole person entered a state of trance.

In his eyes, only Shang Luoyun was alone.

A knife.

At this time, Shang Luoyun said.

“As the saying goes, swordsmanship is important, and swordsmanship is important.”

Her voice seemed to come from outside the sky, through an invisible diaphragm, it sounded unreal.

Suddenly, Shang Luoyun moved.

The knife is like a ghost.

The speed of each knife is not fast. Gu Qingan’s dynamic vision is very strong, and she can clearly see Shang Luoyun’s movements.

But gradually, the ordinary wooden knife became more and more dazzling and dazzling with every swing of Shang Luoyun.

The trajectory of the sword light remains in the air, and it will not go away for a long time.

Her movements gradually blurred, and in Gu Qing’an’s eyes there was only the trajectory of the wooden knife.


The wooden long knife burst into an amazing silver light!

Like a sharp magic weapon.


At this moment, Shang Luoyun retracted his sword and sheathed it.

“You can’t see the knife at the back, it will hurt your mind.”

“Huhu…” Gu Qingan finally got rid of that trance.

She gasped, her chest heaving uncontrollably.

Gu Qingan closed her eyes, and the trajectory of the knife light appeared in her mind, lingering.

【Accept the true kind of sword intent】

Shang Luoyun stepped forward and patted Gu Qingan on the shoulder, she gasped slightly.

After all, the innate is not the light of the heart, and the true meaning of the swordsmanship is taught by the heart and the heart, which makes her a little tired.

“With this true seed of saber intent, practicing saber art is a thousand miles a day.”

Gu Qingan raised his head, his eyes flickered, and sincerely said, “Thank you, Senior Sister Shang.”

Shang Luoyun smiled, “This sword technique has no name.”

“It was created when I was sitting in Youquan, watching the depth and feeling of Youquan.”

“Take the meaning of confounding the gods and stealing the soul.”

She then sighed again.

“Youquan is strange and deep, even if you are promoted to Innate and even Xinguang in the future, you must remain in awe of these suppression points.”

“In the suppression points that still exist today, there are a lot of foreign rules condensed, and all kinds of strange things will happen.”

“Go deep into the suppression point, and if your mind is shaken a little, you will have hallucinations and trance, ten times stronger than before.”

Gu Qingan didn’t know where Shang Luoyun was reminding himself at this time, and he couldn’t help but feel a lingering in his heart.

If you were fighting against demons in a trance like just now…

Gu Qingan knew that he was a little impatient.

She bowed to Shang Luoyun.

“Been taught a lesson.”

Gu Qingan was still very persuasive.

Shang Luoyun blinked, his eyebrows curved, and he said with a smile, “Come on, senior sister will guide you again.”

“Practice well, I will take you to fight the demon at the end of the month.”

At this time, Heihe City, the outer city.

Except for the wealthy area in the west of the city, other areas in the city are collectively referred to as the outer city.

A simple middle-aged man walked into the back door of a chamber of commerce with a bag on his back.

“Lao Li, you’re back, have you finished your family affairs?”

Lao Li glanced at the person who greeted him, a guy from the Chamber of Commerce.

There was sadness in his eyes, “It was not saved.”

“Ah! Sorry, sorry.”

Old Li nodded, did not speak, and walked to a dilapidated small room next to the warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce.

He lives here and takes care of the warehouse.

He is usually an honest person, not cheating or cheating, and he requires less wages. The Chamber of Commerce likes him as an excellent employee and has let him manage the warehouse for nearly ten years.

Lao Li, or Cao Honghua, sighed.

He was about to get used to this kind of life.

Except for occasionally summarizing the news in the city and sending it to the same door outside the city, he is usually no different from ordinary people.

Sadly, those days are coming to an end.

“Gu Qingan…” Cao Honghua’s eyes showed cold murderous intent.

Let’s vote (?o﹏o?)

Chapter 25 Chapter 25

Cao Honghua’s mind moved.

A floor of the dilapidated house was removed to reveal a passage to the basement.

This is the underground base he has secretly built for the past ten years.

Cao Honghua used a volume of Yuan Divine Power to disperse the dust raised in the warehouse.

There was emotion on his face, ‘It’s been a long time since Yuan Divine Power has been released…’

In order to hide, he almost never uses Taoism in ordinary times, and even this basement is built by him purely artificially.

He walked slowly into the basement and the floor closed.

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