I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 12

Chapter 12:

Further up is the divine mood.

The great master of the divine mood!

Gu Yongning only knows a name in this realm, but don’t think too much, the divine mood must have a powerful force that Gu Qingan can’t imagine now.

Gu Qingan smiled lightly and bowed slightly, “Qing’an has seen Senior Sister Shang.”

“Hey, Junior Sister Qing’an.” Shang Luoyun smiled happily.

While the two were having a good chat, they returned to the city with the people who participated in the test.

Gu family, Gu Qingan, with gold and jade qualifications.

It’s like throwing a meteorite into the lake, setting off a huge wave.

Section 16 Chapter 16 Reaction

Rejecting Shang Luoyun’s kindness to keep her overnight, Gu Qingan prepared to leave.

“Sister Shang, goodbye.” She said politely.

“Goodbye, Qing’an.” Shang Luoyun smiled.

At this time, it was already dark.

The people who participated in the assessment with her have returned to Heihe City.

Wei House.

The head of the Wei family had an ugly face, pacing back and forth in the lobby.

He looked at Wei Chengze who was standing below the hall and couldn’t help but speak again.

“You said that Gu Qingan has the qualifications of gold and jade?”

Wei Chengze’s face was also not good-looking, he frowned tightly, and his facial features were almost crowded together.

Difficulty spit out a sentence, “I saw it with my own eyes, it is indeed gold and jade.”

When the Gu family rose up, they stepped on their Wei family to ascend to the top. I thought they would finally turn around, but I didn’t expect…

“This Gu family is lucky!” The head of the Wei family said with a cold face.

dong dong.

“Master Wei, everything you explained has been done.”

The person who entered the door was a strong man, with mud on his shoes and dried blood on the corner of his clothes, respectfully facing the head of the Wei family.

The head of the Wei family looked at this man, his pupils shrank, he remembered that he had ordered his subordinates to suppress the affiliated forces of the Gu family this morning.

But now…

The Wei family’s father and son looked at each other and were speechless.

After a while, the two turned their heads together and stared at the strong man with indifferent eyes.

The strong man was stared at by these two people, and his whole body became cold, and his heart shivered.

The head of the Wei family sighed and clapped his hands. Two people walked in outside the house. He pointed to the strong man, “Take him down, deal with it and send it to the Gu family.”

When the strong man heard this, his face changed drastically.

“No sir, I, Qualcomm, have always been loyal to the Wei family!!”


Sun Hao walked down the street in despair.

He followed his memory and walked back home.


When he saw the scene in front of him, he was immediately shocked and angry.

The old mother and sister at home disappeared, and a black robe wearing a mask sat neatly on a chair.

Sun Hao roared, “What have you done to my mother and sister?!”

The man in black robe stood up and brushed the dust off his body.

“Don’t worry, Lingtang and the younger sister are safe now.”

Sun Hao calmed down a little, but heard the man in black robe say something again.

“But it won’t be until later.”

“What?! I’ve done everything you told me, what else do you want me to do?!” Sun Hao said angrily with wide eyes.

“Then Gu Qing’an is a golden jade.” The man in black robe suddenly said this wordlessly.

“The entire Dacheng year does not necessarily produce one golden jade.”

“You say, how many people want to please her?”

“What do you think these people who want to please her know that there is someone like you?”

“I…I…” Sun Hao’s face was pale, his legs were trembling, and he was speechless.

He is a smart man, he already knew it in his heart, but he just didn’t want to admit it.

The man in black robe said coldly, “At that time, not only you, but your whole family will not end well.”

Sun Hao’s legs went weak for a while, and he knelt on the ground.

“But, I have a way to save your family’s life.”

Hearing this sentence, Sun Hao suddenly raised his head, his eyes lit up.

The man in black robe handed over a knife.

Then he said, “You kill yourself.”

“I’ll keep your family safe, help them change their names, and cut ties with you.”

“You speak, seriously?!”

“You can choose not to believe it.” The man in black robe said lightly.

“Think about it for your family.”

He put the knife on the table, got up and walked out, closing the door.

The night outside is breezy, with a hint of coldness.

The man in black robe stood still outside the house. Although he was not a true martial artist, he also possessed ordinary martial arts skills, so he was not afraid of Sun Hao escaping.

If he is willing to commit suicide, it is best, if he is not willing, help him commit suicide.

After a long time, I heard a shrill laughter from inside the house, followed by the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the skin, and everything in the house came to an abrupt end.

The man in black robe pushed open the door and saw that Sun Hao had collapsed in a pool of blood and lost his breath.

“It’s a resolute character, it’s a pity.” The man in black robe shook his head and took out the kerosene and the fire book.

Heipao people actually admire Sun Hao very much.

Otherwise, he would not be given a chance to commit suicide, nor would he promise to save the lives of his family. After all, the order given to him by the people of the Xu family was to kill Sun Hao’s family so as not to be followed by others.

He was the one who discovered this young man with average aptitude, but smart and ruthless.

If the task given to Sun Hao this time is successful, the Xu family will not be stingy with the reward.

It’s a pity that having a low background means that there are few and dangerous choices.


boom! The fire ignited, and the man in black robe fluttered away.

“The water is gone! The water is gone!”

“Come and put out the fire!”

Gu Mansion.

“Master Gu, this morning, the Blood Axe Gang under the Wei family destroyed two more halls of our Chi Jiao Gang.”

“The shopkeeper of the Nuanfeng Building in the east of the city suddenly died suddenly. It is suspected that the Xu family did it.”

Gu Yongning held a cup of tea and listened to the report of the subordinate in front of him, his hands unconsciously strained.

“I see.” Gu Yongning’s face was gloomy and anger appeared.

“Go down and organize the martial masters in the mansion and give them some color.”

“At this time tomorrow, I want to see the head of the head of the Blood Axe Gang.”

After his subordinates left, he slapped the mahogany table with his palm.


The entire table suddenly fell apart.

“Damn, Wei family! Xu family!”

“Too deceiving!”

Gu Yongning understood that at this time, he would fight back harder.

If it is forbearing, it will reveal the weakness of the Gu family, and it will be completely over.

Not only will the Wei and Xu families, who are now diametrically opposed to them, become more and more arrogant, but even the still swinging Zhu family and other small and medium-sized families will be tempted to take a share of the pie.

In the face of the group of sharks, now they can barely fight against the Wei and Xu families of the Gu family, and then there will be no scum left.

Thinking about it, he was a little discouraged.

There are congenital warriors in the remaining three families, although they are not in the outer state or the outer battlefield.

The Dacheng court had a tradition of serving as officials in different places, and seldom let warriors serve in their hometowns.

However, the influence of the congenital warriors is real, and it is the congenital in the family that can secure the position of the four great masters.

After the death of Gu Qing’an’s second uncle, the Gu family did not have a true martial artist in the family. In fact, he was no longer qualified to be one of the four great masters in Heihe.

If you want to break the game, there is only one true martial artist in the Gu family.

But, the true martial artist is not so good.


Qing An is only a second-class aptitude, and she can win the spot only by relying on my management, but can she really become a true martial artist?

If so, how many years, three years, five years?

If not…

Gu Yongning didn’t dare to think about it.

“Alas!” Another sigh.

At this time, a servant knocked on the door, “Master, there are many people outside!”


Part 17 Chapter 17

At this time, the Gu Mansion was already crowded.

As soon as the door of Gu’s house opened, a small attendant stuck his head out.

He was a little confused, “What are you doing?”

“Hurry up!” Someone stepped forward with a single stride and shoved the gift box in his hand into the servant’s hand.

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