Hyper Luck

Chapter 61: Pickup Artist (6)

I finally found it. The ‘product’ that goddamn Choi SeopHo was longing for. I showed him a picture I took with the crystal ball just in case, and the moment he saw it he started shaking his ass like a mutt in heat hurrying me up to bring it to him.

Thanks to that, things will go pretty smoothly now. If I could just finish this work and bring her to him, then I’ll be able to earn a lot of money.

I was thinking about this just a few minutes ago,

And jackpot!

The product found its own way here!

Let me approach that bitch first.

“Did you come here by yourself?”

“Yeah, I came here by myself and realized this place sure is interesting.”

Is she a loosehead? She looks like a cat-type girl, I feel like she’s too good to be discarded after one use.

“Ah~ Is that so? This place is going to be changed pretty soon. Even fancier! Anyways, if you’re here by yourself, could I tell you a thing or two about this place?”

“Oh my, I’d appreciate it if you could. But you’re not gonna do something weird to me or anything, right?”

She’s kinda cute. She’s probably the best half-elf I’ve ever seen too. Every time this happens, I’m always conflicted. 

Alright, I think I’ve played nice to befriend her long enough, it’s time to get to work.

“By the way, I heard half-elves have very different palm creases from players, would you like to compare them?”

“Is that true?”

I don’t fuckin’ know. But I think I can look to compare many times and over if it was your hands. No matter how many times I think over this, she’s just too good to be sent to that perverted asshole.

“Yeah, see? It really is different! You’ve got a line over here!”

It’s almost over now. She’ll go crazy when I just roll some drug on her now. Ah... maybe I could play around with her before I sent her to him, this is really hard.

“How are you doing? We’re about to do something really fun from now.”


“What are you...”

* * *

“Cough... Urgh...”

The man with piercings was not in a situation to say anything because of the pain he was in.

Tears were reflexively spurting out of his eyes because he was hit in the lower jaw with something he could not process.

“If I do this, you won’t be able to return to your world, right?”

“Huff… Argh!”

His face began to turn blue. She had an exact grasp of the concept of logout. The man realized only now that she was different from the NPCs he had dealt with so far.

“I was hoping you could talk at least though. Well, I can get some help on that though.”

At Khea's casual reaction, the man got up to his feet with trembling legs. 

Then Khea put her shoulder around him and forcibly dragged him somewhere.

Here, the man could not help but put an astonished expression on his face.

Even considering that this was a surprise attack, he was of a warrior class and had a pretty high strength stat even among the warriors at his level.

Moreover, he never thought that he’d ever get overwhelmed in strength since his level was around 40s.

He was completely overwhelmed by Khea’s strength, unable to take any actions whatsoever.

Rather, it appeared that if Khea applied even a little force, his neck would snap and break.

Helplessly captured by Khea, they reached the doorway of the Troll Tongue as Khea opened the door without hesitation.

The man started screaming like crazy.


The players who were guarding the door turned back to look in the direction of the noise, and the man with piercings put a smile of victory on his face.

That was because the two men were players who had reached the level of mid-50s and were a part of the development team.

The guardsmen, led by Jason, were at a higher level than other employees. That was the reason for his reaction.

However, at that moment, he spotted a man. He couldn’t spot the moment he approached here, let alone couldn’t spot his afterimage. He just appeared suddenly, out of nowhere.

Yes, he was that man that the man with piercings saw back at that tavern. And that man that just appeared,

Really so simply,

Knocked the two guardsman out just by pushing his fists forward.

“Ugh... Uuh...”


“Khea, are you okay?”

“Yeah, except my ears are a little numb. Mose, I broke his chin by accident.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got just the right thing for this.”

I breathed a sigh of relief inside as soon as I saw Khea, and quickly received the guy Khea had caught.

Then I dragged him into the huge forest behind the Troll Tongue.

The moment we got into the darkest part of the forest I threw him into the ground.

Completely out of his breath rolling on the ground, I hung the necklace I was wearing on him.

In an instant, his distorted face began to find its place.

"This... This is nonsense... ! A rare necklace? Higher rank than Choi SeopHo's necklace..."

He mumbled something to himself, and soon came back to realize,

“Log ou-”


Just as he was about to open his mouth, I drew my sword and shoved it into his ribs.


It was an area of the body that causes excruciating pain which I learned from my Master.

Anyone pierced in this part of the body will burst out in tears screaming no matter how hard the body is.

“Ah, Aaah... Cough... Cough...”

The man with piercings couldn't even scream at all. It seemed that all of his consciousness was blown away by this sudden pain.

I pulled out the greatsword stuck in him again.


The man collapsed to the ground. A moment later his body got back to the normal state but with a much more anxious expression on his face as he looked at me and Khea back and forth.

“Y-you know you fucked up real bad! You hear that?”


As soon as he finished his sentence, I pushed my greatsword into his ribs once more.

Before he could even say anything more, my blade had precisely found its way back to that part of his body.


As soon as he started screaming and writing on the floor I pulled the blade inside him. And a moment later he got back to normal with cold sweat all over his face.

“Y-you son of a bi-”

The moment I raised my blade again he slammed his head to the floor and struggled.

“W-w-w-wait! Wait...”

Then he stared at me for a second,



The moment I read his lips I stabbed the greatsword into him again.

“Aaaaaaaaagh...! Fuuuuck!”

He screamed very loudly, pouring tears out of his eyes and nose.

He started to piss in his pants too. I raised my greatsword one more time.

“Remember, you can’t do anything right now. All you can do is answer the questions that we ask you. Do you understand that?”

At my firm and determined voice, he started slamming his head to the floor.

“Yes! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll never do that again!”

“My blade moves faster than your lip muscles can. If I see you try to escape one more time I’ll make you read the paternoster out loud with this blade in your ribs.”

“Yes, yes, I get it. Please...!”

Watching me from afar, Khea tilted her head slightly signaling to proceed. She seemed to be intrigued by a new side of me that I showed her.

“This drug. Did you make it?”

He responded to my cold voice with a twitch.

“I didn’t make it. A guy named Jason makes’em.”

“Is that ‘Jason’ guy a player?”

The man seemed terribly surprised after I forcefully shoved my greatsword between his legs as I asked.

“Yes! He’s a player, player! Level 57. He’s an alchemist, but I’m not sure what rank he is. Director Choi ordered him to craft those drugs!”

He started spitting all the information out as if he was rapping.

“Director Choi? That person ordered to make this drug?”

“Yes, that’s right. Director Choi! Choi SeopHo, of the NGTEC! Representative Director Choi SeopHo!”

“It is one of the companies run by players that Lorad mentioned before.”

Khea added an explanation.

The man started nodding his face intensely.

“Yes, that’s right! That one! I told you everything. If I get caught spilling information I’m going to die when I go back too! Please! Please, please! Let me go, please!”

His mental state seemed to have been completely shattered, perhaps because he never thought that he would be captured and disarmed this easily.

He was begging me for mercy with his gaze only on me.

I pulled the necklace from his neck, and as soon as he saw the action he let out a sigh of relief.

“Th-then I’ll be off... Log...”


Before he could move his loops, I stabbed the greatsword into his ribs again.

“Aaaaaah...Whyyy- Fuuuuuuck! Umphh!”

Spazzing out and screaming in pain, he collapsed to the ground and started rubbing his face to the floor. He let out harsh breaths when I pulled the greatsword out of him.

“Cough...! Cough... Ugh!”

The HP bar on top of his head started to flicker.

“You should be thankful it’s me doing this. If this was Khea interrogating you, you would’ve been turned into porridge and served to the people of Azharus the next morning.”

“Hu... Huff...!”

Then I cautiously turned my back to look at Khea.

She seemed to be satisfied with my actions.

I decided to take such actions in order to repay her for stopping her independent actions and pulling this guy out all the way here for me.

Even the timid and fragile Lee KiHo did not even flinch when he was torturing this person.

It just felt like I was killing insects as that feeling lingered inside me.

“We got all the information we needed.”

With those words from Khea, I withdrew my greatsword. Khea kept on glaring at the person on the floor.

“I-I’m shorry... Sorry... Sob... I’m sorry...”

He was repeating the same words over and over as if he had already lost his mind. It seemed that trauma had already formed inside him.

* * *

“What the hell happened to that little shithead? Where the hell is he?”

Choi SeopHo let out a loud complaint in frustration. He was inside a large room filled with players, all of them with their heads looking down to the floor.

“You guys never get the job done on time.”

“It will become yours soon enough, Director.”

Jason, who was seated beside him tried to appease him.

“And when is that? Tomorrow? Maybe the day after? Or what, 3 years later? Or by the time my dad fuckin’ dies? Do you not get what I’m trying to say?”

With those words, Choi SeopHo abruptly got up from his seat as if he couldn’t stand this situation any longer, grabbed a bottle, and poured the contained alcohol on Jason’s head.

Golden liquid began to wet Jason's head, and everyone in the room looked very surprised and startled.

“And you. Do you think it’s enough for you to just make some good drug? No matter how many marbles you make, I have to wait so long for this shit to arrive!”

Jason suddenly stood from his seat after being unfairly violated by Choi SeopHo.

Choi SeopHo stared at him fiercely, and the people around him began to show movements to stop Jason.

Jason bowed his head to Choi SeopHo.

“My apologies, Director. I’ll get my men to get the product to you as quickly as possible.”

Jason said as if he was declaring it. Choi SeopHo nodded on impulse because of the situation, and Jason walked out of the room.

In the midst of utter silence after Jason’s departure, Choi SeopHo, not very fond of this silence, started to point fingers at the rest of the people still in the room.

“What are you doing? You little shits, aren’t you <Pickup Artist> guild members? Get moving!”

The rest of the staff began to rush out the door.

Choi SeopHo, who was left in the room by himself started to throw and crash every bottle left on the table, unable to bear his anger.

* * *

In the deep forest, dozens of men in black suits with the alphabet embroidered on their chests were gathered.

And in the middle of them, only Jason, with his long hair tied up, looked down at the man in a black robe, sitting down on the floor and muttering something.

“Thank you... Thank you...”

Looking at the man out of his mind, Jason pulled out a purple potion out of his pocket and put it in the man’s mouth. Soon the man’s defocused hazy eyes began to come back to life.

“Huff... Huff...!”

The man looked up to Jason after letting out a couple of harsh breaths.

“That half-elf and a player attacked me suddenly. The male one was so devastating...”

The man started to talk restlessly the moment he found Jason. Jason's sharp eyes grew cold.

“<Pickup Artist>. It’s war from now. Destroy everything within Azharus, I don’t care.”

He said with a terrifying voice to the men in suits standing behind him.

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