Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 237: Dire Situation (P2)

For the second time this life I get to eat dirt because of a water whip. Wonderful.

A single burst of mana frees me for my bonds, I stand, pulling out my dagger as I do. Ahead of me, eyes glowing an ethereal blue are seven Dire wolves.

The smallest of them reaching my waist and the largest near towering over me. Gulping I glance back as they stalk me, setting their positions for an accurate pouncing, "Anselm! What are you doing back there?"

He grunts and slams one aside, "Letting you have your fun, why?"

Why? Why? Well because-

Senses tingling I duck in time to spare myself a burn as a bolt of fire streaks across the space my head occupied. Two from either end of the encirclement lunge at me.

I stab my dagger at the one to my left, mercilessly it digs into my hand as Shaco leaps out my shirt, transforming into a black, thick serpent that wraps around the other and begins to crush.

With my hand trapped in its jaws I grind through the pain and activate [Death Grip], tasting its tongue begin to dissolve the poor thing lets go, whimpering, but I pursue and bury my blade in its skull.

With a huff I begin to pull out my blade, the largest of the pack is having none of it though. Growling at me, eyes glowing a bright blue it barks a gust of wind, launching Shaco and I away.

"Are you having fun yet?" I hear Anselm call from above, snickering at me.

Laboured breath I haven't the strength to reply him, but as Shaco and I rise I see opportunity.

In haste I mold mana for multiple spells, invigorated by the rush my hands brighten in wispy mana. Outstretching my left I call on the remains of the Dire I killed and it's blood as well as mine flow into the air above all our heads.

"Blood Series; Blood Shower."

Crystalline blood plummets, skewering the wolves caught in range. But the big guy is quick to react. Water bursts out of the ground, swirling above their heads and protecting them.

I chuckle as I ready my second spell, launching it out as a bolt from my hand it pierces the crushed remains of the Dire Shaco had his way with. The dead beast shivers, its bones jerk, tremble and grow out of its skin.

Within seconds, seconds bought by [Blood Shower] keeping them at bay the beast rises, grotesque and larger than it was in life with bones sprouting out its back.

"Undead Servant." I snicker, "Attack."

The Dire wolf now as large as the pack leader leaps at my vulnerable foes. 

[Undead Servant] is a spell I've never used before, but the situation finally calls for its use. Unlike [Raise the Dead] or [Create Undead] this spell allows me to animate and command all lifeforms as my servant.

While [Raise the Dead] is exclusive for humanoids and the necrotic mana disfigures the corpse, [Undead Servant] bolsters the corpse, muscles, bones, everything becomes stronger. At the cost of an extra mana and a lack of an area of effect function, I can't pile corpses and make them all servants, the spell requires individual attention.

But it's worth it, if only for the carnage I'm privy to. My Servant pounces on the smaller ones, they snarl and bark protesting their subjugation all while their throats are ripped out.

My senses tingle and I turn to see the big guy twirling his tail, his eyes fixed on me, never minding the chaos my Servant is busy unleashing on his pack.

'So intelligent, it knows it has to take me down first.'

I ready myself for it's incoming attack, "Bone Shield." I call out and the blood drained wolf body trembles as all its bones are ripped out, melded into six stronger bones by my mana and brought to circle around me.

The big guy barks and whips his tail at me, the result a blinding gust of wind that flings me off my feet and into the air. Opening my eyes I find myself airborne and the gaping maw of a wolf awaiting my descent.

'Bad idea big guy'

"Bone Spike." Sparing two of my twirling shields I further transform them, sharpening its tips and sending it out to dig into my foe's throat.

My spikes meet their target, the big guy lets out a gurgled whelp as my feet land safely on the ground. It still struggles, as does what's left of the pack. But My Servant and Shaco have made quick work of the scene.

Walking up to the gurgling wolf I sympathize with the heated glare it sends at me, tied up by Shaco and munched on by my Servant, unable to defeat me.

"You've given me the best exercise I've had in such a long time, thank you." I tell it. For a moment I consider raising the fallen beast as a Witherling, the same species of Undead as Panda.

I shake the dreadful thought out of my head, the Spriggan of the Forest has given strict warning against practicing any rituals, so it's better I don't. A shame though, I bet Panda could use a buddy.

Anselm comes floating beside me, in his hand is Jungle's Spear, he stares at the dying giant wolf, scanning the scene or what's left of it, "It seems like you had fun after all."

"Hahaahah!" I can't help but burst out laughing, "Yes, the challenge is exactly what I need." 

It is, I've gained levels of proficiency since the battle began, and now with the death of the pack leader I rack in a fraction of the experience I intend to farm from hunting monsters in these Forests.

He frowns, eyes narrowed, "But humans don't fight like beasts, Asher. There will be others, many others like Serue."

At the mention of his name much of my mirth vanishes in thin air, "Yes, there will, but they won't matter, Serue will be the first and last to do that to me."

Still Anselm persists, "Will he? His illusions... you said you-"

"I know what I said, I said it. And now I'm saying that I'll be good, if hunting monsters wouldn't help me then why would I bother with any of this?" I push back

Lips pursed, unable to answer his eyes turn away from me and I nod. Once we level up some more, gain new spells and rituals, new undead...I'll be ready for the war I've declared.

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