Hundreds Years After I Was Called [Just Corpse], I’ve Become Strongest Undead When I Woke Up

Chapter 100: It's Not Like I Didn't Try to Be as Gentle as Possible


The giant monkey monster raised a war cry.



Upon hearing the order from their captain, the Holy Knights rushed forward for their last suicide attack.

But they ended up being blown into the air as the giant monkey brandished its arm, the thickness of which rivaled that of a log.

「Such power…」


「No, this monster isn't a native of this area… Those beastfolk must be the ones who brought it along with them…」

「Seriously, those beastfolk went so far as to use this kind of monster?!」

The job of the giant monkey who blocked the highway was to stop the reinforcements from heading toward the harbor.

And just as they guessed, the beastfolk brought the monster from another continent with their ship.

The majority of the monsters from the other continent had much bigger physiques than the monsters of this continent.

Even the Holy Knights had to agree that beating the giant monkey wasn't an easy task.

…Not to mention that, according to the previous report, the vanguard of the beast king’s army had landed on the harbor, wreaking havoc there.

At this rate, the beastfolk would take over the harbor while the reinforcements were still occupied by the giant monkey that blocked their path.

And when that happened, the beast king’s army would have secured a safe landing place.

「What should I do…?」

At that moment…

Just when the captain was wondering what he had to do now, something fell on the giant monkey.




The next moment, he noticed that the giant monkey had already been blown far away.

What appeared in its place was something that fell from the sky… Or rather, it was a human.

「Beating that giant monkey… in a single strike?」

「Rather, didn't he just… fall from the sky?」

「W-who in the world is that white-haired youth…?」

The giant monkey that crashed onto the mountain didn't even twitch.

Amidst such confusion, the mysterious, white-haired youth didn't even turn around to see the confused Holy Knights. He merely jumped into the air again.

「W-who the hell was that?」

「Was he… heading toward the harbor?!」

The place where the youth was heading to was the harbor, the same destination as them.

「Is he… an ally?」


Thus, the Holy Knights ran in a hurry.


After sending the giant monkey-like monster flying, I had finally arrived in the harbor after soaring in the air for a while.

That harbor was the very same harbor on which we disembarked from the ship that sent us to this place.

…And it was also the first place that was attacked by the beastfolk army.

Thus, I received a request from the pope to help the country's defenses.

And since I was a good undead, I couldn't just flat out refuse the request.

Thus, I rushed to the harbor.

It was much faster than moving together with the reinforcements.

Moreover, due to my communication disorder, working alone was much easier.

Although it would be a problem if people thought that the holy country had been manipulated by undeads from behind the scenes, I agreed to cooperate merely for my own selfish reasons.

「Erk, it's already in a tattered state, huh…」

When I was looking down from the sky, I saw monsters and beastfolk running around the destroyed buildings as if they owned the place. The city had already been captured by the beastfolk.

Although some people still hold their ground, it was only a matter of time before they would be defeated.

When I looked at the open sea, I saw numerous ships heading toward the harbor.

Despite being the headquarters of the biggest religion, the holy country itself was by no means a big country.

This country would literally be defeated if the main army ever landed on the harbor.

I landed safely and decided to get rid of the most noticeable beastfolk and monsters.


「Hmm, there's still a human alive, huh?!」

「Who the hell is this guy?! Is he strong?!」

The ones occupying the harbor seemed to be bear beastfolk.

They were extremely troublesome foes due to their giant physique comparable to those of orcs or ogres. They were smart enough to have linguistic ability.

…Not to mention that their bear-like noses were functioning properly.

「You can't hide from us.」


The citizens who hid inside earthenware pots were dragged out forcefully.

「Uh? What a— UGAHHH?!」

Thus, I saved the captured citizens; some were even being forced to fight to the death. However, my actions alarmed the beastfolk.


「Huh, isn't he just a brat?」


The beastfolk rushed toward me.




I simply seized and threw them. After repeating that action so many times, the bear beastfolk that seemed to be their boss made his appearance.

「So you're the one who is taking such good care of my subordinates.」

My first impression was huge.

He was around two and half meters tall, and his body was muscular to the point that his muscles look as solid as rock.

It was as if he was a golem.

It wouldn't be strange even if he was mistaken for a monster.

「They're my family. That's why I won't forgive anyone who hurts them…」

He approached calmly while muttering such threatening remarks.

…The heck, weren't they the ones who attacked this place first?

「Previously, I also beat another human until he was half-dead.」

Half-dead, huh… He was quite a kind one, wasn't he?

「The reason why I won’t kill you immediately is because I want you to suffer my wrath longer.」

What the heck, that wasn't kind at all.

The giant boss bear then raised his arm.

…And swung it down.


I caught the blow with one hand.


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