Human King

Chapter 192: Rabi II

"R-rot in hell, bastard..." Moris said with great difficulty as Rabi's presence in this place made it hard for him to speak.

Of course, since he spat on Rabi's face, Rabi was angry right now.

He was so angry that he could probably go on a rampage and kill every single living being in this place.

However, he refrained himself from doing so as he knew that the other legendary hyenas would kill him if he did something like that.

After all, doing something like that would definitely mess up the plan that Papi made for the enemies that invaded the southeast of the forest.

Rabi then began to wipe off the saliva on his face by wiping it off with his hand.

He then spoke as he looked down on Moris.

"You fucking bastard, how dare you spit on me." Rabi's voice was so cold that a few weak monsters on the ground actually collapsed.

They...died as the killing intent of Rabi was so thick that it cut off their life from their brains.

Right, that was how strong Rabi was, and even Moris could feel the difference in their strength as he could feel his body becoming weaker.

Moris was already immobile, and now, his body was becoming weaker.

This situation was so bad that even Moris could no longer see any hope in this situation.

Of course, Moris has not given up as his king was connected in this situation and was in danger.

There's no way that Moris would give up when Dawn was also in danger.

That was why...even though he could feel that it was truly useless, Moris was trying his hardest and best to get out of Rabi's grasp.

He was trying to move and run away from this place to inform his king so that he would be able to escape.

Even if Rabi would be right on his tail, Moris was sure that his king would be able to escape with Oz, the Lion Tiger.

That was why Moris believed that his action would save the king, but alas.

It seems that he really couldn't move as he started to cough up blood.


His blood spread all over the ground. It was weird that he coughed up blood without doing anything, but it was only reasonable.

After all, the pressure in his innards of forcing his body to move would definitely be immense and cause some of his organs to go off.

That was why...Moris started to use his Presence to heal his innards as he tried to force himself to move.

This way, even if he would be injuring himself, he would be able to heal himself up right away and even be able to prevent some.

Of course, Rabi was watching Moris struggle with all his might, and that was why he had such a smug smile on his face right now.

"Shik! Shik! Shik! Shik! Shik! Shik!" Rabi started to laugh as his shoulders went up and down.

It seems that it was really fun for him to see that Moris was struggling so hard.

Well, nothing is more fun for Rabi than to see his prey try to get away from his grasp.

That was why Rabi spoke as he thought of something fun.

"Goblin! Did you know that we also got many men in the center of the southeast of the forest? Ready to strike against the invaders of our place?!"

Indeed. It was the truth that the legendary three hyenas got most of their monsters and subordinates in ready for the invaders of the southeast of the forest.

Papi also predicted that the invaders would try to destroy the fortresses around the center of the southeast of the forest, which is why Rabi was here, to try and kill the invaders trying to destroy the fortresses.

Of course, since Rabi and Moris have met, Papi was correct.

Anyways, it was then that Rabi spoke again as his eyes turned into a crescent moon.

It seems that it was really fun for him to see that his opponent would struggle.

"How about we make a bet?!" Rabi said as he looked down on Moris.

However, Moris was not paying attention to him at all. After all, Moris could tell that Rabi was not planning to kill him now or something like that.,

It was only natural that Moris would want to take advantage of this as Rabi had his guards down against Moris.

'What a fool! He should just try and kill me!' Moris thought, but he was really glad that Rabi was a fool.

That was why he was just focusing on trying to move his body. Of course, he was doing all that as he ignored Rabi.

However, it seems that Rabi didn't like how Moris was not paying attention to him, which is why he began to walk towards Moris.

Even though Rabi was flying in the air, he...walked towards Moris. It was possible thanks to Rabi's extreme strength and powers.

Rabi was able to reach Moris in no time at all since they weren't far away from each other anyways, and when he reached him, Rabi spoke again.

"Oy! I said, how about we make a bet, you fucking bastardous bastard!?!?!" Rabi said with his eyes wide open.

He was getting angry now that Moris was really not responding to him that he even had to walk towards him.

What's more, Moris had already spat on him once before. That alone was enough to incur Rabi's wrath.

That was also why Rabi was close to killing Moris to death, but he didn't really want to kill Moris now.

It would be no fun that way, and it would just bore the shit out of Rabi since he was stationed in this place.

After all, he didn't need to go to the center of the southeast of the forest to back up the other hyenas or something like that.

Papi specifically said that Rabi should just enjoy his time here since it would be finished right away.

That was why Rabi raised his hand towards Moris and let out some of his powers as he...grabbed Moris' head and smashed it into the tree.

"Khak!" Moris spat out some blood, and his face became destroyed right away.

However, because he was using his Presence to heal himself, his injuries soon disappeared as his face returned back to normal.

"Oho! You have some great healing skills, but who the fuck cares about that! Are you listening to me now, you piece of shit?!?!?"

Rabi said as he brought his head near Moris' head to look at Moris' eyes.

And when he was sure that Moris was looking at him now, his face immediately changed into a smug look.

That smug look shows how confident and sure Rabi was of their victory against the invaders of the southeast of the forest.

And it was with that face that Rabi spoke again.

"How about we make a bet, eh?! Bet of who would die faster, you or the fucking bastards in the center of the southeast of the forest?!"

Rabi then began to churn up his powers as he began to shred Moris into the tree.

Right, he began to smash Moris' head into the tree while also squeezing Moris' face with his hands.

Rabi was so strong that even Moris' healing skills were not able to keep up with the damage that he was doing to his head.

"Shik! Shik! Shik! Shik!" Rabi laughed once more as he felt sure of their victory.

Of course, Rabi held himself back from truly killing Moris as that would beat the purpose of the bet!

That was why he always measured the damage that Moris would take from his shredding.

"Fucking bastards plan to disrupt our plans to conquer the southeast of the forest, die!!!" Rabi shouted out loud with a frenzy look on his face.

His face was so distorted that it didn't even look like a face anymore.

Well, that was only natural considering that he was a monster in the first place.

Rabi then stopped shredding Moris into the tree when he noticed that Moris was not even trying to move at all.

"Hah. Did you die already?" Rabi murmured as he looked down on Moris.

However, it seems that he was wrong in thinking that Moris died already as Moris' face returned back to normal right away when Rabi stopped shredding his face into the tree.

The rate Moris healed himself up was so fast that it could be considered a miraculous speed.

What's more, Moris...even fought by biting Rabi's hand!

"DIEEE!!" Moris shouted out loud as he tried to move his arms and body.

However, it seems that he still couldn't move at all, and even his biting was no use as Rabi just laughed.

"Shik! Shik! Shik! Bastard is tough, eh?! Alright, have some more!!" Rabi said as he began to shred Moris into the tree again.

And it was in this way that Moris was forced to heal and heal and heal himself again and again and again.

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