Human King

Chapter 187: Spider

The goblins immediately set out for their destination, the center of the southeast of the forest, for their targets.

Of course, their targets were the three legendary monster hyenas that were located at the center of the southeast.

They knew where it was because of the information that the hyena gave them, and they were also sure as it was just obvious.

Well, it was only Dawn who was sure that the home base of the three legendary monster hyenas was located at the center of the southeast of the forest.

Anyway, the goblins were currently running silently through the forest as they made their way towards their destination.

The ones leading the goblins currently were Didi and Una.

It was weird that Dawn wasn't here, but it was only natural.

After all, Dawn had Oz, the Lion Tiger, the monster who was so big that they would be spotted quickly if Oz was to go with them, to mind.

That was why Dawn wasn't with the goblins right now as they made their way towards the center of the southeast of the forest.

Of course, the goblins didn't have any problems with that at all.

After all, it was the decision of the king. There's no way they would reject or whine about something like that.

Besides, even the goblins understood how they needed to be sneaky and quiet as they did this...war.

Of course, the size of a monster was something they also took into consideration, and the goblins understood that Oz was just too big.

That was why they didn't really whine about them being separated or something like that.

Well, the goblins were not children.

Anyway, the goblins were moving at a slow pace as they didn't want to make any noise.

They also didn't want to disturb any monsters that were living in this place as that would force them to battle against them.

And if they battle against the monsters living in this place, the battle would definitely attract more monsters and make some noise that the goblins wouldn't want to make.

That was why they sacrificed their speed to make less, the goblins didn't make any noise right now.

Well, although the goblins were indeed running, it was...actually slow.

It was slow when one compares it to the time the goblins used to run without any restraint for noise or being considerate of the noise.

It was slow when the goblins literally burned the ground with their feet as they were running too fast that their feet were on heat.

However, their speed was still fast, was just not that fast.

Although it sounds weird, that was just how it was. That was how it was for this situation.

In fact, this situation was so weird that even Didi and Una were getting uncomfortable right now.

After all, they wanted to go as fast as they could right after getting excited and raising their fighting spirit to the max after they heard that the order came down now.

They wanted to rip apart the enemies and start the battle immediately.

They wanted to battle every single monster they could meet on the way, and kill them all.

Well, what they were feeling was only normal as they were goblins who were excited.

However, the fact that they were going so slow and on purpose too...just made their senses tingle.

It made their senses tingle, and it made them want to just battle it out with another monster if ever they met some.

And it seems that the world decided to heed their wishes as the goblins heard something rustle around.

Right, they heard something make noise, and the goblins...all of them immediately started to stop running.

Even the excited goblins who wanted to fight at all costs stopped running.

Of course, even Didi and Una stopped running as they...all of them goblins raised their guards and masked their presence.

It seems that they already knew what to do in this situation as the way they did that was just so fast.

Well, it was because they already talked about what they would do once a monster is near them or something like that.

All the goblins agreed on what they would do, and that was to hide their presence right away.

That was why even the excited goblins were able to do that without any real problems.

After all, the one who said what they should do was the king himself.

It was only natural that they would avoid fighting even though they were so excited to fight against some monsters.

Anyway, now that the goblins had the presence masked, each of them immediately tried to find some shade to hide in.

Some goblins tried to camouflage off of the ground and the trees. Some tried to hide by climbing the trees quietly.

All of them moved very fast, and they were now hidden.

What's more, as it was nighttime, the mask of the darkness actually helped the goblins to hide even better.

That was why...not even a foreign goblin would be able to know that there were hiding goblins in this place.

And that...happened in just the blink of an eye, and that was why the forest was currently still and silent as fuck.

However, that silence was broken as some rustle resounded out once more in this place.

Of course, now that the goblins were stopped, they could finally look for the source of it.

And what they found was...some bushes moving around.

Right, the source of the noise that made the goblins stop was the bushes moving.

Well, it was already obvious to the goblins that the one moving the bushes was the source of the noise.

Anyway, it seems that the source of the noise was walking as the goblins soon saw that the bushes...actually parted!

They actually parted as they gave way for someone.

And because the goblins' eyes were really used to the darkness, they could see really well right now.

They could see really well, and that was why they could see what appeared in this place.

They could see the monsters that disturbed the goblins and made them stop running towards their destination.

And that was...a leg?

It was a thin leg that looks like something that was just carved out of a tree or something.

Right, what the goblins were seeing right now was just a leg of something, which is why they were very confused.

After all, it was just a leg. There's no way there would be a monster that was composed of just a leg.

Hell, even just the concept of that kind of monster could even creep out a goblin.

That was why the goblins didn't believe that it was just a leg, and they waited for a little bit more time for this leg to reveal more of its body.

And it seems that their wishes were heard by the leg as the leg started to move forward.

Right, the leg started to move, and it was because of this that the creature finally revealed its body.

The leg that appeared looked longer now as it went to the sky, and the upper part of the leg was hairy as well.

What's more, the goblins could tell that the hairs were...quite tough.

It was protecting the legs very well, but that was not all.

The leg...actually multiplied too many legs as the goblins could see more of them now.

Right, there were many long and thin legs in this place right now.

However, it was weird as the legs...didn't have any body or something like that.

It didn't have what you would call the brain or the identity of the legs.

That was why it was weird for the goblins to just look at something like this.

After all, who would expect that there was a monster that was just composed of legs?

However, it seems like they didn't have to worry about that as the legs moved some more.

Right, the legs moved some more, and the rustling of the leaves could be heard in this place.

Why? It was because the body of the legs finally appeared as the body appeared in this place.

And the monster's body belonged to a spider.

Right, it belonged to a spider, and that was because this monster was a spider.

The many be exact, eight legs belonged to the spider, and the spider was very big that it was actually covering the whole place that the goblins were hiding in right now.

If they had to describe it, the spider...was almost as big as Oz.

That was why Didi had a thought, 'This is bad...'

Right, this situation was bad as they could be found out any moment now.

What's more, the spider seems to be even strong enough to be able to whiff out the goblins out of their hiding places.

Even though the goblins could hide their presence, if the monster they were hiding from was actually strong, it was not enough.

After all, they were not in the level of Moris and Dawn or even Didi.

That was why Didi was getting worried as he knew that fact.

'This is really bad...'

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