Human King

Chapter 174: Hyenas

Dawn's orders were given to the goblins, and the goblins did as he wished.

Of course, the ones who gathered the goblins were Moris, Didi, and Una.

They went their own way. Moris went east, Didi went west, and Una went south.

As the goblins were surrounding this whole place, even if they just go in a random direction, they would still meet goblins.

Of course, they also went to gather the goblins that were not located in their path.

It didn't take long for Moris and the others to gather the goblins as they were fast.

Besides, the goblins also noticed them when they were just on their way.

That was why it was easy to round them up, and the goblins were currently standing on the place where Oz was sleeping.

It seems that this whole ordeal, for Oz, was just something that doesn't even deserve his attention.

The rumbling that was coming from the monsters was so obvious now that the normal goblins could even feel it.

However, even then, Oz was just sleeping. It was clear as day that Oz didn't think much of them.

And since Oz didn't think much of them, this reassured Dawn about this whole thing.

After all, Dawn owned Oz from the moment that the Blessings of the Battlefield declared it.

As long as Oz, the strongest monster present right now, isn't alarmed, there is nothing that could possibly harm the goblins.

Anyway, when the goblins gathered here soon, Dawn gave one more order.

And that order was...


That was the only thing that Dawn ordered, and he didn't give any other order other than that.

Although preparation was something that anyone could do, it was just too vague.

After all, what should the goblins prepare? His bath? His meal?

However, of course, as this situation was something that the goblins were familiar with, they instantly knew what that meant.

And that was meant to prepare for battle.

Well, it was obvious.

And when the goblins heard that order, they quickly prepared for battle.

No, they didn't gather weapons or something like that.

They also didn't do something that would give them an advantage over the enemies.

What they did was just literally prepare themselves. Right, they just readied their hearts and steeled their resolve.

Of course, the goblins were stationed at the place where the monsters were expected to come out.

They then took positions on the ground, trees, bushes, and leaves.

And right after they did that, they just...concentrated and focused on themselves and the enemy that was now in their sights.

Right, the goblins could now see the enemies that were trying to murder them.

They could now see the enemies that were marching towards their home base.

Of course, if they, the normal goblins, could see that the enemies were now near them, Dawn certainly could, too.

That was why Dawn was staring right in their direction as he crossed his arms.

Behind him was Oz, the beast who was still sleeping. It seems that Dawn didn't plan to have Oz join this battle.

After all, this battle was to know if the goblins could still be blessed by the battlefield.

It would be no point if it were to become too easy because of Oz's intervention.

It would be pointless if the goblins could not kill a single monster because Oz killed them all.

Of course, Dawn was planning to have the blessed goblins, Moris, Didi, and Una to intervene and participate in the battle.

After all, Dawn didn't want the normal goblins to die here.

Moris and the other blessed goblins would be there to help prevent a goblin from dying and to help if a situation becomes too sticky.

That was why his blessed goblins were right behind the normal goblins as they waited for the monsters.

However, there was a goblin who...wasn't stationed in the front lines at all.

And that goblin was the little goblin.

The little goblin was just standing right in front of Dawn, as he too looked at the monsters that were about to clash with the goblin.

And as if the little goblin was really excited about this, he spoke.

"Ohh! It's a herd of hyenas!"

Indeed. The monsters that the goblins were about to fight were a herd of hyenas.

Of course, Dawn also knew that which is why it didn't get much attention from him.

It was crazy if you think about how he knows hyenas even though he hasn't met them before once in his life.

Well, that was just how a goblin was. A goblin knows everything there is to know about a forest.

Anyways, the reason why the little goblin was here was only because of one reason.

The little goblin was...not there.

Right, the little goblin wasn't participating or something like that out of his own will.

It was definitely not because Dawn ordered it or something like that.

There's no way Dawn would allow something like that.

That was why Dawn had a confused look on his face as he looked at the little goblin.

After all, if this little goblin wouldn't fight, his a little bit too thick for Dawn.

That was why Dawn spoke as he looked at the little goblin.

"Aren't you going to fight? Although I don't expect much from you, you should fight as well."

Dawn said with a heavy voice. Well, that was just his natural voice.

Anyway, Dawn's choice of words was very...questionable. After all, Dawn's words were basically giving the little goblin the freedom of choice.

He was just asking the little goblin if he would fight or not. He was not ordering him around, and that was something ridiculous!

After all, the little goblin was just a normal goblin.

And a normal goblin should be trying hard to render achievements for the king!

Even if the little goblin didn't know that Dawn was the king, this attitude was really outrageous.

Well, Dawn was allowing it, and it was obvious just by how he talked.

It was then that the little goblin spoke as he just looked at the herd of hyenas.

The herd of hyenas was really close to them now, and it seems that they didn't have any intention of stopping.

"No, I have no intention in fighting now."

And what the little goblin said was really...outrageous. After all, the little goblin was new to Dawn's group of goblins.

He should be trying hard to make himself comfortable here, and he should be working hard to make the other goblins accepting of him.

And the only goblin way for that was to fight! One had to fight with the other goblins.

The fact that this goblin didn't even plan on fighting with the other goblins was just plain madness.

However, it seems like the little goblin was not done speaking as he continued.

"Even if I do fight, there is nothing that changes."

"The monsters that are here right now are too weak that they wouldn't even be able to put up a fight."

"These monsters would probably be wiped out in just half an hour by your goblins."

"Of course, with the help of those strong guys over there."

The little goblin said as he pointed to Moris, Didi, and Una.

It seems like this little goblin has been observing the situation very closely as he exactly knew what was happening.

Of course, this made Dawn have a satisfied smile on his face.

After all, the little goblin was indeed special and unique in that he could do these things even though he was just a normal goblin.

If Dawn was right in thinking, he just got a rare goblin as his subordinate.

Nothing would make him happier more than that.

However, there was also something that Dawn was thinking about, and that was...

---He's really familiar.

Dawn thought as he looked at the little goblin.

However, he soon ended his thought there. After all, there's no point in thinking about that when he couldn't even remember who the little goblin was reminding him of.

It was then that Dawn spoke as he whipped his head back to the herd of hyenas.

"So, you think that they would be wiped out in just half an hour?"

Dawn said with quite an interesting look on his face. After all, Dawn was interested in what the little goblin said.

The little goblin predicted that the fight would just last half an hour, and the goblins would win.

Although the second part was pretty obvious to anyone, the first part was not.

It was not, even for Dawn.

That was why Dawn asked the little goblin.

And it seems like the little goblin didn't have any fears regarding this as he answered Dawn's question.

"Yeah. I've seen hyenas myself before, but these guys are nothing compared to the ones that I saw before."

"In other words, they are the lowest in the pecking order; the male hyenas."

The males are the lowest-ranked members of a hyena clan. And since these monsters were weak, it was clear that they were males.

And the ones that the little goblin saw before was a female.

"However, a female...a female hyena would be enough to change that."

"A female hyena might even be able to win this battle if they were here."

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