Human King

Chapter 168: Southeast

Dawn asked the goblins here as he looked like a death god that came down to this forest.

Of course, even though he spoke to 50 goblins, the only goblins that he asked were the little goblin and Moris.

They were the only goblins who would know things here as they...had a special background compared to the rest of Dawn's goblins.

After all, Dawn's goblins were just normal goblins from the center of the forest.

It was only natural that they wouldn't know about things in here just like Dawn.

Anyway, when he was asked, Moris quickly came down to kneel down in front of the king.

After all, it was just presumptuous of him to stay in the tree as he was looking down on the king.

Of course, Dawn didn't really mind it, but Moris had to.

After all, he was asked directly by the king. It would be just...disrespectful of him if he were to stay standing on top of the tree.

Anyway, as Moris knelt down in front of the king, he spoke.

"Yes, Your Highness. As far as my knowledge goes, there is something like that near here."

"If we just push through the east a little bit more, we would see a group of monsters trying to take over the southeast of the forest."

"The members of the group are powerful in their own right and that is why they could aim high."

"That group of monsters also have a lot of monsters under them, but those monsters are also weak."

"That is why they can't conquer the southeast of the forest fast and quick like any other strong monster."

"However, I am not sure if they are alive or they are continuing their conquest in the southeast."

"It has been quite a long time since the Five Great Clans visited that place."

When Moris said all those words, he quickly lowered his head even further as a sign that he was finished.

Of course, when Dawn heard it all and saw that sign, he quickly looked for the little goblin.

It was quite amazing as to how the goblin king was relying so heavily on a little goblin, but well.

That was just how life is. There will come a time when a strong goblin would be useless, and a weak goblin would be useful.

There will come a time where a loyal subordinate would be useless, and a traitor subordinate would be useful.

This situation was exactly like that one.

Anyway, Dawn was able to find the little goblin as he was literally a little goblin.

And when their eyes met, the little goblin quickly spoke.

It was amazing if you think about how scary Dawn would have looked right now.

The little goblin definitely had the balls of Dawn.

"I think this guy is talking about the hyenas that are located in the southeast."

"And I agree with him. That is the only place that has a lot of monsters, weak and strong."

"However, weak monsters are more rampant there than strong monsters."

"That is also the place where the tribe used to hunt for food and for enjoyment."

The little goblin said all those words without missing a single beat as he looked up to Dawn.

It was crazy if you think about how he wasn't kneeling or something like that.

Well, Dawn allowed it as the little goblin was the most useful goblin right now.

Anyway, when Dawn heard all that, he quickly began thinking whether to push through the east some more to reach the southeast.

It seems reasonable as there would be a lot of weak monsters. Well, this test wasn't for Dawn or something like that.

Dawn wasn't aiming to evolve right now. What he was aiming for in this journey or adventure is to have his goblins evolve.

Right, Dawn wanted to see if his goblins would be able to evolve.

Although that seems to have no connection with the Blessings of the Battlefield, it actually is connected.

Dawn's subordinates are part of his strength and power! Once his subordinates grow strong enough, each one of them would be able to conquer the forest.

Since Dawn started to doubt the Blessings of the Battlefield, a reasonable move that the Blessings of the Battlefield could make was to get rid of Dawn.

However, as Dawn found out that the Blessings of the Battlefield couldn't control goblins or him, there was only one thing that could possibly happen.

It was either the Blessings of the Battlefield would limit Dawn's progress or his goblins.

That was why Dawn would know if he would still be able to achieve evolution if his goblins were able to achieve evolution after fighting.

That was his goal. It was a simple solution. In fact, this was the best solution.

After all, Dawn would have to fight a lot of monsters just to know if he could evolve.

Having his goblins try to find out if they could evolve would be less time-consuming than Dawn trying to evolve.

And since the point of this...weak monster hunt was for his goblins, it would be reasonable to push through the east and go to the southeast.

Hyenas or whatnot,, Oz would probably be able to make sure that they would stay safe all throughout the journey's duration.

That was why Dawn made a decision. He made a decision to go and conquer the southeast.

"Good. We will go there." Dawn said as he crossed his arms.

He then looked at the goblins surrounding him. Although he didn't know, Dawn's eyes returned back to normal now.

It seems that his anger has subsided since there was a place where they could hunt monsters.

As long as his goblins would be able to evolve, Dawn won't have to mind the Blessings of the Battlefield anymore.

After all, Dawn would grow to become stronger. The Blessings of the Battlefield should pray that Dawn would have a change of heart when they meet.

Because Dawn was sure. Dawn was sure that he would definitely kill the person...the Blessings of the Battlefield for messing with him.

It was then that Dawn spoke as he raised his hand and used his thumb finger to point at the Lion Tiger.

"You guys, stick to Oz."

Dawn then turned around as he walked towards Oz, the big guy who was waiting for them to finish.

Well, Oz just had a bored look on his face while they were talking and all that.

However, when Dawn finally finished talking with the goblins, Oz had an energetic look on his face.

It was definitely weird, but well. That was just how it was for this big dog.

Anyway, when Dawn ordered the goblins to grab Oz, they...all tilted their heads.

After all, they didn't know who Oz was. Although it was obvious who Dawn was pointing to, the goblins wanted to make sure.

They wanted to make sure that Oz was indeed the Lion Tiger standing tall. After all, they didn't play with the Lion Tiger when he was still an uncertain factor.

Of course, Dawn was able to notice that as he felt that no goblins were walking towards Oz.

That was why Dawn spoke once more as he pointed to the big guy right next to him.

"What are you doing? Grab to his fur or something. Don't worry about him, it will be fine."

"Right, Oz?"

Dawn said as he rubbed Oz's mane and head. Of course, Oz also rubbed his head in a...charming way like a cat to Dawn's hand.

And that sight...brought forth admiration from the goblins. After all, a great monster was rubbing its head to their king's hand.

It was a majestic sight, but it seems like they couldn't savor it anymore as Dawn...jumped up!

He jumped up as he landed on top of Oz, and he then began to sit on top of him.

Right, Dawn...was riding Oz as he looked down on the other goblins.

And since they weren't still moving or clinging to Oz, Dawn spoke once more.

"Do I have to repeat myself again?"

Dawn's voice was heavy and it was cold. After all, Dawn already repeated himself.

However, the goblins still didn't move. Dawn sure as hell didn't want to repeat himself one more time for the goblins.

Of course, the goblins quickly snapped out of their stupor as they heard Dawn's voice.

Starting with Didi and Una, the goblins quickly latched on to Oz.

Even Moris and the little goblin started to latch on to Oz's legs or mane or what.

It seems like Oz didn't have a problem with them riding as he didn't chase them away.

Well, it was an order from Dawn. It was quite amazing how Dawn was having a problem with how he would communicate with Oz just earlier, but now...Oz was listening to him like an obedient dog.

And that was all thanks to...

---The Blessings of the Battlefield.

Right, it was thanks to the Blessings of the Battlefield. Of course, Dawn didn't know whether Oz was aware of it or something like that.

---I guess...I have to know more about myself.

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