HP: The Arcane Thief

Chapter 72: Common Ground

Around a month passed since Hogwarts' exchange program with Mahoutokoro had begun. And during this time, the happenings of the castle were the main focus of the wizarding communities in many parts of the world.

People were curious to see what results the fusion of these completely different schools would bring. And the various magical media throughout the world also realized this. That's why, you could see reporters anywhere around the castle these days, searching for content.

In these times, Newspapers weren't the only means of information. Information could also be spread by Magi-mirrors, used by many wizarding communities all over the world. And since everyone had Magi-mirrors, the equivalent of a phone, of course they also had televisions at home, which showed Wizarding media and shows.

With the advancement of Wizarding Britain, other countries in the ICW had also made some advancement under Britain's lead, at least in the media sector. By now, instead of radios and newspapers, most of the wizarding homes had switched to televisions which work with magic.

Since the reporters from various countries were sent to the school, Hogwarts was currently trending on various platforms throughout the world. And the exchange program was just a small part of the reason why this was the case. In actuality, Hogwarts is already a land of content as it is. The castle is huge, with no shortage of mysteries and attractions. The moving staircases, the secret passages, the Whomping Willow, the beautiful lake with the giant squid, the boundless forbidden forest, and the various attractions in Hogsmeade... there is no shortage of interesting things here. Once the media came for the exchange program, these attractions were also inevitably featured in those channels, making everything more interesting.

And during this time, a certain video of the Gryffindor Quidditch team's practice was also uploaded. It featured Rose Potter, the Girl-who-lived, dodging the bludgers and catching the snitch in a brilliant Spiral Dive at breakneck speed.

The video blew up, gaining a lot of traction, since the level of skill shown in it was comparable to the Professional athletes, and it was done by a second year girl. And when they came to know that this was the famous Girl-who-lived, there was no way it wasn't going to get viral. The footage got a lot of views and was reposted several times on different platforms, being watched by the Quidditch fans and other audience all around the world. Some Quidditch stars even commented on it, praising the girl's skills at her age.

However, the most shocking thing was when talk of the Rose Potter getting an offer from Montrose Magpies began circulating. Montrose Magpies is currently rated best team in the Major Quidditch League, the Premiere League, with most of its star players being from England and Ireland's national Quidditch teams.

And getting selected for such a team is like the ultimate goal for all Quidditch players. The salary is very high, and you get to play with the best players under the best guidance.

So, when the talks of Rose Potter being a part of such a team began to be raised, the school was, no doubt, in an uproar. Being able to be qualified for such a team already at her age, she was guaranteed a successful Quidditch career even if she didn't pass the trial now.


And while all that was going on at Hogwarts, completely uninvolved with all activities, Axel and Akiko were exchanging blows in their clearing in the forbidden forest, both moving at blurring speeds. They had been doing this every morning for days. But, there was a drastic shift in the situation compared to how it was when they started.

When they had started, it was like a one sided beating, since both were using pure Hand-to-hand combat skills. And in that area, Akiko, who had been trained since childhood had an overwhelming advantage. But now, in just a few weeks, Axel had bridged the gap to the point that he was now fighting Akiko without taking even a single hit.

"You ready to give up yet?" Asked Axel, easily blocking yet another series of kicks from Akiko.

"Hah!" Akiko's reply was yet another combo, trying to overwhelm him with her speed.

'How did he improve so fast?!' She questioned in her mind. They weren't meeting everyday these days since both of them had their own training to do, but Axel improved drastically each time they fought.

In the beginning, Akiko had thought that Axel would give up on training after a few days of beating and she'd be able to focus on her own goals. But at this point, she can barely land a hit on him anymore. She can only imagine how he must have trained to improve so fast.

"Why—do—you—try—so hard?!" She demanded in between her attacks. She had always thought that she was at least the most hard working, if not the most talented warrior in existence. She had to be, if she was going to face the odds that she needed to overcome in order to take her revenge.

But then she meets Axel, the person who can beat her in both talent and hard work. She can tell just by the muscle strains visible on his exposed skin, that this guy is training half to death daily, and his body must be constantly in a lot of pain.

"When will you answer?! Why do you work so hard?! How are you so strong?! And… why the hell do you keep hiding despite having all this power?!" She demanded, her frustration showing in her usually impassive face. The reason she was so affronted by it wasn't because of something as petty as jealousy. No, it was because his existence proved that she hadn't tried hard enough. That her drive for power and avenging her parents wasn't strong enough. That's why she has been wanting to know, how and why he is what is today and why he still continues to strive for more.

'What's with this girl?' wondered Axel. This wasn't the first time she was asking him these questions. She had already asked this to him a lot of times, but he didn't know that it was so important for her to know about it. Otherwise, he would have told her a little about it since they're not stranger anymore. Looking back, they have been sparring every few days, sometimes even using magic. And by now, he knows enough about her character to know that she isn't a bad person.

But, she hasn't told him anything about herself, neither has she taught him the ninjutsus yet. So, why should he bother answering?

"What about you then?" He asked. "Why do YOU work so hard? Even going so far as to train in forbidden arts for it? And why are you not teaching me even after so many days of signing the contract?" Asked Axel right back. He hadn't been forcing her using the contract yet since it would be better if she taught him willingly.

Akiko gritted her teeth. The contract! That had only happened because Axel had seen her practicing forbidden arts. She didn't like the fact that she was being blackmailed into teaching him, and it annoyed her every time he brought it up.

"You'd have to beat me first for that," she said, making a few handseals as her magic flared.

[Matsushima Secret Style: Fists of Fury]

She stopped holding back and decided to use the secret Hand-to-hand combat techniques of the Matsushima clan, making her fists burn with magic.

Axel shrugged, "If that's the case..." he murmured, changing his stance, "Then so be it."

As soon as he shifted his stance, the atmosphere around him changed.

[Arcane Martial Arts: 30%]

He hadn't used this against her yet.

Akiko's speed and strength increased suddenly as Axel found himself facing unavoidable punches even one of which could seriously injure him.

[Arcane Martial Arts: Softening Palms]

But, in face of such punches, his hands glowed with a gentle light and the enormous force behind Akiko's fists seemed to get nullified.

'Well, that was dangerous.' Thought Axel, still feeling the remnants of the enormous destructive might of the punches even after the using Softening Palms. He dared not stretch this fight longer.

[Magic Hands]

His dexterity, which was already terrific, reached a godly level, and he caught her fists one after another.


He had been holding back since he had wanted her to teach him everything on her own initiative. And no one would truly want to teach someone who was already better than them. But,

'I had been wrong.' He thought, ignoring her surprised reaction as his hands gripped her fist.

If he wants to learn from her, he has to make her submit first.

'Take this!' Axel jumped as his legs wrapped around her neck, and he flipped her to the ground with her hands pinned on either side of her.



The impact knocked the breath out of Akiko's lungs as she found herself tackled by the same trick she had used on him on the very first day. Except, she couldn't use her hands to counter attack like Axel had when this was used on him.

"So... is this considered a defeat?" Asked Axel.

Akiko struggled to free herself as she coughed.

"Coughcough... Yeah...guess I lost..." she said in the end in defeat.

Turns out, he had been holding back...AGAIN. Just out of consideration. Though she didn't understand how he was able to do the things he did, but Akiko had no choice but to accept it. She had lost. She was incredibly frustrated. As a genius, it's very difficult to accept someone else being better.

But, a promise's a promise.

Thus, as Axel let her go, she laid on the ground and looked at the morning sky. "Well, since I already agreed, I'll tell you about myself then. My drive for power and the reason why I go as far as breaking rules… " she said with a sigh.

"What is it?"

"Revenge," replied Akiko with fire burning in her eyes.

Axel frowned.

"Revenge? For what?"

"My parents. They went on a mission very far away, they could never return. I

want to take revenge on their killers." she said as her face clouded over.

"I see…" said Axel. Actually, he couldn't see. He didn't take Akiko for a girl who'd be so emotionally driven when she's usually like a cold machine. And, revenge for parents? He couldn't understand the motivation behind that. As far as he could remember, his parents had left him at an orphanage and he didn't even know them. So, he didn't really feel the need to avenge them.

"Anyways, go on the mission my parents have gone on, toh need to be the elite of the elite. And the fatality rate is extremely high. So, only the best of the best are chosen for this mission. That's why I've been training so hard. So, that I can go and destroy those who killed my parents."

Axel couldn't understand it.

"You must have really loved your parents, huh?"

Akiko covered her face to hide her emotions. "Of course. Who doesn't love their parents? They were usually busy with their work but they always used to make time for me."

"Must have been nice."

"Yeah… it was. But that's all about me. Now it's your turn," she said, sitting up. "You still haven't answered any of my questions. Why are you so strong? Why still train so hard everyday? And, why does no one here know anything about your strength?"

Axel pondered over it. Why he's so strong today... It's due to a variety of reasons. And talent is not the only factor that has contributed to it. The main factor would have to be his mindset. It is something that has been forged after a series of unfortunate incidents.

Due to his extraordinary luck, he has somehow already experienced some of the worst things that can happen to you when you're trying to survive on the streets. It made him tenacious and extremely selfish. It taught him the value of his own life, his freedom, his happiness and...the value of power. It has made him obsessed to obtain and retain these things at all costs.

And then, he was tortured horrifically with the worst torture spell ever, almost killing him. By that time, he wanted to make it so that such a situation can never happened to him again. But then, he came to know that the world was going to be taken over by an extremely powerful madman, and he had been crippled.

That made him realize the importance of what he already had and how much of an idiot he was not to use it to its full extent. So, from that day onwards, his hard work reached a new high. It's not something you do unless you're absolutely desperate. And, he did that for a whole year, while getting the best guidance from the system.

And this is how he is as he is today. He wasn't born an absolute genius. In fact, his talent could be considered worse than monsters like Akiko and Martina. But, he has slowly and gradually improved in all aspects, from his body to his mind, so that he is superior to Akiko today.

Though, he can't tell all this to Akiko, can he? That's why he's never answered her questions until now. But, he has a feeling that she wouldn't actually start teaching him seriously until he gives her an answer.

So, Axel told her what he could.

"Well, I'm an orphan as well, though I never knew my parents, or any living relative for that matter. I've had to live through some difficult situations and went through some tough timea. That has toughened me up."

Akiko nodded, "So, that's how you got the scars? I'd always been curious," she said, looking at the scars on his face.

Axel nodded dismissively as he unconsciously ran a finger over his scars. They were both very light, one on his cheek and one across his left eye. He had lost count of the number of times people had asked him about the scars on his face. Some idiotic students have even tried to copy his scars when they heard girls saying it looks 'cool'.

"Anyways," continued Axel, moving on the topic. "Right now, the reason I'm still training so hard is because, my life's in danger."

Akiko blinked her eyes when she heard that. "What kind of danger?"

"Well, there's this organisation that was after my father. Now it's after me. That's also the reason why I'm keeping a low profile these days."

Akiko nodded in understanding. It would make sense to keep a low profile if an organisation is after his life. But then something else didn't add up. "But if you're trying to keep a low profile, why did you sign up for the Slytherin Quidditch team?"

For being a seeker, you need to have dexterity, balance, and sharp eyes. And, she somehow had this ominous feeling just thinking about Axel playing as a seeker.

Axel looked at her in surprise. "Even you know about me being the Slytherin seeker, huh?"

"Rose wouldn't stop talking about it," said Akiko with a roll of her eyes.

"Oh," Axel had totally forgotten that Akiko was actually friends with Rose. "How are you even friends with her anyways? You two are totally different."

Akiko shrugged, "You might already know it, but she has a very powerful yin (darkness) affinity. I had noticed right away. Anyways, what are you going to do in Quidditch? Keep a low profile?"

Axel just smirked, "You'll see."

"....." Akiko didn't think Axel would be able to keep his "low profile" for long. But, now that she thought about it, why would this person even need to hide? Which organisation is powerful enough to even threaten someone like him?

"By the way, what's the name of the Organization that's after you?" Somehow, only one name came to her.

Axel shrugged, "I don't really know. All I know is, it's in Atlantis."

Akiko thought she didn't hear it right.

"..... What did you say???!!!"


—Nether World—

Lily Potter and Icitra, the Queen of Dark Elves, were currently in a room with two large mirrors.

"You think it'll work?" Asked Icitra.

Lily fiddled with the mirrors, "There's no reason it shouldn't. Besides, this is important."

Icitra agreed. What they were trying to do was indeed important. Currently, living underwater, they were quite cut off from the activities of their enemy, and they didn't have any allies. They were trying to communicate with the other races in the Netherworld.

To do that, they had sent two-way mirrors to other races. And right now, the mirrors had been delivered, along with the message. It was time to communicate.

"Which races have we successfully delivered the mirror to yet?" Asked Icitra.

"The Vampires and the Lycans."

"It's those two at the same time?" Icitra sighed, realizing the headache this was going to bring.

"Ready? Asked Lily as she held up her wand.

"I'm going to start the connection in 3, 2, 1. It's on."

The mirrors blurred and then two people's faces appeared.


A.N.: Appearance of New Characters. The Netherworld side will continue on the side and it'll become relevant in Volume three.

Hit me with PowerStones.

: A bet with Rose

Next : Akiko's Proposal and the Incoming Danger

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