HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 127: A drunk Veela

On Christmas Eve, the Martins and Delacour's sat together at the dining table. Camille stood up with a wine glass in hand.

"Everyone," She began, and the two families' attention gathered on her. "We've spent many Christmas Eve together, but this one is very special. My son—" her eyes looked at Chris with tenderness, "has miraculously come back after I'd almost given up hope. Chris, you've turned out to be an excellent young man. Mom is soooo proud of you honey!" She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes as she smiled.

"You've changed all our lives, my dear, and this feast has been specifically prepared for you, son." She raised her wine glass, "To welcome Chris, and to a merry Christmas!" she said everyone followed suit while smiling. The non-adults drank juice instead.

Chris couldn't stop smiling and his eyes stung a bit for some reason. He quickly wiped them.

Chris also raised his glass. "To family!"

"To family!" x7

He wanted to say a lot more, but he couldn't trust his voice for now. At this moment, everyone stood up and gave their presents to Chris.

Durant and Camille had given him a small box each, both of which looked quite ancient at a glance. Opening them, he saw that each of them held a ring in them, each very beautiful.

"They're the Heir rings of both the Martin and Laurant house." Explained Durant.

"You are our now officially our Heir, honey." Said Camille as he ruffled Chris's hair.

The rings were beautiful. The Martin one was a gold ring with a Ruby set in it, Laurant one made if a shining white metal, adorned with a black diamond.

"Put a drop of blood on each." said Durant, offering him a pin. Camille bit her lips apparently in worry for her son having to prick his finger with needles.

Chris pricked his skin with the needle,


The needle couldn't pierce his skin!

'F*cking dragon bond is showing it's downsides these days.'

'How can I forget the durability of freakin' dragon hide?! Of course my skin wouldn't be pierced by a measly needle.'

His skin hadn't been tested after that extremely painful bonding. On the surface, there was no change.

'Otherwise Dora would have found out.' Thought Chris with a smirk. They used to have a lot of skinship back in the days.

'Though it's good to know that it's strengthened now. But right now, I'm kinda...in an awkward position.' He thought and it was true. Everyone is waiting around him to give hin their presents and here he is, literally forcing a pin into his finger.

'Do I need a sword of Griffindor for this?' He wondered exaggeratedly. Chris did some quick thinking and pierced his lip and kissed both the rings, thus smearing them with his blood. This was the first time Chris was tasting his blood.

'It's... kinda sweet, isn't it?' He wondered. It was quite unlike how he remembered from his previous life. He can even smell it.

He completely missed Camille's shocked look when Chris pierced his lips for the blood. She stared at the blood on the rings with full attention and scrunity. There was something going on here that Chris wasn't aware of.

After he wore the rings, he felt a connection snapping in place with each of the rings. Chris activated the trigger to quickly heal his bloody mouth. At this moment, Chris felt a tug on his robes. Looking down, Esmée was hold out a present for him.

"Thanks, Esmée!" Chris took the gift and opened it. Inside were drawings of boy with yellow hair along with a girl of with light brown hair in a bob cut. In some drawings, hey playing together, in one, the boy was reading the girl some stories as the girl had her head in his lap, some contained their parents as well, which were basically bigger drawing of the boy and girl with a change in clothing. There were Delacours as well in some.

"Wow." muttered Chris. He had seen her drawing a few times, but the little girl always refused to show them to anyone. Chris noticed that Esmée was very embarrassed or nervous right now, as the girl had her face hidden behind her little hands and was peeking through the gaps.

"Awwww." Chris heart melted at this cuteness.

Chris knelt down and hugged her tightly.

"These are great, Esmée. Thank you." Chris somehow actually felt more happiness from this gift than literally being given heirship rings to two very rich and prominent houses. There were many things he valued more just material wealth. After that, Chris received presents from the Delacours as well.

"Alright, the dinner's ready everyone," announced Camile and everyone sat themselves.

Tonight's dinner was quite fancy as were the people dining it. Everyone was dressed well. Men were wearing formal robes and Chris was wearing a Tux and Fleur, who was sitting across from him had on a blue evening dress along with a coat over her shoulders looking extremely beautiful. Esmée and Gabrielle were wearing purple and pink Princess dresses respectively. While both Camille and Appoline also looked beautiful in their red and gold flowy dresses and gowns.

During the dinner, upon seeing liquor for the first time after about two years since he'd quit, Chris couldn't help but stealthily pour himself a few drinks after such a long time.

While drinking had become a habit of his during a few years back, but after the Hogwarts, he'd decided to quit and hadn't drunk ever since.

'Just a sip, man, just a sip.' was what he thought before taking a huge gulp.


But even after drinking a few glasses, he couldn't get drunk at all. He tried drinking a few more glasses in panic.

'Damn, is this really happening to me?!' Chris downed a few more glasses to see if it has any effect, but alas, it was all in vain.

Can he never get drunk now?!

'F*ck! Is this... poison immunity?' He realized. —Alcohol is also actually a kind of poison!


Chris didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Drinking as much as he wants without ever getting drunk! Sounds like a dream right?

Well, it's actually not. That aspect seems to stem from the fact that alcohol increases activity in the dopamine neurons in the mesolimbic reward pathway, as well as opioid cells that release endorphins. Both produce feelings of joy, pleasure, euphoria, depending on the type of activation.

That's why drinking can be sopleasurable.

In short, he'll get no pleasure from drinking it. With Chris's poison immunity, no such effect is produced in his body and alcoholic drinks can only be for taste, which is not usually the main focus of alcoholics/ drunkards like him.

And what's more, this Poison immunity seems like a passive ability. It can't be turned off on will!

'....Well, I still have the Patronus Trigger which I activated a while back.' He thought positively.

That really felt like getting high. And it didn't seem to bring him harm...did it?

While Chris was deep in his own thoughts, he didn't notice that Fleur, who was sitting right across him, had actually seen him drinking!

Fleur blinked her eyes in surprise.

'He's such a bad guy.' She thought inwardly. You really can't tell from that cute and handsome appearance.

This guy just now drunk so many glasses like it was nothing!

'Why can he drink but I can't?!'

Fleur was fifteen right years old currently and her parents still hadn't given her permission to drink. While Chris, being only eleven, has gulped down so many in one go!

Thinking so, she also stealthily poured herself some and started drinking one drink after another.

Chris happened to look up from his meal to see that Fleur's cheeks were flushed and was looking right back at him.

Chris raised his eyebrows, 'The hell?! What's wrong with her?' Thought Chris inwardly as he looked at the girl in front of him.

Fleur was actually a little annoyed at Chris right now. The guy had downed five to six in one go, and here he was, sitting there innocently like nothing happened.

In her case, when she drunk the first glass, it she didn't notice much change.Then thinking that it was all actually just a piece of cake, she confidently drunk her second glass. But now, it had suddenly started hitting in and she started feeling dizzy and tipsy.

It was at this moment that Chris happened to glance at her and got surprised as their eyes met.


Looking at his completely sober condition, as if the drinks didn't have any effect on him, Fleur felt compelled to drink more. She had always been a competitive person who couldn't handle her loss too well.

And right now, her decision making is a bit impaired due to the alcohol. Thus her thoughts were like—

'I can't lose to him in this too!'

Right now, the adults are busy in their own talk and the two little girls are comparing their toy Dragon and Phoenix which they got from Chris. Thus, no one except Chris saw her emptying the bottle.

"Hey, stop. What are you doing?!" Whispered Chris harshly as he kicked her under the table to stop her.

Fleur had only drunk three glasses by now, and now her head was feeling so heavy as if someone had put weights there!

Nope she's not stopping here. Five. Chris took five. And...she kinda wants to have another one, it feels good.

But after the fourth drink, she's already a stage four drunk. Everything seems funny and she's starting to errupt into giggles every for silly things. She still didn't stop and poured the fifth glass!

Chris couldn't keep it quiet anymore. he directly stood up, attracting everyone's attention. "Hey! Stop it!"

This wasn't just some ordinary muggle drink. It was made by wizards to get them drunk even with their occlumency. Meaning it's 'strong stuff'.

Fleur giggled, "You... didn't... say rrrrred light! I'm not stopping!" she mumbled. Her speech was quite slurred. The stuff that comes out of drunk people's mouth is completely random and nonsensical.



"You're drunk, Fleur?!"

Everyone could clearly see that she was drunk. She was too far gone! About stage four! It's a stage were everything either starts looking very funny or very sad and you laugh or cry on the strangest things.

"Hahaha Nope, seeeee I'm.... not....drunk....at all!" she proclaimed while trying to standing up on the table with the dinner knife still in hand.

"Fleur! Stop right there! You might—"

Fall. Well, she already fell. Right on Chris who was across from her with a knife in hand.

Fleur giggled as her she stumbled forward. "Weeeeeeeee!"

"Woah, easy girl, easy." Chris caught her to prevent her from falling and also removed the knife from her hand. Her dress had spilled the drinks and juice on the table.

Appoline frowned as she saw her daughter's disgraceful behavior. "Fleur! Why did you drink?! You're not of age!"

On the other hand, Sebastian was taking it quite lightly. "Relax ma moitié. Our daughter got drunk for the first time! Just look how adorable she is! Let me get some pictures!" He said, bringing out his camera.

This was turning out to be quite a memorable evening. He'd taken a lot of pictures of everyone already. The pictures included the ones when they everyone presenting Chris with their presents, also of Chris subtly trying to wipe the tears off his eyes when he was touched, Chris and Esmée hugging, etc.

"Give me a smile Chris!" said Sebastian as he aimed the camera on the them.

"...." Chris was a bit speechless right now. The first thing he had to do was to increase his occlumency intensity. Veela allure is no joke. Fleur isn't controlling it at all right now and the distance between them has decreased quite a lot. Low occlumency can't get him through this.

Now, with his mind fine, and he just have to make sure is body is not affected as well.

Due to his ability to feel magic, the allure is too 'hard' on his body. Usually, he used to use pure magic to relax the 'stiff' parts.

But after Corpomency, he just have to make sure that his clothes are opaque (Don't let the light to pass through) and cover his body in that shinning Corpomency layer, thus preventing it to have any reactions to the allure.

Pure magic option is also a good deterrent, but the thing is, pure magic passively changes the body to it's optimal condition. And due that, certain parts of his body are now growing a bit... out-of-proportions. And...at this rate would soon surpass the length he had in his previous life. At the age of twelve!

'Though I think Dora can handle it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)' he thought deviously.

After making sure that he's not popping a boner, Chris smiled stiffly at the camera before putting Fleur down and supporting her. She was quite light.

Fleur was still quite giddy and dizzy right now. She leaned onto Chris while giggling, acting completely different from her usual cold and arrogant self.

"Hehehehehe, you smelll goooood." She purred and Chris almost dropped her on the floor.

Appoline and Camille now had smiles on their faces looking at Chris and Fleur.

Camille shook her head amusedly. "She's completely wasted. Chris, be a dear and take her to the guest bedroom. I'll give her some sleeping draught so that she can sleep before she does more things to embarrass herself."

'....Why me?' Thought Chris, already imagining Dora giving him a scary smile that sent chills down his spine.


A.N.: Amitabha! I have sinned.

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