HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

Chapter 125: Nope I'm not a creep, it's just due to dragon's traits

While Chris was contemplating his gains that day, Dumbledore had gotten busy dealing with aftermath, starting with the minister. And he had death with everything, the old man arrived into the hospital wing to have his customary talk with Harry at the end if incidents, where he always explains thing. But this time, Chris was also there.

During this time, Dumbledore explained to how the diary's owner was none other than Lord Voldemort and that's why he had tried to kill Harry of all present in the end.

"What about this sword, Professor?" Asked Chris, "How come it was hidden in the hat?" Of course, the bastard knew everything already. Harry also looked at Dumbledore curiously. The magic that Chris did back... was so freaking awesome!

Dumbledore smiled at both Harry and Chris as he looked at them through his half moon spectacles. "It is the sword that shows both your braveness and loyalty. It's the of Godric Griffindor himself."

"What?!" Asked Harry, dumbfounded as he looked the sword in Chris's hand. Chris handed it to Harry to do his fanboying.

Dumbledore continued on. "The sword was made to Godric Gryffindor's specifications byRagnuk the First, finest of thegoblinsilversmiths, and therefore King (in goblin culture, the ruler did not work less than the others, but more skillfully). When it was finished, Ragnuk coveted it so much that he pretended that Gryffindor had stolen it from him, and sent minions to steal it back."

'Well, that's good to hear.' Chris wanted to know as much as possible about this sword. After all, even if just for the sake of Force, but he's damn sure getting himself a sword after the epic slaying he'd just done with the sword of Griffindor.

Just that, in place of a broom, there should have been a dragon or something. That old broom kinda ruined the scene.

"Professor, I'd like to borrow the sword for studying it." requested Chris, and Harry also looked hopeful.

Dumbledore hesitated. After he'd seen the sword's magic for the first time, he actually.... wanted to try replicating it himself for once! But Dumbledore gave a grandfatherly smile to the two young kids looking eagerly at him.

"Christmas holidays are almost here, and I believe the two of you are going to be out of Hogwarts for a while. Perhaps after you come back..." Harry nodded and fell for it though Chris didn't.

'You better keep your word, old man. Or I might send you off sooner than your time.'

Dumbledore was never much useful anyways. Chris had even tried to see his powers by bring him in front of a Basilisk, but the guy really wasn't willing to use it.

'He's too strong though.' That's what Chris could conclude just by the way he handled the Basilisk like it was a mere worm when it had emerged. When Dumbledore had used that transfiguration on the Slytherins statue, magic waves WAY more denser than his own were literally hitting him, who was standing a distance away.

Dumbledore is like a Nuke. It's only ever been used in the past, and now it's just used to posture and threaten.


The same day, Chris and Harry's friends came to visit them, asking what happened to them. Neville, Hermione, Susan, and Hannah cam e in, along with Nyxie whom Chris had left behind with Hannah and Susan before his match.

When all of them saw Chris and Harry, they were shocked out of their minds when they saw both them were lying stiffly on their beds, much like other petrified patients.

"What happened to them?!" Asked Hermione to madam Pomphrey who was busy with other patients.

"That's it. I'm calling aunt!" shouted Susan angrily while Neville and Hannah were both teary-eyed.

Nyxie, however flew up from Hannah's shoulder and landed on Chris while licking his face happily. Chris's face twitched a few times before woke he couldn't help it and broke into laughter, making Harry start laughing as well.

"...." x4

"...What's going on?!" asked Hermione in surprise.

"What in the Merlin's stinky vomit?! swore Susan.

Harry raised his hands in surrender. "Everyone, calm down please, haha...hahahah. It's a prank, it's a prank."

The group deadpanned collective at the two of them and Chris shrugged innocently. "It was Harry's idea. I don't do such childish pranks."

Harry raised his eyebrows as he put on his glasses. "Oh yeah? Then why did you instantly agree to go with it?"

Chris rolled his eyes."Because, we're still children, duh. When else would we do childish pranks if not now?!"

After that, Chris's Ravenclaw friends came as well. And it became very crowded, so madam Pomphrey just kicked them all out, along with Harry and Chris. Both were already fine and had been demanding release for a while now.

After all this time, they had all become familiar enough to hang out together after Chris's repeated efforts. He'd been three-timing with his three friend groups for a while now, the Griffindor group, the Ravenclaw group, and the Hufflepuff group. But right now all were quite united since everyone wanted know what the hell happened today.

Dumbledore had asked them to keep the location of the entrance a secret, so Harry and Chris told them about everything else. It was quite a shock to everyone that the culprit actually turned out to be Lord Voldemort himself. And they finally had to believe that Neville and Hermione were telling everyone the truth and it was indeed a Basilisk.

Chris had just casually asked Neville and Hermione to tell everyone about the Basilisk to get rid of them. But the two actually went off to tell everyone about it.

"What?! The sword of Godric Griffindor himself?! Can I see it?! Asked Hermione as soon Harry reached that part of the story.

Harry clicked his tongue on being interrupted, "No. Dumbledore has it now. Anyway, so I flew towards the Basilisk with Chris in hand. And then, Chris asked me to throw it to him like it was a Quaffle!" He laughed and everyone also laughed, find this request absurd enough to qualify Chris's standards.

"So, what did you do?" Asked Susan, fully immersed in the story.

Harry shrugged like she was asking the obvious, "I threw it to him, of course."

"What?! Asked Hermione in a shrill voice. "That's very reckless, Harry." This time, many of the girls also agreed with her.

"Give it some time, Hermione. You'll get used to things like this if hang out with me and Chris." Harry always had some patience for Hermione, because Chris had told him that she'll grow up sooner or later.

"So, Chris caught the sword like a pro! And, as soon as it got into his hands, the sword starts shinning a bright blue! And then Chris went this! And BAAM! The Basilisk's face got spit from the middle!"

Chris covered his face and let Harry go on with his narration. Harry had a much brighter personality in this timeline. And the guy had also read Star wars comic. Chris can't blame him for being excited, can he? He himself had geeked out when the sword glowed. Because not only star wars, he'd also seen Naruto, One-piece, Bleach, etc...

After Chris couldn't take any more of the Chamber of Secrets topic, Chris decided to change the topic to everyone's plans on Christmas holidays and gifts. He'd not been able to pay attention to these things earlier, but now that everything's resolved, he can finally worry about these things. He has to get gifts for many people now.

'Aw man, the list of people just keeps increasing.' He lamented in his thoughts. He was almost alone just two years ago.


I exited the Hogwarts express along with my friends at the platform nine and three-quarters and found the two people I was looking for. Ted and Andromeda.

"Oh Chris dear, look how tall you've grown!" Said Andromeda as she gave him a big hug.

Ted also hugged me, and then thumped my back loudly.

"It's good to see you, Chris. Thanks again for those Diaries," said Ted gratefully.

"Oh, that's nothing." I waved it off dismissively. I'd sent the Online chatting Diaries to Ted and Andromeda and Dora so that they can talk with convenience.

But their eyes then fell on Nyxie whose cute head was sticking out of my backpack."So, this must be Nyxie, right?" Asked Ted and I nodded and brought Nyxie out.

"Aww..." Andromeda was Instantly conquered she took Nyixe in her arms.

We apparated (me and Nyxie side-alonged) to the Tonks' Residence and Andromeda began to prepare the dinner behind the counter as me and Ted sat at the table.

"You know Andromeda, I've missed your cooking, A LOT," I said honestly. There were some things in the world which you couldn't get enough of. And one was Andromeda's cooking.

"Did you teach it to Dora?" I asked hopefully. Though both of them couldn't have my wicked thoughts about their daughter.

"Dora? Cooking?" Andromeda laughed as she shook her. "That girl only knows how to eat." Then her expression grew a bit sad. "I'm not even sure whether she's even eating properly or not these days." She sighed in worry.

"Don't worry Andi. She can take care of herself." Said Ted, but he also seemed a bit sad. I sighed. Actually, this is the main reason I'm stopping by. Dora can't come back for Christmas, and thus, this is the first Christmas that the couple is spending without her.

"You two really can't come to France?" I asked once again. My parents had long since been wanting to meet the two, to thank them for taking care of me.

Ted and Andromeda looked apologetic. "Not this time Chris. We've already promised to go to one of my friends' party this time. But, we'd love to go next year, if the offer still stands!"

I nodded, "It's a promise then." I said, not minding them not being able to come this time.

Well, the one with no connections in Britain is me. Of course they both have a lot of good friends who had invited them much before my ignorant self thought about it.

"You know what Andromeda?" I said, standing up. "I need to learn cooking from you." I declared as I went behind the counter and began helping her. Well, If Dora doesn't know how to cook, then at least one person at home should know cooking, right?

Andromeda laughed. "You know what Chris? You'll make a great husband in the future." She bagan teaching me some basic cooking.

"Damn," I muttered. "Is this still cooking? I'd have mistaken this for a potion-making class." So, it's not a coincidence that Andromeda can cook so well.

My view of cooking has completely changed after seeing her adding ingredients in specific measurements, changing the intensity of flames a dozen times, using different methods of stirring and whatnot.

"I've always liked both cooking and potions. So I just keep mixing the two and to improve my dishes." Explained Andromeda.


Cooking Lv max huh?

"Oh great Lady, I'll be needing you to share all your recipes with me. Money is not a problem. I'll beg for it if I have to." I said while mock bowing my head.

Andromeda just laughed and agreed.

Now I can understand why Dora gave up learning it. I've given up on learning this complicated subject as well.

I'll just give the recipes to Jilly! Hehehe. If Andromeda cooking Lv max, then I'm cheating Lv. max.

As we all sat down to eat food, I told them in detail about my family and my first meeting with them.

"What?! He pointed his wand at you?!" asked Andromeda in surprise.

I nodded. "Well, I AM kinda suspicious, aren't I? Anyone would think I'm an adult." I muttered.

"...So, how did you explain your brilliance to them, and your billions? Asked Ted.

I scratched my head awkwardly. "Well, I kinda didn't."

"???" x2

"Um...I kinda just said that you guys adopted me and taught me a lot of things. At that time, it was just the first day, and I wanted to look as 'normal" as possible since I was PLENTY suspicious already. So..."

Andromeda nodded as if she understood. And Ted nodded as well after a pause. Well, looks like there won't be a problem.

We talked for a long time and I think the two were defintely very happy that I stayed to meet them.

After stuffing myself with food, I went to check out Dora's room. I was just curious.

As it turned out, the room was... unique, just like Dora.

It was painted in pink and black, the oddest color combination. There were a lot of stuffed toys on the fluffy bed with pink covers, but the walls had postures of muggle and magical rock bands, like Weird sisters and Guns N' Roses. The shelves were filled with books, and there were many newspaper articles and pictures of Aurors stuck on the clipboard as well.

I unknowingly activated Dragon sense and took a deep breath sensing her scent from all around the room.

'Wait, what am I doing?!' I quickly came to my senses and exited the room. Damn, Am I becoming a creep? No. That wasn't on purpose! Definitely not!

Sigh, it's due to my dragon bond. Pride is something that I'm slowly getting control over these days, but this is something completely new and different.

"I just hope that this is it and nothing else comes next," I mumbled as I suppressed the urge to just rush back into the room and sniff her bed. Dora isn't going to be safe the next time I meet her.

At this moment, Nyixe, who was playing outside, came back in and landed on my shoulder. And I suddenly recalled Nyxie sniffing me all the time!

I shook my head. "It's different, right?" I muttered as I looked at the innocent cute dragon blinking her big amber eyes confusedly at me.


The next day, I went back to France. I matched my timing with their breakfast. While standing outside of the dining room window, I knocked this time, attracting the attention of the three people who were sitting there.

While grinning, I waved. "I'm home!"


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