How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 74

“My sister is at the border of our territories. What should I do now?” Gabriel could not hide the fear in his voice. He was the eldest son of the Archivold marquisate, and he was known as a fairly competent, smart individual. In fact, he was smart and skilled enough to be the successor of the marquisate. However, Gabriel was always overwhelmed by his sister Essandra ever since they were young. Gabriel had made the decision for independence after the fall of his father because of his desire to escape from his sister’s shadow, as well as the urging of some lords and knights. In addition, his younger sister Elena, whom he had been very close to since childhood, had been very insistent on it as well for some reason.

“...” Elena remained silent while biting her lips.

Gabriel felt an even greater sense of urgency after seeing her reaction.

“Elena. What happened to the wizard you sent? Why is there no news from him? And what happened to that man’s disciple?” Gabriel asked.

“He went to find his master, so we should hear from him soon, brother,” Elena answered.

“And when will that be? Haa! It’s fine. You told him to leave the peninsula if it failed, right?” Gabriel asked.

“Do you think I’m stupid? I told him to release it and disappear.” Elena answered.

“Phew! That’s a relief. Then even our sister’s army will have no choice but to retreat.” Gabriel spoke with relief, a smile finally creeping on his face.

However, Elena Archivold could not share in his relief.

‘Why haven’t they contacted me yet? It’s already been five days!’

The two wizards had entered the marquisate shortly after the bishop fled to the royal city. They took advantage of the confusion and entered the peninsula. The master and disciple duo, who claimed to be the official successors of an unfamiliar sect called the “Blood Shadow School,” had offered Elena an irresistible proposal.

- I will make your brother Gabriel the new marquis of Archivold. Even if things go wrong, he can still split the marquisate and become a lord by receiving a title from the royal family.

At first, Elena did not believe them. She was about to kick them out, but she changed her mind after she saw the two wizards revive a few roamers.

- We will revive a powerful monster and endanger the marquisate. Sir Andre, your husband, and Lord Gabriel’s knight will defeat the monster honorably.

Although Elena was suspicious, she also felt enlightened. If things went as the wizard planned, the reputation of her husband and her brother would soar through the sky. All of the marquisate’s vassals would want her brother to succeed their father.

- However, we will need some time to turn the monster into an undead. We need at least six months.

Thus, Elena had to drag things on somehow. As such, she threw the entire peninsula into chaos. She pressured Edrique to prohibit Essandra’s troops from entering the dungeon, made a deal to provide amnesty to a criminal in exchange for creating a ruckus in the silver mine that belonged to their dead sibling.

Everything had been a part of the plan.

But the plan involving the silver mine was shattered by a knight she never heard of, and someone even subjugated the dungeon she so carefully controlled for more than half a year.

‘I was just a little unlucky. They said it was almost complete, so if we hold out for a few more days, the monster will start its rampage throughout the marquisate. And no one but my husband will be able to vanquish the monster.’

Elena was determined.

“Try to drag it out as long as possible, brother. Even if they call us honorless cowards, it will only be for a moment,” Elena spoke.

“Yes. I will do as you say,” Gabriel replied.

The two siblings resolved themselves while dreaming of a rosy future.


“We cannot simply stand still like this, my lord! You must bring down the hammer on those who do not know honor!”

“That’s right. It has already been more than two days since we sent a messenger, but there has been no answer!”

Essandra’s followers shouted with rage.

‘They couldn’t be more loyal from how they speak.’

Eugene was quite amused. But now that he knew the workings of the world, he could understand why the nobles were shouting with such fervor.

“Why? Is it because the hired mercenaries are sitting around doing nothing? Do you find their wages wasteful?” Essandra spoke.

“That’s not it…” The nobles turned their gaze away, hurriedly denying the truth.

“Although you sirs have a point, let’s wait a little longer. We should give Gabriel time to prepare. His ass must be on fire by now,” Essandra spoke.


The nobles laughed quietly at the rather inappropriate joke. All of the people gathered in Essandra’s tent were nobles at the level of lords. Partec, who was Eugene’s temporary messenger, slipped into the tent and approached Eugene before whispering into his ear. The eyes of the nobles were fixated on Partec.

“Lord Essandra, Sir Galfredik is back.” Eugene said after Partec departed.

“Hoo! Right, and everything went well?” Essandra responded.

“I don’t think there’s going to be any problems,” Eugene said.


The surrounding nobles were puzzled after hearing the conversation between Eugene and Essandra. They had no idea what the two were talking about. Essandra suddenly stood up from her seat and picked up her leather baton.

“It’s time! We will be crossing the border!” She shouted.


“Only death will await those who attempt to stop me and my army, regardless of who they are! Those who do not concede under the flag of Archivold will be subject to the law of the White Rose, which has been passed down for more than 300 years!” Essandra continued.

“As you wish, my lord!” The nobles responded simultaneously. All but Eugene, who stood next to Essandra bowed to her.


As soon as the heavily armed knights started crossing the border, the troops stationed at the border surrendered. In the end, it was a familial dispute. As such, it wasn’t particularly disgraceful to surrender to Essandra.

After crossing into Gabriel’s territory, Essandra instructed Eugene and a group of knights to occupy the smaller territories belonging to the nobles within Gabriel’s territory. The knights of the peninsula were quite proud, but they were faithful to all of Eugene’s orders. It was only natural since Eugene had subjugated a dungeon by himself and even slew a wyvern. On the contrary, most of the knights appeared to be quite happy to accompany Eugene.

Fighting alongside a knight recognized by Essandra was a golden opportunity to make their names known and to raise their reputations. In particular, the seven free knights never strayed from the sides of both Eugene and Galfredik as their enthusiastic followers.

The knights used their mobility to their advantage and raided the villages on the way to the main castle of the Archivold family alongside Eugene.


“Please! Sir!”

“S-show mercy…!”

Eugene smiled bitterly when he saw the kneeling residents. The villagers had flocked to the entrance of the village and had been waiting for their arrival.

‘This is already the third time.’

Eugene had been expecting some resistance, but all three villages he passed in the period of half a day had been like this. Naturally, he never caught a glimpse of the village administrators. Even in a large village with a population of more than 500, not even a single mercenary could be seen, let alone any knights.

There weren’t any other reasons.

“Did the administrator of this village also flee to the castle?” Galfredik asked.

“Yes, yes! He left with the mercenaries three days ago,” The village chief answered.

“Did he take all the wealth and the food?” Galfredik asked.

“That’s right.” The residents answered with gloomy expressions, despite being frightened.

Galfredik clicked his tongue before returning to Eugene. “It’s the same here as well. It seems like Lord Gabriel is preparing for a sit-in.”

“Shouldn’t we let Lord Essandra know, Sir Eugene?”

“That’s right. Judging from the villages we’ve seen so far, the same should be true for all the remaining villages on our way to the castle.” The other knights also agreed with Galfredik’s opinion. This was the only possible answer when they witnessed how Gabriel gathered all of the village administrators to the castle along with all the supplies and soldiers. It was highly likely that Gabriel would attempt to negotiate after holing up in his castle.


Eugene became lost in thought for a moment. Then, he rode Silion closer to the village residents.

“I’m going to ask you something,” He spoke.

“Yes, sir!” The chief and the villagers became more polite after noticing that Eugene was the commander of the group.

“In this area, where are the roamers most active at?” Eugene asked.


However, it seemed the village chief didn’t fully understand the question, so Eugene continued. “Not monsters like goblins or kobolds, but trolls and lycanthropes. Is there an area where dangerous monsters are known to roam?”

“Ah! T-there is someplace like that. The Rodan Forest. The black griffons of the Rodan Forest have been notorious for about a decade now,” The chief answered.


Griffons were medium-sized monsters with wings, heads, and front claws resembling eagles while their lower halves resembled lions. Although they possessed wings, griffons were incapable of flying long distances. As such, their territories were relatively small. Even so, griffons were incredibly ferocious and violent, so even other medium-sized monsters tended to avoid griffons.

“Is there a group of griffons there?” Eugene asked.

“Yes, yes. It’s said that they are in flocks of three or four. They are so fierce that no one goes near Rodan Forest without being accompanied by mercenaries,” The chief answered.

“Hmm. I see. I understand,” Eugene said.

“Yes, yes.” The chief and the villagers bowed.

Eugene headed to Galferdik and the other knights. “Go to Lord Essandra and let her know of the situation. Sir Galfredik, there is something for the two of us to do,” Eugene said.

“What? You won’t be returning with us, Sir Eugene?” The knights questioned his decision.

Eugene answered with a solemn expression. “It seems griffons are rampaging around these areas. But as all of you saw, this village, as well as the other villages we passed thus far, are devoid of any knights and troops, right?”

“Hmm. That’s right.”

“Ah! Sir Eugene, perhaps…?” One of the free knights asked after coming to a realization.

Eugene nodded. “That’s right. This is the land of the Archivold family, right? Soon, Lord Essandra will succeed the title, so we cannot just leave the monsters to threaten the residents. Lord Essandra should agree with me as well.” Eugene explained.


“However, I cannot go against Lord Essandra’s orders. So go back and relay the current situation to Lord Essandra. In the meantime, Sir Galfredik and I will take care of the griffons.” Eugene continued.

Essandra intended to thoroughly win over the allegiances of all the villages and small territories within the marquisate, even if it took some time. So even if Eugene and Galfredik were away for about two days to kill the griffons, it wouldn’t matter greatly.

Moreover, wasn’t the justification simply too perfect?


“Sir, you truly are…!”

“I have witnessed true chivalry, Sir Eugene!”

It was clear from the touched expressions and shouts of admiration of the knights that not only were his actions consistent with chivalry since he was helping the weak, but if he succeeded in hunting the griffons, Essandra would also receive the credit for deeply caring about her people.

It was truly a perfectly honorable act.

“Anyways, I will be heading to Rodan Forest with Sir Galfredik. Sirs, I will leave the matter with Lord Essandra to you sirs,” Eugene said.

“Please leave it to us, Sir Eugene!”

“I will do my best to live up to your expectations.”

Hunting monsters was a great achievement, but an opportunity to fight as a knight of a great noble like Essandra did not come so easily. Therefore, the knights weren’t envious of Eugene and Galfredik, but rather, they welcomed the opportunity.

“We won’t let you down, Sir Eugene.”

“We will remember your generosity!”

Some of the knights even thanked Eugene, assuming that he was providing them with the chance on purpose.

“Why are they thanking you?” Mirian asked.

‘How would I know?’ Eugene answered inwardly.

“Then take care. Let’s go, Sir Galfredik,” Eugene said before departing with Galfredik.

“Master! Are you really planning on hunting the griffons?” Galfredik asked

“For now,” Eugene answered.

“Hmm. I’m sure you have your reasons, but is that really necessary? There’s nothing for us to gain, right? We already killed a wyvern,” Galfredik said.

“Wow! The big bear is pretty smart.”

Galfredik knew Eugene better than anyone else. Both he and the spirit of desire voiced their puzzlement.

“There is indeed something to gain. Something significant.”

Clop. Clop.

As soon as they were far enough from the village, Eugene smiled coldly before unleashing his vampiric abilities. This was the perfect opportunity to test the new ability he gained from consuming the giant bat’s red mana stone.

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