How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 68

Edrique was briefly distracted by Eugene’s beautiful appearance, but after coming to a realization, he felt goosebumps rising all over him. He quickly remembered the warning he received from the three nobles – he must never be fooled by the knight’s appearance.

“Ehem! Right. So you are heading to subjugate a dungeon at my sister’s suggestion?” Edrique said after taking his seat.

“Yes, and in order to do so, I needed to pass through your territory, Lord Edrique. It would have been disrespectful for me to not pay you a visit. But I happened to receive an invitation from three of your men, my lord. I think it was a very fortunate encounter.” Eugene responded.

‘Very fortunate? So if I did not send anyone, you would have come on your own and thrown a rampage here? You’re saying that I should know how fortunate I am?’

Edrique felt cold sweat soaking his back. It was truly frightening. Edrique would not have let him into the castle even if the knight came of his own accord. However, it was clear that the knight would have started rampaging in the nearby villages or in front of the castle instead. Casualties would have been inevitable, and the knight would have also sustained injuries or would have even died.

If that happened, then Essandra’s plan to put pressure on him using that incident as an excuse would have succeeded.

‘This is quite difficult.’

Essandra was in a precarious position.

“Hahaha! Is it not a natural obligation of a lord to treat an outstanding knight to everything they deserve? However, just as you must already know, sir, the relationship between me, my sister Essandra, and my brother Gabriel, is quite peculiar. You understand, right?” Edrique spoke cautiously.

“I fully understand. Lord Essandra was also quite worried about her younger siblings, Lord Gabriel and Lord Edrique. She said that she wants to solve the matter with the succession as soon as possible and have the marquisate operate normally sooner. However…” Eugene saw an opportunity and gave an immediate response.

“However?” Edrique asked with growing anxiety, emptying his glass of wine in a single swig.

“Although she is not faced with any financial difficulties, she wants to subjugate the dungeon as soon as possible. As you know, Lord Edrique, the number of monsters will only continue to increase with the delays in subjugations, which causes more roamers to appear. The Edrique territory must be enduring, or the territory may have to endure the brunt of the damages in the future.”

Essandra wasn’t extraordinary, but she was a fairly outstanding candidate for a margrave. She was sincerely worried about her younger brother’s territory, which was why she had spoken such words to Eugene.

However, Edrique didn’t take Eugene’s words as her sister’s concern, but as Eugene’s scheme.

‘N-now he’s openly threatening me!’

If Edrique could calmly think things through, he would immediately see that Eugene was simply stating his worries about an upcoming problem rather than threatening him. But Edrique was overanalyzing Eugene’s every word because he was greatly worried about the young, handsome knight.

In addition, he was slightly under the influence of alcohol.

“So, sir, are you telling me that you have a solution?” Edrique’s tone was slightly edgy.

“I won’t know until I actually enter the dungeon, but we did not come to the decision without thinking about it first. However, I might need some help from you, my lord,” said Eugene.

“My help? Are you asking me to hire mercenaries?” Edrique responded.

“What? No, I will not be needing any mercenaries. I will be entering the dungeon by myself.”


Edrique was truly shocked. Even after hearing the story, he had been doubtful that the knight would actually venture into a dungeon alone, but it appeared that the knight was quite serious.

“I would like some support with porters and those capable of dismantling corpses, Lord Edrique. They can wait at the entrance of the dungeon and start their work once the subjugation is complete.”

The corpses of monsters decayed relatively slowly inside evil lands. Even if the corpses in the evil lands were left unattended for a day or two, they would be in a similar condition to corpses that were left alone outside for only a few hours.

Naturally, they would incur greater losses by dismantling the corpses outside rather than actually taking the porters and dismantlers inside, but the purpose of the trip was the subjugation itself. Essandra would accept the possible losses.

‘The problem is whether Lord Edrique will accept it or not.’

“How many?” Edrique replied.

“I think ten people might be enough.” Eugene gave an immediate response. He had been expecting Edrique to play hard to get, so he felt rather puzzled after hearing a direct response.

“I will send twice that. But when will the subjugation be?” Edrique asked.

“The sooner, the better.”

“What about tomorrow?”

“Yes. Well…”

“You might also need some people to control the workers, so I will be sending Sir Megber and a few soldiers. Just in case, I… No, never mind. Anyways, I will not be sparing any effort in supporting you.” Edrique stopped himself. He had been about to speak his true thoughts – that the extra personnel would be there to stand witness. They were required to ensure that the blame would not fall to Edrique if the young knight got himself gutted in the dungeon.

It was for the best to send a madman into the dungeon as soon as possible while sparing any useless information.

“I will be looking forward to your outstanding performance, Sir Eugene. And would it not be better to let my sister know that you were treated with utmost respect and honor in my castle? What do you think? Why don’t you write her a letter, just in case?” Edrique asked while hiding his nervousness.

Eugene wondered if such a thing was really necessary, but he gave a gentle nod. It wouldn’t hurt to appease Edrique’s demands since he was giving his full cooperation.

“Well, sure.”

“Hey! Bring me parchment and a quill!” Edrique shouted.

A servant ran forward before Edrique finished his words. Eugene wrote a letter and stamped it with his seal.

‘How strange. Is it okay for everything to proceed smoothly like this?’

‘That’s a relief. I just need to send this madman to the dungeon as soon as the sun rises tomorrow!’

Regardless of the process and their true motives, both men fulfilled their respective goals.


Early next morning…

Six troops and a bunch of personnel left the castle alongside Eugene with Megber in the lead.

“I wish you the best of luck! Hahaha!”

“Take care, Sir Eugene!”

Most of the castle’s nobles accompanied Edrique to see Eugene off.

‘Is this because of Lord Essandra’s valuable prestige? If that’s the case, then why have they not sided with her, if they would go to such lengths for me?’

Eugene was rather puzzled by the situation. However, considering the atmosphere, he felt assured that his following endeavor would work out well after the dungeon subjugation. Therefore, Eugene tried his best to recall his previous bright smile in order to part with a good impression.

“Haha. Thank you. I will make sure to convey your generosity to Lord Essandra, my lord. I will come back with good results,” Eugene spoke.

However, it was counterproductive.

“I-I am overjoyed to hear that. Anyways, you should hurry. Should you not bring good results for my sister as soon as possible?”

“Right. But since you were so gracious, Lord Edrique, I will give you a report as well.”

“Ah, yes…”

‘Never come back. Just go get your head lobbed off in the dungeon!’

Edrique tried his best to keep a smiling face.

At last, once Eugene and the workers could no longer be seen, Edrique stumbled in front of the drawbridge.

“My lord!”

“Are you all right?”

The shocked nobles quickly hurried to his assistance. Edrique placed his hand on his forehead.

“It’s fine. I think I must have overworked myself because of that man. I never imagined that I would come across someone capable of making me even more nervous than my sister and brother,” Edrique muttered.

“To think that he would threaten you to the end, my lord. He must be unrivaled in his arrogance and insanity.”

“Is it not a relief that he will definitely be killed in the dungeon? We will not have to see his face ever again, so you can be relieved.”

“Yes. Thank goodness. Anyways, my sister will be heartbroken if something goes wrong in the dungeon, so we should prepare to hold a proper funeral. I cannot leave any openings for her to blame me.” Edrique spoke with relief.

“We will have it prepared.” The nobles bowed their heads with relieved expressions.

It had already been more than half a year since the dungeon of the Archivold marquisate was left unattended. The number of monsters around the dungeon had obviously increased since it was left unattended. But no one knew exactly how many monsters were around. Moreover, a high-ranking monster, known as the strongest on earth, was present in the dungeon of the marquisate.

‘He won’t even be left with a body if he gets caught by an ogre.’

‘We never got to recover the bodies of the last group of soldiers, right?’

‘Should we get to work on a memorial stone?’

‘Although he is a madman, he sure is courageous.’

The minds of the nobles were riddled with various thoughts, but they agreed to pray for Eugene’s soul and to give him a nice funeral.



A large, one-meter-thick stone door opened, which caused the surrounding soil to rise. It was the opening of the Archivold marquisate’s Oppert Dungeon.

Would he truly head in alone?

Or would he give up and give us various excuses?

The soldiers and workers stared as Eugene stood in front of the opened door. Their eyes were filled with expectation and fear. Eugene was fully armed. Four javelins were slung over his shoulder, and two battleaxes were hanging from his hip, as well as his shortsword.

“Great work thus far. I will send a signal within three days at the latest, so please open the door then.”

“Sir, are you actually planning to venture in by yourself? This is a dungeon you have never experienced before. This is suicide,” Megber attempted to dissuade Eugene once more.

Although Eugene’s arrogance and insanity pierced the sky, Megber still acknowledged Eugene’s achievements on the Carls Baggins Peninsula.

“Lord Essandra provided me with a map of the dungeon. I already have information regarding the inhabiting monsters, so there is nothing for you to worry about, sir.”

“Even still…”



Megber’s eyes filled with shock. Five or six soldiers had worked together to open the stone door, but Eugene was closing it single-handedly. The soldiers and workers were also in disbelief as they stared at the closing gate. The young knight gradually disappeared into the darkness.

“In three days, I will give a signal from the inside. I will knock three times. Remember, when I knock on the door three times…”


The entrance to the dungeon closed with a loud roar.

Megber stared at the door with a blank gaze for a moment, then came to his senses.

“What are you all doing? Hurry up and set up camp. Form groups of two and guard the entrance. Report back to me as soon as you hear the signal.” Megber shouted.

“Yes! Sir!”

The soldiers and workers got to work.


Megber’s eyes filled with sorrow when he saw Silion whining.

“A rare, purebred stallion. You won’t be able to see your master anymore. If my lord permits, I will take care of you from now on.”

All knights cherished and loved horses. As such, Megber reached out to pet SIlion.


However, Silion strongly refused Megber’s hand and proceeded to spit in his face instead.

“Agh! Both the owner and the horse are crazy!”

Megber suppressed his anger and wiped the saliva off his face. He could not touch the horse as long as Eugene’s death wasn’t confirmed.

“Three days? It will be a miracle if you manage to last even a few hours! Hmph! Maybe you will come knocking on the door begging for your life within an hour. But I won’t open it for you! And once I confirm your owner’s death, I will make sure to bury you along with him!”

Megber glared alternatingly at Silion and the dungeon’s entrance while gritting his teeth.


As soon as Eugene entered the dungeon, he threw off his cumbersome backpack. Eugene didn’t need items essential to human survival, such as water and food.


The nails of his left hand grew long into crimson claws, jutting out of his tipless gloves. He held Wolfslaughter in his right hand, and the weapon responded to the owner’s energy as it emitted a faint light.

“Krrrr!” Eugene growled. He slowly walked deeper into the dark dungeon while his eyes flashed with a red light.


Suddenly, translucent waves of fear stretched out deep into the dark dungeon like a spider web. Eugene’s senses were elevated by several times. He was able to detect everything – every single noise and smell, as well as the very flow of air. His abilities had been vastly improved compared to his time in the Tywin dungeon.

Eugene wasn’t sure how far along he was, nor where his limits lay. However, there was no need for him to be conscious of anyone else for the first time, so he decided to utilize his abilities to the fullest.

Psssss! Pssst!

The fear of an Origin Vampire tore the air of the dungeon in line with Eugene’s stride, but it didn’t stop there, it continued to expand deeper into the dungeon.

“Kieeek!? C-could this be? Is the new crest materializing into reality!? Keugh! The evil dragon is threatening to rampage inside me! Ah!” Even Mirian was affected by Eugene’s great energy.

The monsters of the dungeon had been approaching the entrance, overcome with appetite and the urge to kill after a long time. However, the monsters were met with an unfamiliar energy, and they reacted instinctively. They quickly stopped heading to the entrance and began to run deeper into the dungeon to avoid being killed by the intruder.

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