How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 313

The conference room of Petrucca’s Government General alone truly lived up to its name as a wealthy port city, as the floor and walls were laden with ivory marble and decorated with various antique, expensive objects. Dozens of nobles, including Count Rudiger, were gathered in the room, and their faces were filled with fear and anxiety.

They were afraid of the ones responsible for gathering each of them here. The figures lined up against the wall of the conference room were vampire high lords with great statuses in the Roman Empire. However, what was even scarier than the high lords was the knight in the bloodstained armor and the four men and women standing right behind him. The nobles of Petrucca still couldn’t come to their senses. It was impossible to believe the things they had seen with their own eyes.

Unlike other countries, the Roman Empire didn’t see many territorial disputes within its borders. Although there were occasional disputes between nobles in areas not under the direct control of the empire, such conflicts were quickly subdued by the active intervention of the imperial family and its army. As such, the people of the Roman Empire were unaccustomed to blood and death. Evil land subjugations were left to the knights and mercenaries, so the ordinary citizens—especially the nobles who lived in large cities like Petrucca—were rarely trained in swordsmanship as knights. Most of them lived a life removed from any sort of action and fighting. As such, the day’s confrontation in the square had come as an overwhelming fear and shock for them. Even though more than an hour had already passed since the bloodbath, the faces of the nobles were still pale. It wasn’t just fear they felt either. They felt sick whenever they remembered the horrible deaths of the knights.

They had anticipated the confrontation between the King of Maren and the knights to be similar to ordinary matches between knights, such as those held in knight competitions or jousting competitions. They had been looking forward to an honorable match between brave knights in shining armor—a duel to prove their courage and skills. Although a rare death was expected in such a fierce competition, the nobles had been expecting a festive atmosphere.

However, today’s match was…

Ugh… Bweeeegh!

The sound of someone emptying their stomach best represented the feelings of the nobles. Just recalling the events caused their palms and armpits to become drenched with sweat. Above all else, there was one thing that scared and confused the nobles the most.

‘W-why are the vampire clan masters…?’

The four vampire clan masters were standing near the black knight of death as if they were guarding him. Even the most prestigious nobles of the empire could not act recklessly toward the clan masters, so why were they acting so obedient toward a single figure? The nobles knew that even the emperor himself could not cause them to act as such, as the vampire clan masters had not pledged allegiance to the emperor when they were incorporated into the Roman Empire’s society.

- They would not oppose the Roman Empire and the Holy Empire.

This was the agreement made between the Dark Clan and the leaders of the two empires in exchange for the incorporation of vampires into the Roman Empire. There was no mention of swearing loyalty to the emperor or the imperial family. That was why the members of the Dark Clan, or more specifically—the clan masters—remained proud even in front of the imperial family. Naturally, they bowed to the emperor, but it was only out of respect and courtesy. Even the emperor could not enforce his will upon the clan masters. However, the clan masters were currently showing complete obedience and deference to the King of Maren and were even taking orders from him. And it was clear what this represented.

‘Was the rumor false in the first place?’

Everything had been fabricated. Master Rivoles had not overpowered the King of Maren, and the vampire clan masters hadn’t been holding the King of Maren for his crimes. Nothing had been true. No, rather, it was the complete opposite. The King of Maren had subdued all the clan masters, including Master Rivoles.

The nobles shook with renewed fear. But on one hand, they doubted that the King of Maren would actually raise a hand against them. Although the result of the confrontation had been completely unexpected, he would not harm the nobles of the Roman Empire unless he was completely out of his mind. After all, such an act would be akin to declaring war against the Roman Empire. Count Rudiger assumed so as well.

“Your Majesty. Do you really think you will be safe when this matter becomes known? Will you truly wage a war against the empire?” Count Rudiger protested after regaining his calm.

Eugene responded with a smirk, “And what about you? Did you actively push for the duel because you wanted a war with Maren?”


“Why? Did you really think you could do whatever you wanted just because Maren is a small country?” Eugene asked.

“…” Count Rudiger was forced to shut his mouth at the relentless criticism.

“Moreover, how will the current situation become known?” Eugene asked.

“What do you—” Count Rudiger questioned with a confused look, then stopped himself.

‘D-don’t tell me… I-is he planning to kill all of us?’

The color quickly disappeared from Count Rudiger’s face when he remembered the horrific deaths of the knights.

“I heard you sent a letter to the crown prince,” Eugene said.


How did he know? Count Rudiger took on an expression of disbelief, and Eugene continued, “You must have told him about the rumor surrounding me. But the situation has reversed now, right? And you aren’t in a place to write a letter either. How is anything going to become known?”

“W-we are not the only ones in Petrucca. There are thousands; no, tens of thousands of residents who have witnessed—” Count Rudiger retorted.

“And how long do you think it’s going to take before they spread stories all the way to the imperial castle? Fifteen days? One month? Two months?” Eugene asked.


It would take two to three months, at least without a letter or a report. Neither signal fires nor messengers could be sent without the governor’s orders. Moreover, Count Rudiger had recently sent a letter to the crown prince saying that Eugene had already been overpowered by the clan masters. As such, unless the crown prince received another official letter with the governor’s seal, he would regard any other news as ridiculous rumors. However, Count Rudiger still had one ray of hope left.

“The imperial legion s-stationed near the city will not sit idly by. The honorable, brave soldiers will come to condemn you when they find out about this,” Count Rudiger said. Although Petrucca was not under the direct control of the empire, there was a legion stationed only half a day away from the port city.

“And sirs…” Count Rudiger called out while turning his gaze to the clan masters.

“Although you may be members of the Dark Clan, you sirs are still subjects of the empire. Your titles were bestowed upon you by His Majesty the Emperor. How could you take part in something like this? Keep your honor. Are you not afraid of committing treason?” Count Rudiger said sternly. The other nobles brightened at his words.

The governor had a legitimate argument. Although they had faced a series of situations that had been difficult to comprehend, the vampire clan masters were still nobles of the empire. If they continued to partake in the situation, they would become real traitors.

“…!” The eyebrows of the clan masters squirmed slightly in response. It looked as if Count Rudiger had driven his point across.

Count Rudiger turned his eyes to Eugene as if to prove that the situation could still be turned around. However…

“Treason…” Eugene muttered. He then continued with a mysterious smile, “By treason. Do you mean that I am challenging the empire and the imperial family?”

“Isn’t that obvious?! Everything that you are doing right now is treason! If you release me and the other sirs right now and formally apologize, I will let His Majesty the Emperor know that all this had just been a small disturbance born from a misunderstanding,” Count Rudiger responded.

“Is that really true?” Eugene asked.

“Of course…” Count Rudiger answered confidently. Eugene’s smile grew even deeper.

“Sir, do you know where the emperor currently is? No, when was the last time you saw him in person?” Eugene asked.

“…!” Count Rudiger froze.

Eugene continued in a low voice, “How will you give a report when you don’t even know where he is and when you can’t meet with him? And you know what? In the first place, I have no intention of opposing and challenging the Roman Empire, as well as the imperial family.”

“W-what shameless….” Count Rudiger was baffled. The King of Maren was holding the governor and nobles of Petrucca against their will, and he had also killed the knights of the empire. What nonsense was he speaking? However, Eugene’s following words caused Count Rudiger’s eyes to quiver vigorously.

“This is all in accordance with the imperial family’s will. Well, to be exact, it’s the prince’s will,” Eugene said.


“Third Prince Localope, a direct descendant of the current emperor, sent me here to punish the rebels,” Eugene explained.


Eugene’s words were completely unexpected. They were simply absurd and completely out of context. Why was he suddenly mentioning Prince Localope? Count Rudiger could only mumble gibberish due to the great shock.

Eugene gazed at Master Helmond and said, “What you told me, tell it to the governor and the other sirs.”

“Yes,” Master Helmond responded with a polite bow, then took a few steps forward toward Count Rudiger and the other nobles. The eyes of the count and the nobles were out of focus due to the great confusion and shock.

Master Helmond began to calmly unravel the secrets he previously planned to keep until his death. “His Majesty the Emperor is currently…”

Count Rudiger and the nobles fell into even greater shock as Master Helmond continued monotonously. It was truly a hard story to believe. However, it was coming from the lips of Master Helmond, the master of one of the most prestigious, long-standing, esteemed vampire clans in the Roman Empire. Moreover, it was commonly believed that Master Helmond had a close relationship with the crown prince. Would such a figure lie in front of the governor and the nobles of Petrucca while voluntarily tarnishing his honor and the honor of his clan? It would have been more realistic to say that the roamers outside had become herbivores.

“…That is everything. I, Helmond, swear on my—no, I swear on the cold, pure blood and honor of my family that there is not a single lie in what I just said,” Master Helmond concluded before stepping down. Count Rudiger stood fixated in place with a blank expression.

“Now, am I still a traitor?” Eugene asked.


Count Rudiger was jolted to his senses. He wanted to respond, but he could not find any words to say. If everything he had just heard was true, then the traitor was none other than Count Rudiger himself. If it wasn’t treason to cooperate with someone who had locked away the emperor, then what was considered treason?

“I-I… I…” Count Rudiger muttered.

“Didn’t know until just now…” Eugene said.


“The governor did not know until just now. So, it cannot be considered treason. Of course, that will only be the case if you will actively cooperate with me to oppose and drive the traitor out,” Eugene said.

There was no answer, but the count’s frantic nods were enough answer. Eugene looked around at the nobles. Fear through inexplicable force, the shock of being labeled traitors, and the powerful justification to oppose—the nobles were perfectly placated, and they transformed into cooperative individuals through the three shock treatments. Eugene was satisfied, but it couldn’t be called perfect just yet.

Eugene then calmly said, “I know that all of you sirs must be confused. Even if you heard Helmond’s testimony, you still haven’t seen the truth with your own eyes. But don’t worry. I will take care of that soon.”

“H-how would you do that?”

Eugene shrugged and responded to the dozens of gazes, “How else? Isn’t the traitor on his way to Petrucca? We will simply take him and ask.”


Count Rudiger took a sharp breath when he remembered his letter to the crown prince. Was this why Eugene had spread those false rumors in the first place?


Had everything been planned from the moment he arrived in Petrucca?

‘It can’t be…’

Count Rudiger stared at Eugene with an expression of disbelief. He had experienced a lifetime’s worth of surprises in just a single day. The vampire king wore a faint smile on his beautiful face, but Count Rudiger had become so much more afraid of him than when Eugene brutally killed those five knights without blinking an eye.

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