How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 76

I held on to the hands of the two as I fell down the pit. 

In a few seconds, 50,000 thoughts crossed my mind. 

– Whirrrrr! 

– Woooo! 

A gentle wind wrapped around my body, and for a moment I felt my body was rising. 

Yun Sehe’s Spirit seemed to have created a barrier to  help us from crashing to the ground. 


A dull shock passed through my body with the sound of the barrier hitting the floor. 

Thanks to the spirit, the shock was not as strong as I thought. 



"Cough! Cough!" 

Groans filled the dark space. 

I raised myself up by covering my nose because of the dust that filled the surrounding area. 

I raised my head and looked at the pit we fell into. 

However, no light could be seen on the ceiling. 

When I was bewildered by the complete darkness, a fireball sprang up from one side and lit up the darkness around me. 

"Cough! Are you all okay?" 

It was the supervisor wearing a mask. 

"I'm fine Supervisor.” 

When I looked around, Jung Taeho and Yun Sehe were slowly getting up from the ground. 

Fortunately, neither of them seemed to be injured. 

“Oh, I'm sorry, but could you help me?” 

“ Ah. Yes. Are you alright Supervisor.?”

I went to where the supervisor was sitting. 

His face showed signs of pain. 

"I tried to absorb the shock as much as I could with magic, but I think I fractured my right leg bone." 

"Oh my…" 

The supervisor didn't seem to be helped by the spirit. 

“How can I help you?” 

“Can you get me something to fix my leg? " 

"Please wait a minute." 

I searched around and collected the branches lying on the floor of the pit. 

I made a splint and fixed his legs using bandages and tape from the first aid kit that the Supervisor had. 

The supervisor was well aware of first aid, so I could do it without much difficulty. 

“Is this good enough?”

“Urgh… Yes, thank you very much.” 

The other two also gathered around us. 

The supervisor asked the two teens. 

“Is anyone hurt?” 

“I'm fine.” 


Yun Sehe answered in a slightly trembling voice, and Jung Taeho nodded quietly. 

The supervisor, who checked everyone's condition, pulled out the radio and sent a signal. 

But the walkie-talkie….

"I think the walkie is broken. And…" 

He looked at the ceiling once, sighed, and continued. 

"The hole to escape on the top also seems to have been blocked. It's a relief that we weren't swept away by the collapsing soil." 

“Well, what are we going to do then? Are we stuck here?” 

Taeho asked with a look of great confusion. 

The supervisor replied in a calm tone as best he could. 

"It's hard to get out of here right now, but other Supervisors will soon notice that we're gone missing. I think it's best to wait here for the rescue." 

"What happens to the test then?" 

Yun Sehe, who was obsessed with the test, asked with an expressionless face. 

"The test for Team 3 will be suspended for the time being. Since Team 3 entered the danger zone, it's going to be disadvantageous." 

"What are you talking about! I didn't see any red flags." 

"Red flags were installed normally. But they were all burned down and damaged by fire." 

Jung Taeho's expression turned pale for a moment by the supervisor's words. 

He soon noticed something and turned his head towards Yun Sehe. 

"This all happened because of you. All because of you using my fire on your own accord." 


"Ahhhh! I can accept this…." 

When Jung Taeho's voice was about to raise his voice. 


I felt something strange and shouted. 

Everyone's eyes were on me. 

"I think it's coming." 



"What's going on?" 

All three of them didn't notice at all, but I felt the movement with my ability to sense them. 

"I think it’s the Poison Ants. They’re coming closer and closer to us." 

Pointing in the direction, I spoke in a confident tone. 

The supervisor flashed a ball of fire at the dark space with a half-doubtful look. 

Kiii. Kiiiiii. 

We heard the creepy sounds of Poison Ants coming from the dark space. 

And soon, countless Poison Ants started appearing from the dark. 

"They are all Soldier Poison Ants, right?" 

Jung Taeho asked in an anxious tone. 

As he said, all the Poison Ants that appeared in the dark were soldier poison ants. 

Tension lingered over the appearance of formidable enemy. 

“Can you help me?” 

The supervisor who was sitting asked me for help. 

I held my hand and lifted him up. 

He borrowed my shoulder and straightened up his posture. 

“Thank you. Rest of you, step back." 

Leaving the words, he immediately began to caste his magic. 

“Freeze, a sharp blade of ice! Swing a merciless blow of the storm” 

As soon as his spell was over, countless ice blades sprang up in the air. 

And the blades rushed at great speed, carried by a violent storm. 

It hit all the Soldier Poison Ants, that were coming in our direction. 

– Kiiiiiii 

– Kikikiiiiiiii! 

The relentless magic attack caused the body fragments of soldier poison ants to bounce everywhere. 

With one attack, no more Poison Ants could be found moving. 

The rest of the party, including me, couldn't shut our mouths seeing the terrific skills of the supervisor. 

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Since then, several attacks by soldier poison ants have continued, but all were easily handled by the supervisor's magic. 

We took the dead Ant bodies, set them on fire and waited for the rescue team to come. 

The supervisor wearing a mask near me spoke quietly. 

"Are they still not coming?" 

"Yes, they're still nearby, but they don't seem to want to come here." 

"You have a very useful ability." 

"Haha, I think Supervisor’s is better than mine." 

" Hahaha…Thank you. I'm Nam Jinhyuk." 

"What? Oh… I'm Lim Sihyeon." 

Although I was puzzled by the sudden self-introduction, I followed suit and gave my name. 

"When will they come to our rescue?" 

"By now they might have noticed that we're gone. The Guild must have dispatched a search team." 

"Is it okay to just wait here?" 

"This place seems to be a conduit for the Poison Ants and it’s safer to hold out here than to move around hastily." 

I nodded at his reasonable explanation. 

Although it was disturbing to wait for rescue, it was much better than moving around in a place where Poison Ants swarmed. 

But the problem was… 

[Yakum's Trust takes effect] 

[Resisting the poison that tries to affect the body] 

Suddenly, a notification came up about poison being resisted. 

I felt something was wrong and looked around at others. 

Surprisingly, other people's expressions started to change every moment. 

"Ah, I wondered why the Poison Ants stopped attacking…" 

Nam Jinhyuk thought about my question for a while and shouted and gathered everyone. 

"It's poison! Come here everyone. I'll give you the antidote." 

He took a small glass bottle out from the first aid kit and handed it out. 

I turned down the antidote, while the other two hurriedly opened the lid and took the antidote. 

Perhaps thanks to the effect of the antidote, everyone's faces returned to normal. 

However, Nam Jinhyuk's expression became more serious. 

" Supervisor Jin ? What's the problem?" 



"The antidote works for about 30 minutes. After that, we have to take the antidote again." 

"… How much antidote do we have left?" 

"Four bottles… four bottles." 

The calculation was not difficult. 

It meant that we could only stay here for an hour . 

"Supervisor Jin." 


"Can the rescue team come within an hour?" 

My question was never answered by Nam Jinhyuk. 

The shadow of despair gradually began to surround us. 

Jung Taeho shouted as if he had a fit. 

"It's all because of you! It's because you burned the red flag!" 

"Why me. You never  listened to Mister earlier, when he asked you to back off? We wouldn't have had this problem if you had backed off then." 

“What? Why is this only my fault? You also didn't back off!" 

"But I didn't kill the soldier Poison Ant in such a bizarre way by breaking the ground like you!" 

– Chaeeng! 

Jung Taeho couldn't resist his rising anger and picked up his sword. 

Yun Sehe also called out her spirit. 

“I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget, shorty.” 

“You teaching me a lesson, with that stupid yellow head of yours!” 

The two, who had strong pride, were about to fight, and the supervisor Nam Jinhyuk also looked blank as if he had received a mental shock.

I was also in shock.

I don’t know whether I can get out of here alive.

I closed my eyes.

The faces of Mother, Yakums, Farm members, Yerin and finally Speranza flashed in my mind. 

My heart became heavy when I thought I would never see them again. 

As soon as my heart was about to weaken, I slapped on my cheeks as hard as possible. 


‘I need to keep my head cool.’ 

‘I'll go back to the people who are waiting for me.” 

I moved my legs with a determined mind and shouted at the two teens who were engaged in a war of nerves. 

"What are you two doing!" 

My loud voice echoed through the space. 

Not only the two who were fighting but also Nam Jinhyuk, who was sitting on a rock, looked at me in surprise. 

"You two! Get down on your knees."

"Ah, Mister…." 

"Huh! " 

The two flinched at my shrill cry. 

Then they approached me and knelt down. 

"Both of you are adults in this society now. So don’t act like kids in a situation like this.?" 

"That idiot did it first.” 

"The shorty was the one…” 

“NOISY! Are you still blaming each other?" 


Jung Taeho, full of complaints, pouted his lips, and Yun Sehe lowered her head. 

"Haah. Sehee. Would Seo Yerin act like this in a desperate situation like this.?" 


"Jung, Is this kind of Awakener what you dreamt of becoming?" 


"Listen! As an adult you have to admit if you did something wrong. A person who can't do that can never grow and will remain as an immature child. That's exactly what you two are now." 



" Society and Guilds are not places where you can survive alone. You have to understand others' shortcomings and accept them for who they are.” 

Neither of them raised their heads at the words that came from my true feelings and experience. 

Soon, the shoulders of both of them trembled, and a suppressed sob came out little by little. 

The two felt disappointment, sadness, and anger toward them. 

I sighed and sat down, while looking at them in their eyes. 

"Phew… did you both do something wrong or not?" 

"…I did something wrong…" 

" I did ." 

I gently patted the heads of the two teens who were forced to hold back their tears. 

"I'm sorry. When I found out it was dangerous, I should have stopped you guys more actively as the eldest person here. I couldn't. It's my responsibility." 

"No… no! Even when you warned us, it was me who didn’t listen to it…" 

"Ugh… I was the one who burned the flag…" 

Two people finally admitted to their fault. 

I smiled softly at the sight. 

"So we're all in the wrong? We forgive each other because we're on the same team. Right?” 

– Nod! 

– Nod! 

Jung Taeho and Yun Sehe, kept nodding their heads with tears in their eyes. 

They felt so cute that I hugged them slightly. 

Then, the two couldn't overcome the bursting emotions and burst into tears at the same time. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh UNCLE” 

Two guys called me uncle at the same time while crying. 

‘Gosh, this word again. Maybe I should start getting used to it.’ 

I gave up correcting them and smiled. 

Jung Taeho and Yun Sehe stopped crying more quickly than expected. 

The atmosphere was much better than before. 

I approached Nam Jinhyuk, leaving two teens behind. 

"Thank you." 

"What, I didn’t do anything…" 

"No, you did. To be honest, I was out of my mind until a little while ago. But after hearing Sihyeon's words, I regained my consciousness. Thank you very much." 

Nam Jinhyuk expressed his gratitude by bowing his head with sincerity. 

I laughed a little embarrassed at the unexpected situation. 

However, I could not relax because of the warm atmosphere. 

I soon stiffened my face and opened my mouth. 

"Supervisor Jin." 


"We don't have time, so I'll ask straightforwardly. What's the best possible way to escape this place?" 


Nam Jinhyuk thought for a while and opened his mouth with difficulty. 

"If we can't wait for the rescue team, the only way is to escape from here on our own." 

"How about magically piercing the sand above?" 

"The ground is weak enough to collapse. If something goes wrong, we may get buried alive." 

"Well, then the only way left is …breaking thorugh the front." 

"Yes, that's right." 

The last way we have left. 

Four of us have to break through the nest of Poison Ants.

It's not easy. 

No, It’s close to impossible. 

Even the experienced Awakener like Nam Jinhyuk, who showed off his powerful magical skills, looked unsure. 

When I was thinking with a worried expression, the Summoner’s stone in my hand began to light up. 

"Do you need my help, Popi?”

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