How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis

Chapter Another Word From The Author

First of all, this is the second update today. I also released the final chapter of volume 2 so if you haven’t read it, do that before you read this. I know sometimes people only see the newest post and miss the one before. Also, the site is still pretty wonky so there may be some formatting errors. I’m trying to fix stuff, but the editing options aren’t very responsive right now. Sorry, but not much I can do about it.

So, I tied things up as best I could. New members joined (for how long I wonder) and nobody important died. I know some people were expecting to lose one or more of our party, but I didn’t have it in me. They live. For now.

Another 30 days of daily releases. Phew! I’m going to take another break before I start volume 3. I’ll restart 9th May. Should give me time to recharge, and the site might be back to normal by then (fingers crossed).

In the meantime, I’d really be interested to hear your thoughts on volume 2, what you liked and what you didn’t. All feedback is welcome. It would also be great if you followed, favourited or liked the story. It helps push it up the charts, which gets it more exposure. Writing reviews also helps. Big thanks to all those who have done so already.

And also, thank you to those of you who donated. I got the button because I could. I never expect anyone to actually use it. It’s only a couple of people, but it’s a real boost. My next overpriced coffee is on you guys, cheers.

I have some ideas for volume 3, but nothing certain. A lot of the time in volume 2, I’d have an idea and then end up writing something entirely different, so we’ll see. Killing off TIn was a spur of the moment decision, no idea if that was the right way to go. What do you think? Then again, maybe they have undead in this world…

One thing I will say, even though Colin has learned magic, I definitely won’t let him get OP. I’m not a fan of those kinds of stories and much prefer when a character uses his wits to get out of a tricky situation.

Cheers to you all, and see you in two weeks.


Mooderino Cappucino

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