How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 27

Chapter 27. Results of the princess's swordsmanship remodeling plan (1) It wasn't long before King Theonel heard rumors that Arell was teaching swordsmanship to his older sister, the second princess Cania.

The girl holding the wooden sword and the figure of him continuing to teach something while looking at it caught the attention of the ladies-in-waiting and soldiers, and rumors naturally spread.

“Is it that Kania is receiving swordsmanship instruction from Arell?”

“yes. It is so.”

The king's exclusive butler, Jenefel, replied.

The king, who was puzzled by the rumors of the soldiers and court ladies, ordered him to check it out himself.

“Hmm... I certainly knew that that child had been studying the theory of swordsmanship for some time.”

I was well aware that Arell had recently been asking about textbooks on swordsmanship or articles about Aurors, and I had already heard it from him.

However, the king did not hold much hope for his youngest son's behavior this time.

It does not mean that he is not interested in the youngest prince.

‘No matter how smart I am, I can't master swordsmanship only with theory.'

Swordsmanship was, after all, the realm of knights.

It is the realm of the body.

I thought it was an area that could not be reached with only the talent of civil servants.

In particular, as he built his body through hard training in his youth and still boasts strong muscles, he believes that swordsmanship can only be reached through hard training.

It is even more difficult to imagine that a child with a weak body will realize something by studying.

‘Even though this body allowed it....

However, it was only to the extent that I allowed it to learn and see it once because I was interested and also a very smart child.

I expected to give up soon after.

“...When you see it, are you teaching it properly?”

If you learn swordsmanship even a little wrong, it will remain as a weakness for the rest of your life.

Of course, since Kania was a princess, it wouldn't be a problem if she didn't reach such a high level, but she didn't want to learn the sword incorrectly.

In response to his concern, he gave Jennefel a meaningful smile.

“The 2nd princess has awakened her aura.”

“…is that enough?”

It was hard to believe.

Was it simply a theory that taught the young princess to awaken her aura?

It was at the age of 18 that even he first realized his aura.

And Crown Prince Jeil also realized his Aura at the age of 20.

Those two were also regarded as considerable geniuses within the kingdom.

“Are you sure Genga?”

“I saw it with my own eyes.”

“That's... that's amazing.”

The king was sincerely impressed.

“He awakened his auror with the theories he developed…

he murmured in a low voice.

Although it was only a small voice, there was something deeply anguished in his eyes.

“Would you like to see it for yourself?”

As if reading his intentions, the old butler asks. He seemed to be thinking for a moment, but the king shook his head.

“No. You are still watching.”

Now is just the time to pretend not to notice yet. he judged it that way.

“Now let him do what he wants.”

I even gave him permission to do whatever he wanted. If so, it would be wise to observe more.

It's still time to put up with going to meet.

As he said that, there was quite a bit of anticipation for his son in his eyes.

“I can’t wait to see what the outcome will be.”

Three months have passed since full-scale training began.

I watch Kania noona from the side as she concentrates her mind with her sword raised.

In just three months, the aura rising from Kania's sister's sword became clear.

Compared to the others, the color is much stronger.

I'd say it's closer to cobalt blue.

It is proof that the purity of mana is high and the output is strong.

As expected, his mana affinity was definitely innate compared to others.

“I think I've gotten used to the sense of output and maintenance of the aura.”


I went behind and grabbed my sister by the waist and tickled her.

Moderate abs and well-trained flesh are perfect for tickling.

“Kyaa?! what. What are you doing, Gayahahaha'?!”

As I twisted my back and struggled because of the tickling, I lost my concentration and the output of my aura weakened.

“It’s still a long way from being distracted just this much.”

I evaluated it soberly.

The desire to give compliments is like a chimney, but originally, these things are the law to tell the truth.

“How are you supposed to concentrate when it tickles so much?”

At my sister's protest, I shook my head.

“But in practice, I can’t use it unless it’s that much.”

In reality, there are many more extreme situations.

Rather, in practice, it is rarer to have an environment that allows you to stay focused.

That's natural.

Who would let their opponents focus their mana comfortably?

Even if it's like me, I'll do all kinds of tricks so that I can't show my true skills.

that's common sense

It's meaningless if you can't develop the skills you see in a slightly different environment.

“…isn’t it easy? How hard is it really?”

“In theory, everyone does that.”

And it's a secret, but I can produce hundreds of times the output of my sister even while sleeping.

Well, I'm special, so I'll have to make an exception.

“It's only strict when training strangely...

“Because that's natural.”

If you have an accident for no reason, you have no choice but to become difficult and strict.

Traditionally, swordsmanship and driving cannot be taught kindly, even if the person teaching them is a family member.


My sister pursed her lips, perhaps dissatisfied with my attitude.

There's nothing wrong with being so squeamish.

Complaints, but faithfully followed.

He trains seriously as I tell him to do, and every time he eats the elixir I made, he frowns, but drinks it well.

Today too, my older sister's complexion is blue after taking one shot with her nose covered with the elixir I brought.

The first time I ate it, I almost threw up on the spot, so compared to that time, my patience has increased a lot.

And even when I think about it, this is disgustingly tasteless.

It's not something people can eat.

“...But what about that bitter medicine?”

“That's not enough.”

Taste the medicine. Is it medicine?

Still, I tried my best to taste it somehow.

I hope you know that.

Actually, I tried to make a strawberry-flavored elixir for myself, but it didn't work out.

Still, compared to the elixir I used to take in my previous life, this was really something that I researched and softened the taste. So I want my sister to be patient too.

With the elixir I poured in every day and the improved swordsmanship, Kania's sister's skills jumped at once.

especially swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship, which was improved from the existing knights' swordsmanship to match his sister's personality and aura characteristics, is now unmatched even if he brought in a tolerable knight and sparred him.

Seeing the knights being beaten to pieces by my sister almost every day, I naturally want to comfort them.

“Hmm? However, the pace of development has slowed down a lot.”

“Are other people surprised?”

Currently, Kania's sister's level has reached the end of Orofraction.

At this level, it can be said that it is at the level of a senior knight of a knighthood led by a noble with at least the rank of a count.

A knight of that level would be treated as an elite enough in the kingdom.

If you go to the next stage, Aura Expert, that level of talent is even more valuable.

Even in the kingdom, there were less than thirty knights who had reached the level of expert.

Expert superlative? even more precious

As far as I know, there are only two masters in the kingdom.

The higher you go up, the harder it is to reach that level, and the talents who reach that level are inevitably precious.

In that sense, Kania noona's growth was by no means slow.

It is only natural that the knights who watched our training would be astonished every day that a beginner who had just awakened to an aura had jumped to that level in such a short period of time.

Even being overtaken by a flower-like girl, some of the knights seemed to be swallowed up with a sense of shame.

that's not what i know

If you're just that frustrated, then you're done.

The bottom line is that my sister's growth is not smooth, so there is nothing strange about hearing that it is a foul pace.

However, in the eyes of the former professional, that is still not enough.

It's far from the standard I was aiming for in the first place. You have to grow up a little bit more.

“Are you too blocked?”

When I asked, Kania nodded after hesitating.

“This ideal seems difficult, but she seems to be feeling a wall right now.

After all, since I grew up in a short period of time, I feel like I've hit a wall.

“No matter how you swing it!”

Raise your sword.

A deep blue light was reflected on the blade.

When he struck the sword as hard as he could, he tore the old armor that had been put up for practice into two parts like cutting tofu.

“More than this, the power does not increase.”

Kania noona, who continues to wield her sword and expresses feelings of being blocked by something.

You look pretty frustrated.

“It's just that my sister hasn't realized it yet.”

I gave her advice and instructed her to refocus.

“First, I refine the imagery again. I will teach you how to get over walls.”


“Do you know what the driving emotion you need to jump over the wall in the first place?”

I didn't know at all, so I just gave the correct answer.

“The answer is negative emotions.”


I deny at once whether I even thought of a joke.

“It's true. As always, humans who grow stronger the fastest tend to be obsessive and sinister.”

For example, it is a similar logic that humans who are obsessed with revenge quickly acquire power.

Insanity, obsession, or anger that transcends the mind.

Sometimes you need that.

Positive emotions purify the sword, but they do not become the driving force for explosive power.

However, on the contrary, negative emotions play a role in breaking the limit of the amount of mana that you are unknowingly limiting.

An advanced master must deal with those two feelings freely.

It's a real contradiction in that respect.

You need a clear mind to realize mana, but you need negative emotions as a driving force to pursue a higher level beyond the wall


After I explained this, my sister made a tired face.

“So that is. Like Arell?”

why do you think of me What do you think of my image!!

Um... I have to say it, but that and my strength have nothing to do with it.

I'm not insidious.

Incidentally, this theory is not made by me.

That's what the bachelor's examination claimed.

Both me and him insisted on this theory often, as if for some reason there was a bit of a perverse side at the time.

The important thing is that the theory almost fits.

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