How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 15

Chapter 15. From today I am a genius (4)

“But I have no mana at all.”

“…That won’t be the case.”

Ranfil couldn't bear to hit the shield properly.

It is already famous that I have zero mana affinity.

Externally, how can I, who is a mana gossip, fly the sword?

At that point, Lanfil was also speechless.

“Why do you want to teach me swords so much?”

“...It's because Arel-nim needs to become stronger.”

He looked at me seriously and said.

“Of course, I will protect Arell-nim and Leafana-nim even at the cost of my life. But... the world has one if only. At least I want to be able to protect myself.”

I am genuinely concerned for my safety.

Apparently, he was worried about me in his own way, so he tried to point to swordsmanship until the end.


Did the escort knight have any concerns?

I'm sorry for whining that I can't do it if I'm serious like this.

“…I’ll try some more.”

Reluctantly, I grabbed the sword again.

Even after that, the swordsmanship class did not make much progress.

So don't be sorry Ranfil.

Sooner or later, those worries will be blown away at once.

* * *

Whether it's swordsmanship or magic, it doesn't matter to me.

What is the duty of children?

Of course you are studying!

Finally, the time to study has arrived.

To be honest, I thought I was tired of waiting.

For some reason, it seemed that the process of recruiting a tutor to take charge of me took time.

I roughly guessed why.

probably passed on to each other.

It is not an ordinary person to be a tutor for a royal child.

from a high-ranking aristocracy. It must also be a person with considerable culture.

Besides, being the teacher of a royal child would be a fair honor.

People who want to do it will overflow here and there.

but who am i

Poor swordsmanship and magic aptitude!

He is truly a scrap prince!

The approval rating is hitting the bottom because there is no succession right, but recently it has fallen further into the minus.

Being my tutor like this would not be very honorable, so they probably didn't want to do it.

My predictions seemed right.

As soon as I met the tutor for the first time, I felt that he had no motivation at all.

“This is Gamil Pernea. Starting today, I will be Prince Arell's tutor.”

There was no life in his eyes as he spoke calmly.

It seems like I can hear the cry in my heart that I really hate to do it.

It seems that the perception that I am a child who is not worth teaching has settled in his mind.

I know how rumors about me circulate among nobles.

Is there anything strange about it?

It doesn't matter.

“Please take good care of me!”

I smiled at Gamil.

“???? yes.”

He seemed reluctant, but I am a prince nonetheless.

I forced myself to nod my head.

Don't worry.

I will correct that perception sooner or later.

And it took two days to surprise Gamil.

“...You're kidding too much.”

He looked down at me with his pupils widening.

It is a mixed reaction when faced with a fact that is sincerely unbelievable.

The reason why his voice doesn't tremble is probably because he's usually calm.

He suppresses his emotions and asks me again.

“Are you saying you learned to read already?”

“huh. It's true.”

I calmly nodded.

Did this old man just live a lie?

do you need proof

I pulled out a suitable book from the library and started reading through it.

As my intelligent voice resounds, Gamil's expression is gradually colored with surprise.

“…You didn’t memorize it, did you?”

“Wouldn’t that be great as it is?”

It's not that I don't understand why I'm surprised.

Common language of the kingdom I learned.

This text hits a little bit.

Compared to the languages of other neighboring countries, the level of difficulty is quite high.

If my guess is right, even the most brilliant child would have to be at least 10 or 12 years old to read a simple book.

Of course I can't believe that a five-year-old baby learned it in just two days.

In fact, it's impossible for me to learn this in two days.

This is the result of studying while avoiding the eyes of her mother and nanny.

I admit it's cheating, though.

I wonder if this is a little too much, but it's good to exaggerate a little bit.

You have to go a little overboard from the start so that true mythology begins.

Shouldn't Gamil think of me as a genius?

“...that's amazing.”

For the first time in his eyes, there was a difference.

Did you finally have the will to teach me?


I grinned.

yes praise it

Praise me more!

This is the moment to unleash my presence!

* * *

And another rumor circulated.

Arell finally stands out.

The youngest prince, Arell.

He completely overturned the previous evaluation that he had no mana affinity, and he was so ugly that he couldn't even hold a wooden sword properly.

Learn a common language in two days.

Even a simple foreign language took only ten halls to learn.

Mathematics is also said to have solved the basic calculation formula on the spot by mental arithmetic.

The source of the rumor is Gamil Pernea, Arel's tutor.

It didn't take long for the story he told nobles he was in a good mood with, perhaps because he had an unexpectedly excellent disciple, to spread throughout the aristocratic society.

And with some kind of information source, the theory of Allel genius was confirmed as fact.

And finally, the story about Arell reached the king's ears.

King Theonel Ernesia.

He smiled heartily at the story of his youngest son.

“Right. Did he have that kind of talent?”

Not too long ago, rumors about Arell had upset him quite a bit.

He has no talent in magic or swordsmanship.

How displeased he felt every time he heard the nobles arbitrarily evaluating such Arel and saying gossip about him.

However, the evaluation was overturned at once.

“Is it a sword or magic… He must have had a hard time forcing me to do something that didn’t suit my temper.”

The underestimation of Arel in the past is no good now.

It was discovered that there are talents left after filling in more than the lesser fields.

Previous rumors were forgotten in his mind before he knew it.

....That was Arel's goal, but.

Drop your own evaluation as soon as it drops and raise it all at once.

Of course, human psychology is the law that joy goes up if you fill up the ideal as much as you were disappointed.

Your disappointment is for me to gain momentum.

Arel smiled at the thought at the time.

And Lipana, who treated him like that, just smiled as if she was sorry.

Suddenly, Theonel came to the concubine, and she was surprised when he praised Arel.

“I'm really sorry for worrying you so much.”

“Don’t talk like that. Lyfa and you must have been more worried than this body.”

That's not wrong.

When Arel is criticized for not having any talent, the one who hurts the most is none other than his mother, Lipana.

But even she didn't expect that there would be a field where Arel stands out.

‘Come to think of it... It might have been a little unusual since before.'

He learned to speak quickly, and from an early age he listened to himself and his nanny Chena.

Was that a sign?

‘I should have noticed it sooner...

Thinking that way, I felt a little sorry.

On the other hand, I was also happy.

None other than the king, who is now acknowledging Arel.

“I want you to grow splendidly as it is.”

Lipana also wholeheartedly agreed with his words.

yes? Feel free to look forward to it.

And please look forward to the future.

I smirked as I listened to the conversation between the king and my mother.

It's going as expected.

Listening to his excited voice, fortunately, it seemed that my appeal had worked.

but. What parent would not be happy to hear that their child is a genius?

Not only Abby but also her mother is delighted.

It went well with this.

I was satisfied with the result and stretched.

As it is, for the time being, I will continue to act as a noble genius-to-be mother-in-law.

yeah just go like this

Then, in the future, I will be able to get a suitable seat and comfortably stretch my legs out.

after a while As a bounty, no small amount of gold coins and various treasures were given to me.

Of course, the person who gave the gift was the king.

Apparently, he was the type of person who would give even one more rice cake to his pretty child.

....I knew that, so I was aiming for it.

Anyway, when you become the king of a country, the scale of your spending is different. “Wow....

I was impressed as I checked each and every item that was handed down as a bounty.

Even the gold coin that was given out right away made her tempted to wonder if she could just play and eat and live like this for the rest of her life.

no pigs! no! Do you think you will be satisfied with just this much?

The concubine was old and needed to be repaired, but at this rate, I think I could repair it and hire additional ladies-in-waiting.

Soldiers and knights were additionally placed there.

This is a bonus I didn't even think of.

Originally, I had planned to solve the money issue first and then the escort troops issue.

The reason for this was that the king, who had heard of my news before and came to see the state of the palace guards, frowned.

When I asked unpleasantly, ‘Is this all there is?', it was worth seeing the face of Ranpil, who was called, turning blue.

“Arel can't use swords and magic, so he'll need more troops to protect him.”

After saying that, additional troops were assigned shortly thereafter.

The problem of the poor escorts of our palace also kept bothering me, but it turned out well.

Looking out the window now, Ranpil is taking over the new knights and soldiers to escort the concubine.

Oh look at that kid's face.

It's a lot of bravado...

The guy who was only in command of ten soldiers is suddenly in charge of three times as many knights and soldiers, so he seems to be in better shape now.

After all, he's the commander.

Okay, let's get some poop form for a while.

And sooner or later you'll have to harass me.

Whoop whoop I'm looking forward to it.

I looked away from the window and checked the gifts again.

Among them, I picked up a necklace that was contained in a luxurious-looking case.

It is a necklace with a large scarlet gem set in the middle.

Somehow, this guy seems to be the most valuable.

“???? This?”

Aside from money and other items, what I am concerned about right now is this.

At first glance, it looks like an extravagant necklace.

I focused my consciousness slightly on my eyes.

yeah can't fool my eyes

Inside the vermilion jewel, a circuit for mana circulation is precisely engraved.

By analogy, it is like the electronic board of a precision machine.

The circuit is not working right now, but if my eyesight is correct, when the mana circuit engraved inside works...?

“As expected, it’s not an ordinary necklace. nWhen I inadvertently groaned, my mother, who was checking the bounty list next to me, looked at me and exclaimed, “Oh!”

Is that an artifact given to you by His Majesty?”


I nodded.

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