Horror Game: All My Organs Have Their Own Consciousness

Chapter 47

   looked at the corn stalk under him, felt the hot sun, smelled the hay coming from the field, and listened to the weak insects.

   Soul Lin somewhat wondered if he had crossed.

  【Om! 】

  【You enter a special scene: a deserted grave. 】

  【In a special scene, your ghost puzzle will be suppressed, and your cursed items will enter an unusable state. You need to complete the special scene 3.3 scene task to complete the escape. 】

   [Reminder: Special scenes are extremely dangerous and are not protected by safe time. At the same time, in special scenes, you will get the identity of the plot. 】

   [You get your identity: a villager in Dahuai Village]

  【Task: Go to the grave】

   [Explanation: July 15th will be another day, and Dahuai Village will start the annual grave-sweeping ceremony. All you have to do is to go to the Houshanzu Tomb for the grave-sweeping ceremony on July 15th. 】

   [Task reward: 4 years of life. 】

   [Punishment for failure: There are many graves in Houshan, many without names, maybe one of them is yours. 】

   [Warning: Do not leave this village before July 15th. 】.

68.Chapter 68

   “The phone is gone, but the task prompt popped out of my mind directly. Is this a limitation of a special scene?”

   lowered his head and glanced at the clothes on his body, Lin Soul narrowed his eyes slightly.

   “This dress…”

   The clothes on him have the style of the Republic of China, but he is not sure if it is really the clothes of the Republic of China.

  Because of his understanding of the Republic of China era, all of them stayed in the movies and TV shows with the background of the Republic of China.

   “The time has also changed from night to day… The mission time is still tomorrow. It seems that this special scene is really special.”

   stood up, feeling the unaffected organ power.

   Lin Soul had a bottom in his heart.

   Don’t care how special this special scene is.

   As long as there is the power of the organs, he has the ability to fight against problems.

   The next thing to do is soldiers to cover the water and soil, and act by chance.

   “Soul Son! Your mother calls you to go home for dinner!”

   was thinking, Lin Hun heard a child’s cry. He looked up and found that at the edge of the cornfield, a child with a nasal mucus was waving at him.

   “Oh! Got it!”

   Seeing this kid at 15th, a small memory appeared in Lin Hun’s mind inexplicably.


  My cousin is the kind of younger and older cousin.

   “Implanted memory? It’s a bit different from the last two special scenes.”

   After absorbing this memory, Lin Soul’s expression remained unchanged, but his heart rose with vigilance.

   In the special copy, any kind of special place has its own meaning.

   may be good, more likely it is bad.

   I must be very careful.

   Leaving the cornfield, Lin Soul came to Gou Dan’s side.

“Let’s go.”

   Although he knew the identity of Goudan, Lin Hun did not get the memory of his “home”.

   If you want to go back, you must let this kid act as a leader for yourself.


   Gougan didn’t think much, and walked towards the village with Lin Hun.

   Dahuai Village is a small village, probably more than 50 households live.

   At the entrance of the village, there is a big locust tree with luxuriant branches, blocking the sun and revealing a shade.

  Because it is lunch time, the chimneys of every house are full of vague smoke, revealing a smell of life.

   It is totally unbelievable that this place turned out to be a dangerous special scene.

   But Soul Lin soon discovered that it was wrong.

   Although this village seems to be full of popularity, but no one can be seen.

   Every family is cooking, but there is no sound.

   This is very abnormal.

   Lin Hun squinted his eyes and thought.

  【You try to enter another villager’s house, you trigger the killing rules in Dahuai Village, and you are dead. 】

   The prompt that popped up in the future vision made Lin Hun silent.

   “If you enter someone else’s house, you will die? It’s really harsh enough.”

   turned his gaze again, and found that the hint of future vision was death, Lin Soul honestly retracted his gaze.

   Following the dog eggs, Lin Hun soon found his “home”.

   This is a courtyard surrounded by mud walls. In the courtyard there are millstones, chicken coops, and a three-room thatched cottage.

   The door of the house is made of wooden boards, and the windows are made of wooden corrugated sheets with white paper.

   The whole house is yellowish and full of age.

   Goudan sent Lin Soul to the gate of the courtyard, waved his hand, and bounced away.

   Seeing his leaving back disappear into sight, Lin Hun turned around and walked into his home.

  The flat courtyard is very clean.

   A pile of sun-dried corn on the cob was piled up in the corner, and several hens were croaking in the chicken pen.

   Lin Hun looked at this very ordinary courtyard, fell silent for a moment, and walked towards the thatched cottage.


   The wooden door did not know if it was due to disrepair.

   With the opening of the door, a strong smell of meat wafted over his face, making Lin Soul’s face change.

   “It smells good…”

   The scent of meat is very fragrant, not the kind of corpse incense that has deceptive mental effects encountered in the crazy hospital.

   But in this scent, he smelled a very strange smell.

   The taste of life… the taste of human life.

   “My son is back~”

   The old voice sounded, making Lin Soul come back to his senses. He followed the voice and found an old woman in peasant clothes looking at him kindly.

   “The rice is ready. I have stewed the meat for you today. You can eat it quickly.”


   glanced at the old woman silently, Lin Hun Lin Hun did not sit, but looked in the direction where the fragrance came from.

   There is an old wooden stake, and several enamel bowls are placed on the stake.

   The bowl is filled with hot meals.

  Wotou, pickled radish, pickles and a large bowl of oily stew.

   The aroma comes from these stews.

   “Son, why don’t you sit down, my mother will cook for you.”

  ’S kind voice sounded again, and Lin Hun realized that the old woman had come behind him without knowing when, and closed the door of the room.

“I’m not hungry.”

   When Lin Hun found this, he raised his eyebrows, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   “This is this year’s new meat, it’s old and delicious, you have to try it.”

   As if not hearing Lin Hun’s words, the old woman took two steps forward, picked up a piece of fat that I didn’t know where it was with her chopsticks, and handed it over.

   “Come on, mother, feed you.”

   “No need, I’m a little tired, so I will go back to my house and sleep.”

   Lin Soul tilted his head, avoided the meat fed by the old woman, turned and walked towards the back room.

   “Don’t go!”

   A stiff and cold hand stretched out, trying to catch Lin Soul.

   But when this hand reached halfway, it was caught by another **** claw.

   “Don’t use your hands.”

   turned around and watched as his face turned pale like a paper man, and the “mother” Lin Hun with two blushing cheeks appeared indifferent.

   Behind him, the shadow body in a black suit was holding the paper man’s hand in one hand, while the other 213 was holding the sickle of abomination in the other hand and placed the sickle on the paper man’s neck.

   Although the special copy limited Lin Soul’s curse items.

   But it has no effect on the cursed items on the shadow double.

   “Or cut off your head.”

   “Hurry up and eat meat…Hurry up and eat meat!”

   However, Lin Hun’s kind persuasion was of little use to this “mother”.

   He struggled with his body, trying to escape the restraint of the shadow substitute.


   But the shadow double with stronger spiritual power is not something he can contend.

   accompanied by the sound of tearing thick paper.

   One of the arms of the paper man’s mother was directly torn off by the shadow double.

“eat quickly!”

   The broken arm made the paper mother’s voice a little weak, but his expression was already mad, and he used his other hand holding the flesh to keep approaching Soul Lin.


   Next second.

   His head was cut off by the sickle of abomination.

   The soul of Lin’s expressionless face, watching a soul with a distorted expression being hooked out of the paper man by a sickle.

   The appearance of this soul is the same as that of a paper man.

   But the expression is even crazier.

   He howled and wanted to continue to pounce on the forest soul.

   But his head was again hooked off by the sickle of hatred that stretched out from behind.

   The headless soul was swallowed by a sickle in mid-air.

   Only the tumbling head was grasped by the shadow body’s **** hands, crushed into a fingernail-sized fragment of grievance, and handed it to Lin Soul. .

Chapter 69:

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