Horror Game: All My Organs Have Their Own Consciousness

Chapter 21

   “Teacher, I have a problem, can you help me answer it?”

   Obviously, the cunning in the classroom didn’t want to let Lin Soul complete the evening study.

   Another female student sitting in the middle position raised her hand sharply and shouted.

   This time she didn’t raise the kind of underworld problem that was not part of a normal school like she did at the beginning.

   Instead, looking like an ordinary student, he asked Lin Hun for help.

   [You did not answer the treacherous question, you were punished by the horrible will of the Silent School, and you died. 】

   Looking at the prompt that popped out of his eyes speechlessly, Lin Soul was silent.

   Although he had expected it, he didn’t expect that this classroom would be so simple that it would punish the murder rules.


   If you can’t avoid the problem, try to solve the problem.

   Soul Lin’s method of dealing with the problem is that simple.

   He stood up and walked in the direction of the treacherous student.

   [During your teaching process, the treacherous leg touched you once, and the other party slandered you as an assault student’s lsp. You were punished by the terrifying will of the quiet campus, and you died. 】


   Future Vision’s prompt made Lin Soul stop. He looked at the ugly woman who looked like a flower and said.

   “Hold up your textbook and I will answer it for you here.”.

Chapter 31

   “Old teacher, you can really laugh, how can there be any saying that you can answer questions for students so far away? Come here.”

   Lin Hun’s sudden decision made the female student stunned, but she didn’t react slowly. She covered the textbook with her hands and said with a smile.

   “Are you ordering your teacher?”

   Soul Lin did not move, because he knew what the ugly idea was.

   He looked at the silly face in front of him blankly, and said coldly.

   “Or you feel that you have become more capable, so can you not listen to the teacher?”

   “No, I don’t have one, don’t talk nonsense.”

   I don’t know if Lin Soul’s problem triggered a certain mechanism, and the female student who heard this quickly denied it with a frightened expression.

   “This is my problem, please teach me.”

   He quickly took out the textbook, pointed to a question and asked.

   “Don’t change the subject, answer my question just now.”

   Lin Soul didn’t plan to let this ugly and curious one simply let go.

   This guy was obviously planning to calculate himself, but he accidentally touched the taboo.

   Now that he has discovered this, he naturally has to go after him.

   “I, I, I…”

   Lin Hun’s question made the female student’s face frantically changed, because no matter how she answered this question, it would touch the rules of the classroom.

   Students cannot order the teacher.

   If students feel that their abilities no longer need the teacher’s instruction, then they need to take an “examination”.

   And “exam” is for the cunning.

   is also a trial of ten death and no life.

   “I curse you!”

   My female student for a long time felt the power of punishment gradually coming, and her expression suddenly became resentful.

   “I curse you for being trapped in this school forever and eternal reincarnation, I…”

   Before the female student could finish the vicious curse, an invisible force suddenly came and wiped him out.

   Yes, erase.

   is like wiping off a stain that is not stubborn with a linen cloth.

   This awkward location seems to have never had a master before, and it has become clean and slick.

   “Does anyone have any questions?”

   The change in front of him made Lin Hun’s eyes brighten. He turned his head and looked at the other students, with a gentle smile on his face.

   “Ask the teacher if you have any questions, and the teacher will definitely answer them seriously.”


   The answer to Soul Lin was silence. At this time, the students in the classroom seemed to be obsessed with studying and couldn’t help themselves. They were lying on the table and refused to raise their heads.

   “It seems that in this classroom, the sharpest weapon is the teacher’s authority.”

   Seeing these weird appearances, Lin Hun narrowed his eyes and reached out and clicked on the student sitting on the far right in the front row.

   “This classmate, come here.”


   Hearing Lin Hun’s voice, the head drooped, and he wished that the student who had stuffed his head into the ground like an ostrich stood up crying.

   He was the guy who attacked Lin Hun in the first place.

   He didn’t expect that the world report would come so soon.

   A few minutes ago, he was still collaborating with his classmates to attack the new teacher.

   After a few minutes, revenge came.

   “Teacher, what can you do? I haven’t finished my homework yet.”

   The guy didn’t move, but said something like this.

   “Of course something is going on.”

   Lin Hun propped his face with one hand, and looked up and down the student, with a scrutiny in his eyes.

   At this time, the student’s revolving lantern was flashing in his eyes.

   He already understands the identity of this student.

  He was the culprit who killed the entire class by poisoning.

   But this guy did not show any disgust towards his classmates.

   is very harmoniously integrated into this class family.

  He has a good sense.

   “I heard that there is a chemical material called sodium cyanide that can dissolve in water. People who drink it and regret the rapid death of poisoning. There is no cure. Do you know this classmate, do you know this?”

   Lin Hun’s words made the student’s face slightly changed.

   He felt the cold eyes from all around him.

   shook his head calmly, and said solemnly.

   “Teacher, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

   “I really don’t know? Or you, the son of the owner of a chemical store, don’t want to say it?”

   Lin Hun’s words made the students who pretended to be calm no longer stretched their expressions.

   He widened his bloodshot eyes and asked grimly.

   “What do you know?”

   “I know everything.”

   Lin Hun smiled slightly as he watched the students who had removed their disguise in the class, their faces turned pale and blue.

   “For example, you put sodium chloride into the drinking fountain of the class.”

   “For another example, you handed water to all the students in the class after the physical education class.”

   “There is also the thing that you have always hated these classmates of you.”

   “And you poisoned the whole class, and then committed suicide by taking poison.”

   “You know, I know everything, you have forgotten, and I know better than you.”

   Lin Soul’s voice fell, and the air in the classroom had dropped to freezing point.

   If you let the whole class choose the most hated goal.

   This guy who poisoned them all was absolutely number one.

   But after death, they were unable to investigate the truth.

   In the end, they can only suppress the resentment in their hearts.

   But this hatred has not disappeared over time.

   has become more and more intense with the passage of time, and has been sublimated to another realm.

   A realm called hatred. .

Chapter 32

   “Don’t talk nonsense! What evidence do you have to prove that everyone is my cause!”

   A strong resentment, even if it is weird, I will feel fear.

   The student named by Lin Hun was already distorted in fright.

   “It is enough that you are different from other classmates based on your grievances.”

   Lin Soul sat on a chair, looking at the purple and black mist gradually rising in the classroom, his eyes cold.


   Feeling the aura of resentment climbing on him, the student suddenly fell silent.

   He lowered his head, and a deep resentment gradually rose on his body.

   “What’s the problem with killing these guys! These inhuman trash! Killed Xiao Bai, and drove him crazy. They don’t deserve to live, I just want them to die!”

   A strong resentment erupted from the student, and the blood-colored lines gradually stained his school uniform red.

   “They don’t deserve to live…”

   A little **** light formed pupils in the white of the black eyes. The student opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and looked at the expressionless Lin Soul.

   “You… don’t deserve it!”

   “It’s really a mental illness.”

   Feeling the real resentment in this student’s eyes, Lin Hun frowned.

   This guy poisoned his classmates just because his classmates did not feed his hamsters in time.

   It’s no wonder that after his death, this guy’s grievance was stronger than that of his classmate who was killed.

   looked at the picture of this student fighting against other students in the class by himself.

   Lin Hun took out his phone and checked the time.

   There are still five minutes before get out of class ends.

   He needs to make a choice.

   is to help other students and suppress this student.

   still watching these guys biting the dog, quietly waiting for the end of get out of class time.

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