Horror Game: All My Organs Have Their Own Consciousness

Chapter 15

   is soft, delicate and smelly.

   This is really a piece of human leather.

   “Tell me, how can I completely freeze my ghost eyes.”

   Wu Jian asked in a deep voice.

   The answer to him was silence, this human leather paper looked like a real piece of paper, and there was no response at all.

“I know you can hear what I said. Are you not answering because I control the ghost eye will threaten you? But you have to know that if I can’t control the ghost eye, I will bury you before I die To a place where no one can find, I will do what I say.”

   Wu Jian’s expression was flat and his tone was calm. He knows everyone who knows him. When he talks like this, he is serious.

   may have felt his determination, as if there was an invisible pen writing on the human leather paper, a line of text appeared.

[My name is Wu Jian. I have mastered ghost eyes and headless ghost shadows. I have been able to use ghost mythical creatures initially, but the problem of ghost recovery has not been solved. I must get more puzzles to survive. The first forest soul has mastered it. The complete ghost, maybe I can try to kill the other party, **** the other party’s ghost to make up for my ghost, so that I can achieve a perfect balance. 】


   Silently looking at the information on the human skin, Wu Jian’s eyes flashed red and suddenly expanded.

   The world was stained with blood.

   “Do you feel that you are smart? Give me a game of gorging me! Sure enough, you can’t believe any information. It’s better to bury you underground.”

  The power of the ghost was activating, and the rich blood began to gather. Just as Wu Jian was about to send the human skin paper underground, the text on the human skin paper suddenly blurred and disappeared.

   Then a new line of text seemed to have been written by a very eager person, and appeared on the paper in a cursive font.

[My name is Wu Jian. It is more difficult to control ghost eyes than in phenomena. I need more ghost puzzles to balance the creepy power in my body. The ghost stories hidden in the **** newspaper have the power to cover ghost eyes. Maybe I You can go there to try your luck. 】

   “Blood newspaper? Can you use this to balance the erosion of ghost eyes? The information on human leather paper cannot be fully believed. First, find the location of the strange talk, and then try it out.”

   Looking at the information provided by the human skin paper who does not see the coffin and does not cry, Wu Jian squinted his eyes.

   He folds the used up leather paper into a small piece, and then takes out a small box made of gold from his pocket.

   In the initial trial mission, he not only got the ghost eye, but also got a very important piece of information.

  Gold can insulate ghosts.

  If you have enough gold to build a huge safe house.

   Humans can even ignore the invasion of the dark side world and survive forever in this golden garden of Eden.


   This kind of thing can only be thought of.

   It is basically impossible to realize it.

   Not to mention the limited amount of gold reserves in the world.

   It is very unrealistic to create such a golden garden of Eden that can survive forever.

  Resources, environment, mental state.

  In a closed environment, people may be able to survive for a certain period of time.

   But to survive forever, this kind of thing is impossible.

   Put the human leather paper into the small box, and use the simple welding torch he carried to completely seal the box.

   Wu Jian put the box in his pocket and stood up.

“Set off.”

   He is going to find the strange talk of the blood newspaper.

   make contact with it.

   It’s best if they can be detained.

   If he can’t, he will think of other ways to solve the trouble.

he does not know.

   At this time, a line of text appeared on the human leather paper in the gold locket.

   [This guy is too cautious, it is impossible to get enough ghost puzzles in his hands, maybe I have to think about leaving here… I need to wait. 】

   This line of text disappeared quickly after it appeared, as if it had never appeared before. .

Chapter 23

  【You have entered 114 middle school, your ghost puzzles and curse items are restricted, and you start a special scene mission. 】

   Standing at the door of 114 Middle School, Lin Hun’s future vision jumped out of such a reminder.

   “Another strange story, it should be late self-study, but the time is not enough, do I want to go in?”

   took out his phone and checked the time.


   There are still 37 minutes before the safe time arrives.

   After leaving the office building, it took Lin Hun more than three hours to find the location of this strange talk.

   Now he is faced with two choices.

   The first choice is to tackle this strange story now. The risk of doing so is that you may be trapped in this special scene after the safe time arrives, until the horrible time tonight arrives.

   The second option is to abandon the strange story of Raiders and wait for the horrible time tonight to carry out the Raiders.

   Of the two choices, the second choice is very safe.

   There is not much risk.


   Lin Hun opened the leaderboard.

   He saw the second and third abilities change again.

   Second place, Wu Jian, Li Gui Jigsaw: Ghost Eyes, Headless Ghosts, Bloody Newspaper.

   Third place, Chen Ge, Ghost Puzzle: Death Letter, Pen Fairy, Cursed Prop: Bloody Skull Smasher.

   “I work so hard, then I can’t fall behind.”

   Putting the phone in his pocket, Lin Hun stepped into the door of 114 Middle School without hesitation.

   Fear is wailing, despair is laughing.

   The creepy noise kept ringing in my ears.

   The pale and distorted faces make up the tide of death and flow by.

   A series of pictures flashed like lightning.

   The pale and stiff student, the teacher with his neck hanging from an electric fan, the corpse in the infirmary, the dormitory completely stained with blood.

   The picture trembled and then shattered.

   Lin Hun found that he was already sitting in an office.

   The office is very old, and the air is full of decay.

   There are thick textbooks and a stack of workbooks on the desk.

   The tea in the cup is still steaming.

   From the environmental point of view, this place is not like a special scene with strange talk happening at all, but like a normal teacher’s office.

  【Om! 】

   [You enter a special scene: Silent Campus]

   [In a special scene, your ghost puzzle will be suppressed, and your cursed items will be in an unusable state. You need to complete the special scene task to complete the escape. 】

   [Reminder: Special scenes are extremely dangerous and are not protected by safe time. At the same time, in special scenes, you will get the identity of the plot. 】

   [You get your status: a new teacher in the subject. 】

   [Identity mission on: late self-study]

   [Task description: 114 middle school has the habit of self-study late. In order to be admitted to the pleasant school, students will study late. Your task is to go to Class 4 of 3 years to complete your teacher task. 】

   [Task reward: 5 years of life, crystallization of grievances. 】

   [Mission Punishment: Become a Lifelong Teacher on the Dead Campus]

  【Warning: Don’t care about things you shouldn’t care about. 】

   The phone vibrates, the blood-colored interface lights up, and a series of prompts appear on the screen.

   “This task… is a bit troublesome.”

   Looking at the task reminder that popped up from the phone, Soul Lin frowned.

   He can feel that all the ghost puzzles on his body at this time have entered a certain state of blockade, unable to communicate and use.

   At the same time, cursing the item does not know where it disappeared.

   The only thing to be thankful for is that his awakened organ power is not limited.

   This relieved him a lot.

   “Studying late…”

   glanced at the timetable, then glanced at the clock hanging in the office.

   Lin Hun found that the time in this school was completely different from the outside world.

   in the outside world.

   It is more than 5 o’clock before dawn.

   But the time here is 8:30.

   It was also pitch black outside the window, as if night had just fallen.

   Apart from the street lights on the playground, the only source of light in the entire school is the pale light in the teaching building.

   The school was silent, there was no sound.

   It’s like being in a sealed coffin, making people breathe heavy.

   “It’s time to work.”

   But this kind of pressure is the same for Lin Soul.

   After two days of experience, his big heart has gradually adapted to this stimulating scene.

   casually picked up the lesson plan on the desk and put a pen into his pocket.

   Lin Hun stood up and walked out of the office.

   There is a long corridor outside the office. The long fluorescent tube on the white ceiling emits a cold light, shining on his shadow, making his shadow pull the old man.

   The smell of decay in the air became deeper, and there was a slight odor of decay.

   There is also mist rising outside the window at this time, making it difficult to see what is happening outside.

   bored, cold.

   At this moment Lin Soul felt that the whole environment had undergone a different change.

“There is malice in the air, but there is no warning from Future Vision… It’s interesting. It seems that this evening self-study task must arrive at the designated location to truly start, but the crisis has come. Although Future Vision has no warning, it is trapped. Eating or drinking in one place… I will die.”

   Lin Hun took out the timetable and glanced at the records on it.

   “Four classes in three years…”.

Chapter 24

  The floor where the classroom office is located is the first floor.

   In addition to the teacher’s office, there are only classrooms for first-grade students on this floor.

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