Hope Coffee House

Chapter 44 - Crazy participation

For five days in a row, under Wang Zhaozhao ’s arrangement, Wu Liang met all the MLM product executives that Wang Zhaozhao had contacted before, and recommended a wave of prize activities for everyone according to the routine, and stated that he wanted to get 1 million bonuses. , It is necessary to unite first and become the importance of winning brands.

In the past five days, the number of real users sharing products has also begun to grow. The earliest knowledge of the limits of this activity, the share of the three major brands of Gerong and Maizhong, has even begun to show an exponential growth trend.

The majority of these users are direct sellers, and the other part are the relatives and friends of the direct sellers. Outsiders are not aware of this award-winning event.

Although many direct sellers have become winners of their own products, they have already shared the prize-winning activities to the circle of friends and asked everyone to help recommend their products together, but in fact, their circle of friends has long been blocked by many friends.

Occasionally someone sees the link of the prize-winning event shared in the circle of friends, and sees the title “The prize-winning event! Reward cash 1 million!” These bright red characters are also directly dismissed, not only will not open Look, instead, they will pull the black-haired person in this circle of friends.

As for the copy released when everyone shares the product, it gradually has a taste for brainwashing offline.

XXX star has joined the limit and endorses it for free …

XX patients with prostate cancer have been using healthy negative ion sanitary napkins for a long time, and the cancer has been miraculously cured …

Because of the long-term drinking of the water flowing from the high-tech magnetized faucet of Meiji, the 13-year-old leukemia was completely cured unconsciously …

Since eating Shitian’s eel oil, cancer patient Uncle Zhang no longer loses hair during chemotherapy, and his hair is darker and thicker than before …


The prize-sharing activities of participating users’ product sharing content are more and more contested, and some people have even issued a smiling photo of the president of a certain country shaking hands with the president of his company to introduce to everyone that this president has cooperated with his own brand in a country …

When Wang Zhaozhao first organized his notes, he saw several similar photos, always thinking it was P, because on almost the background board, there were three products that posted a group photo of the president of his company and a certain person shaking hands with Ao.

But Wu Liang told Wang Zhaozhao, these photos are really not P, every one is true.

Wang Zhaozhao did not believe, how could a foreign president shake hands with the heads of these health products and micro-business companies in Longguo? It makes no sense at all!

So, Wang Zhaozhao made a bet with Wu Liang, and the loser was responsible for cleaning the coffee house for a whole year.

Wu Liang readily agreed and asked Wang Zhaozhao to find the answer online.

After Wang Zhaozhao made inquiries on the Internet himself, his jaw almost fell off.

It turned out that as early as two years ago, after the resignation of the president, Mr. Ou came to Shencheng, our dragon country, to participate in a global summit of small and medium-sized enterprises. A total of more than 2,500 entrepreneurs from Dragon State participated in the meeting.

After the meeting, there was a handshake session. As a human flesh background board, Mr. Ou kept smiling and took photos with many entrepreneurs shaking hands.

Only takes a few seconds for a group photo, and it costs 250,000 yuan.

Such a high price, but there are still more than 100 entrepreneurs taking a photo with someone.

Of course, most of these people are the CEOs of health care products direct sales companies or micro-business MLM companies.

Only relying on the handshake session after this meeting, Mr. Ou successfully made nearly 30 million, which is not counted as the admission ticket of more than 5,000 pieces for this meeting.

After investigating the matter, Wang Zhaozhao was angry.

Not because he wants to clean the Hope Coffee House for a year, but because of the behavior of someone, the impact is extremely bad.

His handshake with major health care MLM and micro business MLM leaders will be used by these people. His products have gone international, his products have been highly recognized by the president of a country, etc., as a means of obtaining credit, used to develop offline .

I don’t know how many people, because I saw this high-resolution photo of the company’s president shaking hands with someone, I chose to believe this product, and I resolutely embarked on the MLM road.

I do n’t know how many families there are, because of the impact of this photo, it has become fragmented.

“This person is also a president of a big country, is he short of this money? Why is his character so bad!” Wang Zhaozhao was indignant.

“This matter has nothing to do with character, you think about it, when this person is in office, is he constantly targeting our dragon country?”

Wang Zhaozhao thought carefully, and then nodded: “This is also true, he was not a good thing when he took office!”

“This is because there is a fundamental conflict in the values ​​between his country and our dragon country. In our dragon country with 5,000 years of excellent traditional culture, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness … these values ​​are rooted in every In the minds of individuals, it is only then that some people will not lose their money, and even more people are willing to deny themselves … “

“And the country where Ou is located is a country driven by capital. They believe in the principle of supremacy of interests and pursue the surplus value with the greatest desire. Because of the persistent pursuit of wealth, freedom has gradually evolved into selfishness. Excuse … “

“Presidents of other countries that grew up in such an environment, after coming to our dragon country, do you think he will give up the money and choose to protect the interests of the people of my dragon country?”

Wu Liang looked at Wang Zhaozhao.

“It is impossible.” Wang Zhaozhao’s head shook into a rattle.

Perhaps it was when I thought of the fate of the fragrant city that was heard on earth when I was in my previous life. Wu Liang felt a lot of emotion and sighed: “The people of other countries will never protect my dragon country, only carry the heart. Unscrupulous instigation can protect our Dragon Kingdom people, let us cross the better, only our Dragon Kingdom people themselves. “

Seeing Wang Zhaozhao meditating aside, Wu Liang said with a smile: “Thinking of some previous things, and having some feelings, I said more. My current insights are still superficial, and I might have a deeper understanding in the future.”

“Boss ~ I now understand that you are not only trying to topple one limit, but to smash these 23 health care products and micro-business MLM!” Wang Zhaozhao looked at Wu Liang with both eyes.

“With their ID card information registered under their real names, coupled with the false publicity and bonus policies in their shared content, they will become the iron proof of these companies’ MLM operations. When the relevant departments rely on this massive amount of information, they will not go wrong. Worry about them not closing down! “

“Boss, am I right?” Wang Zhaozhao said after a lot of his analysis, he asked Wu Liang excitedly.

“That’s right, but it’s not comprehensive yet ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Wu Liang laughed,” I ask you, why are there so many people like your mother who go to succeed in MLM scams? “

“Because they have been brainwashed by these health products MLM and micro business MLM, I believe these things are useful, and I feel that I can make money.” Wang Zhaozhao replied.

“This is only a superficial reason. Why did your mother hear Li Qin say the other day that the extreme products are deceptive and few people make money, but she still doesn’t want to stop?”

“Because my mother has exhausted her wealth for the limit, she was promoted to a senior manager. Now she is only a line away from her target business director, and she can succeed when you get it, so she doesn’t want to give up.”

“You are still the superficial reason. If you think about it, your mother will be promoted to the position of business director at all costs, even if you have been betrayed and separated from your family. What is the real reason?”

Wang Zhaozhao thought for a while and was excited: “It’s money! According to my mother’s idea, as long as she can be promoted to business director, she can lie down for 3 million in her life and pass on this member to me.”

“This time when it comes to ideas, those who are obsessed with MLM are actually not obsessed with the products they make, or the projects in their mouths. What really sinks them is that they can get endless wealth without labor. Greed. “

“This is also the real reason why a variety of MLM and Ponzi schemes can always attract countless people.” Wu Liangyou said.

“So, you want to completely cut off the greed that these people want for nothing?” Wang Zhaozhao surprised, “How can this be done?”

“Naturally, but we must at least work hard to allow most people to use their intellect to overcome greed and no longer plunge into this type of MLM scam.” Wu Liang firmly said.

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