Hope Coffee House

Chapter 28 - 1 duck tongue

Wu Liang and Zhang Feng’s mother and son said goodbye, still secretly putting 20,000 pieces of envelopes on Zhang Feng’s mother’s hand, secretly begging her not to tell Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng’s mother gratefully accepted the money and sent Wu Liang to the unit door before returning.

I do n’t know Chai Migui when I ’m not at home, and it ’s not easy for Zhang Feng ’s mother to live these years.

Can be said to be quite fruitful today. Wu Liang is more confident in punishing Gao Qi.

Walked out of the Zhang Feng’s residential area, a scent of skewered aromas came out, adding a touch of warmth to the cold winter day.

Wu Liang instantly felt a little hungry and planned to find a restaurant nearby to fill his stomach and then return to the Hope Cafe.

Walking for a while following the aroma of grilled skewers, Wu Liang saw a simple shed temporarily built on the roadside.

Shanjin District is already the outer suburb of Shencheng. At this time, it was more than 8 o’clock in the evening. Naturally, no one would take care of this illegally built small barbecue stall.

The owner of the barbecue stall is a middle-aged man with a burly figure and two large duck tongues in his hands. He is busy in front of the oven. Although the weather is cold, he only wears a sweater and sweat is faintly visible on his red face .

Behind the middle-aged man, there was a young man in his early twenties, who seemed to be the boss ’s son, and he was helping out.

The fat duck tongue flicked on the charcoal fire, and occasionally oil beads dripped, and a sizzling sound came from the charcoal fire, and the fragrance was overflowing.

Barbecue stall is relatively shabby, there is no table, only a few small plastic stools, at this time there are a few young men sitting on the stools, holding a duck tongue skewer in one hand.

The duck tongue should have just been baked, and it was still a little hot. Everyone sitting around was skewering in a big mouth, and from time to time a “sizzling” inhalation sound was made.

There are three cars parked on the roadside. It seems that these customers are also temporarily attracted when driving on the road.

“Boy, let’s get some skewers?” The barbecue stall owner greeted Wu Liang enthusiastically.

“Boss, do you have any spare duck tongue in your hand?” The roasted duck tongue glowed with golden oil and exuded a burst of aroma, Wu Liangqiang asked with greed.

“Yes, there are 10 surplus duck tongues.”

“Then give it to me.”


“How much is the boss?”

“Don’t worry, wait until you finish eating and count together.”

The duck tongue was quickly baked, and the young man behind the middle-aged man gave the duck tongue to everyone.

Everyone got the duck tongue, and immediately began a new round of great pleasure.

Wu Liang took his own duck tongue that had been baked to golden color and couldn’t wait to take a bite.

Duck tongue was crispy on the outside, tender inside, and only bite gently. The fresh and fragrant juice exploded in the mouth instantly.

This is too delicious! It’s delicious on earth!

Unexpectedly found a roadside barbecue stall that could roast such delicious duck tongue.

Wu Liang had lived in Nanjing for 17 years. People in Nanjing love to eat duck, and he is also an old glutton who eats roast duck tongue. I ca n’t think of the roast duck tongue that I ate at the roadside of Shencheng today. Those roast duck tongues still win three points.

Wu Liang quickly ate ten duck tongues clean.

“Delicious, lad? Do you want to add one more?” The middle-aged man asked Wu Lianghan with a smile.

“Good.” Wu Liang squinted and smiled.

Middle-aged man was even happier when he heard the words. The youth behind him helped grab a duck tongue and handed it over.

Wu Liang also joined up and talked with the boss: “Boss, do you only sell roast duck tongue in this stall?”

“Yeah, I’m good at roasting this too, no other roasting can’t achieve this level.” The middle-aged man laughed.

“However, your roast duck tongue is really a must. I have never had such a delicious roast duck tongue. Why don’t you go to open a store? How tiring is it to set up a roadside stall? Many. “Wu Liang praised.

“Hey, my craftsmanship was not so good before, and it wasn’t just to earn a meal, this slowly developed craftsmanship.”

The two chatted for a while, and the duck tongue in the middle-aged man’s hands was baked.

Because all the duck tongues roasted this time were Wu Liang’s, the middle-aged man handed them directly to Wu Liang, and said with a smile: “This time I roasted a lot. I will eat it while it’s hot, and it won’t taste good when it is cold.”

Wu Liang missed it and smiled: “Boss, you put too much duck tongue salt.”

“How is it possible? I have roasted it for 10 years. This is absolutely the same as the salt you just ate.” The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled, and continued to pass the duck tongue to Wu Liang.

“I don’t believe you taste a bunch, please let me know.” Wu Liang laughed.

“What do you mean?” The middle-aged man’s smile converged and asked with a frown.

“Please eat your own roasted duck tongue, it’s delicious, why? You dare not eat it?” Wu Liang smiled and played with the taste.

“What’s there to dare to eat? Somehow!” The middle-aged man dissatisfied will hand back Wu Liang’s duck tongue.

It is at this moment, and the situation becomes steep.

The middle-aged man held the iron tag with duck tongue in his hand, and stabbed fiercely towards Wu Liang’s door.

Wu Liang was already prepared and escaped sideways.

“How do you notice?” The middle-aged man asked coldly.

“Duck tongue is so delicious, and it has gone to such a remote place in Shencheng to set up a barbecue stall. It is not reasonable. If it is forced by life, naturally, the more barbecue types, the more profitable it is. How can it be sold only? Duck tongue? The most important thing is that the teacher who sells barbecue every day, how can you have a pair of hands with no oil smoke and clean, clean hands? “Wu Liang sneered.

“The kid is clever, but this is a little troublesome.” The middle-aged man looked at Wu Liangdao in annoyance: “During our business, we pay attention to being kind to people. I wanted to make your kid eat well and be comfortable. Yes, but the duck tongue with the medicine has been seen by you again. There is no way. This will only make you suffer a little before leaving. “

The voice of the middle-aged man had just dropped. The young chef behind him and the seven guests on the barbecue stand all stood up and approached Wu Liangwei.

Wu Liang was prepared early, kicked over the oven, took advantage of the chaos of the charcoal fire, and found a gap to escape quickly.

“It was Gao Qi who sent you to kill me? It seems that I really stepped on her tail.” Wu Liang ran away while still not forgetting to ridicule the people behind him.

Several young men chased Wu Liangqian, and the middle-aged man calmly ordered several people to stay with him to start the car and chase Wu Liang.

This is the first time Wu Liang has encountered an assassination, and the barbecue stall is located near Zhang Feng’s house. This matter cannot be separated from Gao Qi.

Want to get rid of the killing of everyone is actually very simple, just run into the corridor of a community and return to the Hope Cafe.

Most of the nearby communities are old communities ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is no access control in the community, and the unit door is also open. As long as Wu Liang digs into a corridor and returns to the Hope Coffee House, these people who will kill themselves behind will I thought I entered a certain house.

In this way, these people are absolutely afraid to knock door to door to find themselves, they can only stay around the community, waiting for their reappearance.

Can be so passive, Gao Qi has already shot himself, Wu Liang does not want to sit still.

Thinking a little, Wu Liang had a plan, quickly ran into an old community, and got into a corridor with the most lights.

After that, Wu Liang exchanged an unused stealth card and used it immediately.

It was only a moment, Wu Liang felt that the whole world seemed a little different in front of his eyes.

Wu Liang tentatively tapped the railing with his finger. The finger passed directly through the middle of the railing, as if he had become a transparent person and could no longer intersect with the real world.

Afterwards, Wu Liang saw several young men who chased behind him ran into the corridor and walked through his body one by one, chasing upstairs.

In the meantime, a young man did not forget to tell his fellow travelers to be quieter.

Several young people went upstairs and searched carefully. They found nothing. They had to go downstairs again. They just happened to meet the middle-aged man who came off the train.

“How about people?” The middle-aged man asked.

“After I ran into this corridor, I couldn’t find it. Which occupant’s home should I hide in.”

“Damn it, it’s so ugly, this can make him run away.” The middle-aged man whispered and told the youths: “You are watching me around here, I don’t believe he can Hidden inside and never come out. “

Everyone responded and left.

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