Hope Coffee House

Chapter 20 - A long time

Wu Liang felt very angry.

Ding Anming, Sun Lihui and Han Xu, the death of these three people, is behind Gao Qi manipulating.

Chen Wei, who was rescued by himself, was obviously a kind-hearted person, but was forced to commit suicide by Gao Qi.

Gao Qi ’s crimes are hard to come by, but he has yet to find any actual evidence that can convict Gao Qi.

As Gao Qi said in the phone call yesterday, even if she knew all the truth, she could not move her cold hair.

Wu Liang silently looked at the name on the phone communication path, Zhang Feng.

This is the last of the contact information that Fan Hongshuang gave to himself.

Zhang Feng is Gao Qi’s first love, and it is Gao Qi’s boyfriend, the first person to survive.

In the second semester of high school, Zhang Feng attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the building. From then on, he was paralyzed in the lower body, but it was also a life.

Nowadays Zhang Feng has been living with his mother, who will take care of his life.

If he didn’t guess wrong, Zhang Feng should be the first victim under Gao Qi. If he wants to find evidence of Gao Qi’s direct murder, Zhang Feng is the last chance here.

Wu Liang picked up his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Feng’s phone.

“You guys are not finished yet? I have said it, and I will be able to pay it back next month! What else do you want? Did you want the lives of our mothers to die?” The call was connected, and Wu Liang had not had time to speak. The young woman’s angry roar came from the phone.

“That … Auntie, how is Senior Zhang Feng? I want to see him.” Wu Liang said embarrassedly.

The phone was quiet for a moment.

“I ’m a senior of Zhang Feng ’s senior. The senior once helped me. Now that I ’m working, I can make some money. I want to visit Zhang Feng. If auntie you and the senior need help, I can help. Be busy. “Wu Liang quickly used a trust card and said sincerely to the phone.

The middle-aged woman did not directly reply to Wu Liang. It seemed to be conveying the matter to Zhang Feng. A blurry conversation came from the phone. A moment later, the voice of a young man came: “Hello, I am Zhang Front. “

Now that Zhang Feng answered the phone in person, it means that he did not recognize the statement he just made about “students visiting seniors”, and Wu Liang no longer covered it up. The doorman said: “Hello! Zhang Feng. Gao Qi Was it your girlfriend, I want to know the truth about that thing nine years ago. “

“It’s not important anymore, she … is she doing well now?” Zhang Feng asked quietly.

Zhang Feng asked Gao Qi how well?

“Gao Qi is not having a good time now, and several of her boyfriends have died three.” Wu Liang simply replied.

The phone suddenly became quiet.

“What happened? Is she stared at? Is there any danger?” Zhang Feng’s words were faintly concerned.

Wu Liang was a little stunned, listening to Zhang Feng’s tone, he didn’t seem to hate Gao Qi, and he even cared about her very much?

“This is a very complicated matter. It will take a long time to elaborate. I also have some questions to ask you. How about we meet?”

“Okay, I’ll send you an address text message later, if time is up, I’ll be at home all day, all day.” Zhang Feng said simply.

“I’m in Shencheng now. It’s only two o’clock in the afternoon. It’s not too late. Can I just take a taxi to find you?” Wu Liang asked.

“It’s okay before six in the evening.”

“Okay, see you later.”

After hanging up, Wu Liang quickly received a text message from Zhang Feng.

Wu Liang checked it with his mobile phone. Zhang Feng now lives in the coastal area of ​​the suburbs of Shencheng. He took a taxi in the urban area and it took two hours. The time was a little tight. Wu Liang quickly set off.

After a long nap in the car, Wu Liang finally arrived at the Shanjin District where Zhang Feng’s house was located.

Although it is far from the suburbs of Shencheng, the environment of Shanjin District is very good, and all kinds of living facilities are also very complete. If you do not consider working in the center of Shencheng and commuting is inconvenient, it is indeed very suitable for living.

Before entering the Zhang Feng’s community, Wu Liang bought two large fruit baskets in a nearby fruit shop, and bought a large envelope, and breaded 20,000 yuan in it.

When I called Zhang Feng before and listened to Zhang Feng ’s mother ’s tone, their economic situation was not good. They should have owed a lot of money. The 20,000 yuan may not help much, but at least they can be Anxious, relieve the embarrassment.

When walked to the door of Zhang Feng’s house, Wu Liang instantly froze on the spot.

The white wall at the door was painted with a few bright red characters: “Debt repayment, otherwise-die”.

Wu Liang carefully observed that the color of the white wall at the door was much whiter than that of the corridor wall next to it. It should be newly painted. Under the newly painted white wall, the faint red was faintly visible.

It seems that this kind of thing has happened many times.

Opened the door to Wu Liang’s mother, Zhang Feng’s bright red paint at the door made her a little embarrassed.

Wu Liang quickly called aunty enthusiastically.

Seeing Wu Liang carrying a huge fruit basket in one hand, Zhang Feng’s mother was a little surprised and smiled a few words with Wu Liang. He quickly took the fruit basket and took Wu Liang to Zhang Feng’s room.

Zhang Feng’s house is a house with more than 80 square meters, two rooms and one hall. The decoration is very simple and the house is clean and tidy.

Zhang Feng’s room is very neat and bright, with a single bed, a double-door wardrobe, and a large desk.

When Wu Liang entered the door, Zhang Feng was sitting at the table and writing code.

Hearing the sound of the door, Zhang Feng turned the wheelchair to Wu Liang’s direction, with a touch of ridicule in his smile: “Elementary school boy, you are here.”

Is different from Wu Liang’s imagination. Although he has been paralyzed in the lower body for nine years, Zhang Feng is still alive and decent.

Is born from the heart, Zhang Feng’s facial features are very handsome, with a gentle smile on his face, a short hair is very spirited, the loose casual clothes on the body are clean and decent, giving a sense of gentleman like jade.

If it was not in a wheelchair, Zhang Feng could not see any health.

“Senior Zhang Feng.” Wu Liang also smiled.

Zhang Feng’s mother moved Wu Liang a chair, poured another cup of hot water, and then thoughtfully closed the door and left.

“Hello, this is Wu Liang.” Wu Liang introduced himself.

“Hello, Wu Liang, can you tell me now? Gao Qi … what happened to her?” Zhang Feng opened the door.

“It’s a big thing, and it might exceed your imagination. So before I tell you, I need to know the real reason why that happened nine years ago.” Wu Liang’s eyes paused slightly on Zhang Feng’s leg, softly.

“Can you tell me first, is she in danger now?” Zhang Feng’s tone still worried.

Gao Qi is naturally not dangerous now, because he has not found a way to deal with her.

“There is no danger.” Wu Liang answered simply.

“Okay, let me tell you about suicide in the second semester of high school. In fact, my story is also very long.” Zhang Feng smiled.

Things should start from Zhang Feng when he was a freshman.

Zhang Feng has been an obedient and sensible child since childhood, so his academic performance is also good. When he first increased, he was admitted to Shencheng Experimental Middle School.

Shencheng Experimental Middle School is a key middle school named in Shencheng Pai. The enrollment rate is as high as 90%, and 30% of the students have entered the famous school.

It can be said that most of the students who enter the Shencheng Experimental Middle School are working hard in famous schools.

Zhang Feng’s family conditions are very general, UU reading books www.uukanshu.com his parents can be said to attach great importance to Zhang Feng’s college entrance examination.

From the beginning of the first year of high school, Zhang Feng’s mother quit her job and rented a house to accompany her in the community opposite Shencheng Experimental Middle School.

Zhang Feng did not disappoint his parents. He studied very hard, and the entire high school can rank in the top three in the class, usually ranked second.

The first girl in the class is a girl with big eyes, a bun face, Qi Liuhai, and a thick ponytail. She is very cute. Her name is Gao Qi.

Gao Qi is active in thinking and lively in nature. The interaction between the class and the teacher is very positive. He can always put forward many novel problem-solving ideas, which makes Zhang Feng secretly admire.

Zhang Feng is practical and obedient. No matter what method the teacher teaches, Zhang Feng will use any ideas to solve the problem. Although there is no innovation, he will never make mistakes.

In the eyes of the teachers, Gao Qi is a very “jumping” child, and Zhang Feng is a very “stable” child.

The math teacher likes Gao Qi the most, and often praises her in class, so that everyone can learn more from her.

Other teachers like Zhang Feng more, because Zhang Feng will never ask in the class some questions that are either empty or thorough, making teachers tired of dealing with tricky questions.

Classes with very different personalities, the first and second, often clash in class.

And after class, Zhang Feng and Gao Qi have also become friends who have long been in contact with each other.

The word is very mysterious and seems to have a metaphysical taste.

But Zhang Feng has a real experience. This is a kind of resonance in the soul. There is no need to speak. Only one look between each other can understand all the meaning of the other side.

Of course, this is just Zhang Feng’s own feelings. In fact, he has never spoken with Gao Qi during class time.

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