Hope Coffee House

Chapter 157 - Advanced road

Gradually, Si Yifan began to be dissatisfied with the days when he could only observe Gong Meiyin unilaterally.

Si Yifan wanted to talk to her, but he was in Zone A, and Gong Meiyin was locked in Zone S alone. The two could not communicate at all.

Gong Miyin didn’t even know that she had been watching her.

Meeting with Gong Meiyin became Si Yifan’s most desired thing.

In Shancheng Hospital, there is a thing recognized by those with ability. The stronger the will, the greater the ability, and the stronger the ability, the greater the right to speak.

I need to become stronger.

So, Si Yifan applied with the courtyard and asked for a trial cabin in his villa.

Shancheng Hospital will naturally not refuse Si Yifan’s request to continue to grow stronger.

Since then, Si Yifan began to lie in the trial cabin to observe Gong Meiyin.

Trial cabin is a product specially developed by Shancheng Hospital for the needs of A-level improvement ability. Compared with the trial in Area E, the pain level is several times or even tens of times stronger.

There is a special trial room in Zone A, where there is such a trial cabin. Usually, A-levels who want to enhance their abilities, usually spend two hours in the trial cabin. The refining cabin rests for about an hour, and then restarts the trial.

Ke Yifan directly drove the difficulty to the highest level, lying in the trial cabin of his villa from early morning to late.

There is no other A-class painful look lying in the trial cabin, Si Yifan is always laughing.

Each time he lay in the trial cabin for an extra minute, he was one step closer to embracing Gong Meiyin.

This feeling of constantly advancing towards happiness is really wonderful.

The ultimate pain of the flesh and the ultimate happiness of the spirit almost shattered Si Yifan’s whole person.

Ke Yifan still survived.

Two months later, Si Yifan had a new ability, he could pass objects into the space he could see.

It’s just that this kind of energy transmission through space consumes a lot of energy, and the quality of the objects that Si Yifan passes can’t be too large.

So, Si Yifan delivered a letter to Gong Meiyin’s residence.

This is the first time he has revealed his existence to Miyami.

In the letter, Si Yifan expressed his strong love to Gong Meiyin, and told her that she would do her best to improve her ability and transfer herself to her as soon as possible.

However, after receiving this letter, Gong Meiyin was very happy. He looked around curiously and said a lot to the empty room.

Although she couldn’t hear what Miyami said, Ke Yifan still read a lot of her questions from Miyami’s mouth.

The two people’s communication across the space began.

Every day, Si Yifan prepares a small gift for Gong Meiyin, plus a letter, which answers the questions of Gong Meiyin the day before.

Gong Meiyin is very happy after receiving a small gift with letterhead every day. He often reads the letter while asking new questions and looks forward to the letter from Si Yifan tomorrow.

Because of Gong Meiyin’s ability, she has been living in the mirror room.

The mirror room is a room specially customized for Gong Meiyin by the Shancheng Hospital. The room is connected by two closed corridors of only three meters. The left and right sides are two completely symmetrical rooms. The interior decoration and living items are also the same. .

Get up every morning, Gong Meiyin will go to the opposite room to live through the corridor, the staff responsible for her will go to the room she just left to clean up and replenish the supplies.

Although the Shancheng Hospital has a request for Gong Meiyin, but because he has never walked out of the mirror room, Gong Meiyin does not know what good things are in the outside world, so he does not know what he should ask. .

The small gifts delivered every day by Si Yifan opened the door to a new world for 5-year-old Gong Meiyin, letting her know that there are so many delicious and interesting toys in this world.

Miyamiya, who has lived alone in the mirror room, also had an invisible friend.

The staff who cleaned Gong Meiyin’s sanitary supplements was just a bottom employee of the Shancheng Hospital. He was not sure about Gong Meiyin’s situation. Although he often saw more items in the room that were not arranged by himself, he did not think about it. He did not report the matter upwards, but instead added some similar snacks and toys to Miyami.

Therefore, the communication between Gong Meiyin and Si Yifan across the space was not known by the management.

Si Yifan is desperately improving his ability. He wants to go to the mirror room to see Gong Meiyin.

However, it is very difficult to improve the spatial ability. Even though Si Yifan has already put his life together, the speed of ability improvement is still very limited.

One night half a year later, Si Yifan was finally able to enter the mirror room.

In the mirror room, Gong Meiyin was sleeping. Si Yifan didn’t have the heart to wake her up. She just watched Gong Meiyin’s sleeping face beside the bed and stood all night.

Since then, Si Yifan will come to the mirror room every day to find Gong Meiyin, sometimes chat with her, sometimes bring her some fresh gadgets, sometimes the two will watch movies together …

Despite the happy days, the two always worried that the secret of Si Yifan secretly entering the mirror room to find Gong Meiyin would be discovered.

If they were found, by the means of the Shancheng Hospital, the two might never be seen again.

In order to be at ease with Gong Meiyin, Si Yifan once again began to live in the trial cabin all day, only taking a short time every day to visit Gong Meiyin in the mirror room.

After suffering a whole year, Si Yifan has a new ability: space blockade.

When Si Yifan sealed off the space of the mirror room, the mirror room would be completely isolated from the outside space. The staff outside the mirror room could see the entrance of the mirror room, but could not enter the mirror room.

The space blockade is like a checkpoint, which can prevent Si Yifan from being discovered by the staff when he comes to Gong Miyin.

In this way, when a staff member wants to enter the mirror room, Si Yifan not only can detect it for the first time, but can also return to his villa and then unlock the space.

With the ability to block the space, Si Yifan spent 3 happy years with Gong Meiyin.

However, in these three years, new problems have emerged.

Gong Meiyin’s body appeared another heavy personality, this secondary personality gradually became stronger, constantly occupying Gong Meiyin’s body.

Si Yifan and Gong Meiyin tried to kill this deputy personality for a long time, but they never succeeded.

Even more terrible is that Gong Meiyin’s deputy personality appears extremely irregularly, and also has an extremely dangerous S-level ability-mental control.

Because Gong Meiyin’s deputy personality does not recognize the existence of the master personality, Si Yifan, who loves the master personality, is also full of hostility ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Because before entering the mirror room, Si Yifan has no way to judge the room Whether Gong Meiyin was already occupied by the deputy personality, Si Yifan was often attacked by the deputy personality at the moment of entering the mirror room, and was almost killed by the deputy personality several times.

Fortunately, in the past three years, Si Yifan has not been slack, he has mastered a new space ability: open up independent space.

Si Yifan’s initial spatial ability is that he can arbitrarily observe everything happening in the space within a radius of ten kilometers, but this ability is not useful for judging Gong Meiyin’s secondary personality.

The independent space is different. This is a space completely controlled by Si Yifan. As long as Si Yifan’s thoughts move, he can feel everything in the independent space and even communicate directly with the people in the independent space in his own villa. .

Therefore, as long as Gong Meiyin lived in the independent space she opened, she could confirm whether her body was occupied by the deputy personality anytime, anywhere.

So, on the day three and a half years ago, Si Yifan showed some new abilities to the Yu nationality and successfully moved into the S area under the company’s arrangement.

After, Si Yifan opened up an independent space for Gong Meiyin. As a small family where two people were not disturbed, every time Gong Meiyin’s deputy personality woke up, Si Yifan would drive her out.

After Gong Meiyin’s master regained consciousness, Si Yifan took her back to the two’s homes.

This is the story of Si Yifan and Gong Meiyin for 8 years.

After listening to Si Yifan ’s remarks, Wu Liang ’s eyes were deep and said: “They are all dying people, why do n’t you want to tell the truth? The story you tell is really flawed, but I heard the truth from it. How about changing me to tell you? “

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