Hope Coffee House

Chapter 149 - 5 years is too long

Shen Tu looked at Jingan and was surprised: “Are you an S-class?”

“I’m asking you, why do you have the ability to ossify?” Jingan stared at Shen Tu deadly, and his body was extremely murderous.

Lu Yun and Wu Liang looked at each other, then looked at Tong Sheng together.

Tongsheng shook his head gently, indicating that he did not know that Jingan was an S-class.

Shen Tuhui eyes thought for a while, and the eyes hidden behind the long hair suddenly showed a strange light, looking at Jingan and jokingly said: “Aren’t you just Xiaoan?”

Jingan’s eyes flickered.

7 years ago, Jingan, who had experienced hardships in Area E, finally entered Area A. The day he entered Area A, he was just 9 years old.

Perhaps he had tasted the hardships of his life at a young age. The teenagers in the Shancheng Hospital were very precocious. Although only 9 years old, Jingan had already learned to disguise himself with indifference and alienation, hiding the endless hatred and violentness in the heart.

Compared with Zones B, C and D, although Zone A has excellent living conditions, each Class A can live in their own villa, and they rarely meet in Shuicheng when they dine. There is very little communication between Class A, so it is also more lonely.

Du Chenxiang was the first to come to Jingan.

On the day of the first meeting, Du Chenxiang knocked on the door of Jing’an’s villa and smiled broadly: “The newcomer, I am Du Chenxiang, who lives in the 7 building on your left. How bored is it to stay at home and go to Shuicheng together? “

“I’m not interested.” Jingan refused indifferently, preparing to close the door.

“Then go around in your house, would you say you can play backgammon? I’m a master of backgammon in Area A. They all respect me as a chess god.” Du Shenxiang didn’t seem to hear Jingan’s rejection and walked in generously. After arriving at the villa in Jingan, he walked skillfully to the chess and card room on the first floor and drew a box of backgammon from the cabinet.

Before Jing’an was still considering whether to tear off his mask to drive away Du Shenxiang, Du Shenxiang had already paved the backgammon on the table, took the lead and looked at Jingan and said with a smile: “The one who won will decide to go together for a while What to eat in Shuicheng. “

Perhaps he was dazzled by Du Shenxiang’s bright smile. Jingan’s impatience subsided, sitting in front of Du Chenxiang and starting to play chess with her.

To tell the truth, Jing An feels that Du Shenxiang’s chess **** is like an eyeball. After the two played for an entire afternoon, Jing An has been winning.

When playing chess, Du Shenxiang and Jing An told their stories.

Du Chenxiang was born in a remote and poor mountain village. His parents gave birth to five daughters in succession, and he got a pair of twin sons. Du Shenxiang is a daughter and is only 1 year old from her two younger brothers.

Because of the great cost of taking care of the two younger brothers, the family can no longer afford more expenses, so at the age of 5 years, the family gave Du Shenxiang, who was beautiful and beautiful, to Ma Pozi.

Du Chenxiang remembers very clearly that the day she sent herself away, her mother was in tears and did n’t want a penny. She replayed Du Shenxiang ’s hand Zheng in the palm of the mother-in-law, hoping that she could find a good family for her daughter.

However, what my mother didn’t want to understand is that the people who do this business have long lost their conscience, and the same is true of Ma Zizi.

After leaving Du Shenxiang with the village, Ma Zizi sold her at a high price to a family as a child-law. This family has only one son, who is 7 years old, and still can’t speak, just staring at the wall every day.

Everyone in the village called him silly dabao.

Became the youngest daughter-in-law of Du Dabao, Du Shenxiang became the lowest status in this new family. At the age of five, she was responsible for most of the household chores every day, but she could only eat some leftovers.

When he was 8 years old, when Du Chenxiang planted seedlings in the ground, Silly Dabao picked up a box of matches and played with fire at home alone, and was burned alive.

The mother of Silly Dabao was mad, and she shut Du Chenxiang into the cellar of her home for three years.

Later … something happened and Du Shenxiang took the opportunity to escape.

After several twists and turns, 12-year-old Du Chenxiang entered the Shancheng Hospital.

It happened that the Shancheng Hospital was just moved to the new hospital area. After three months of trial in Area E, Du Shenxiang was successfully promoted to Class A, and he has the ability to be ossified, which is more suitable for combat.

The hardship that ordinary people can’t imagine is so lightly described by Du Shenxiang.

By comparison, Jingan ’s past sufferings are not so difficult.

After telling his story, Du Shenxiang looked at Jingan and said with a smile: “Do you know how I spent the 3 years in the cellar? I opened a door in my mind that could lead to a sun forever The world will not fall.

When no one disturbs me, I will build a brick for this world, build a bamboo house, raise two cows, look for the eggs just laid by the hens in the yard, and go to the river to catch a basket of fish …

When I was in agony, I lay on a soft lawn to sleep. I smelled the grass and felt the warm sunlight. The pain seemed to disappear. “

Speaking of this, Du Shenxiang suddenly put down the pawn, and his right hand gently covered Jingan’s eyes.

In Du Chenxiang’s narration, Jing An really saw the sun-filled world that belongs to her.

Jingan knows clearly that he is a dark, indifferent, selfish and hypocritical person, but Du Chenxiang is a person who is completely opposite to Jingan, sunny, lively, sincere and generous.

From the day Du Chenxiang knocked on the door of Jing’an Villa, there was light for the first time in Jing’an’s world.

The passionate Du Agarwood is the sun.

The two became inseparable friends.

Du Chenxiang is 5 years older than Jingan, and likes to call her sister Xiangxiang, always calling Jingan Xiaoan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But in Jingan, he is much more mature than Du Chenxiang, Du Chenxiang is that little sister Little sister taller than herself.

No matter how du Chenxiang intimidates and lures, Jingan has never called her sister Chen Xiang, and has always called her name, Du Chenxiang.

Jing’an had a dream. When he was taller than Du Chenxiang, he could touch Du Chenxiang’s head and call Xiangxiang, letting her know that she was no longer the little chaperone named Xiaoan. Jingan had grown Big, you can take care of Xiangxiang.

It is a pity that this dream could not be realized in the end.

On his 18th birthday, Du Shenxiang left Zone A to take the test.

Before leaving, Du Shenxiang and Jingan had thought about it. If they could not enter the management, they went outside to find a small farmhouse. It is best to have a stream at the door.

I will build a bamboo house in 5 years, raise a cow, a few hens, and grow some flowers.

After 5 years later Jing’an also came out, you can see the world full of sunshine in your mind.

“Then don’t enter the management, I think the outside world is better. After I go out, we can milk the milk, pick up the eggs, and fish in the creek.” Jingan couldn’t help but say what he said Blurted out.

Du Chenxiang looked at Jingan, moved his right hand over the top of his head habitually and moved it down slightly, stroked Jingan’s eyebrows, and nodded gently: “Okay.”

Du Chenxiang did not enter the management.

The news of the Shancheng Hospital was blocked, and Jing An didn’t know where Du Chenxiang went.

But Jing’an can’t wait, 5 years is too long, he wants to see her, earlier, earlier.

So, Jing’an established Bird of Paradise, one of the three major organizations, and silently became an S-class in the endless painstaking hours.

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