Hope Coffee House

Chapter 13 - Fruitful

Hearing what the boss said, Wu Liang was so pleased that he couldn’t think of a small gamble he had made, which made him likely to make a big profit.

Wu Liang secretly used a trust card, looking sad: “Brother Han Xu is very kind to me. He used to visit my convenience store. When he was in high school, I just went to elementary school.”

“At that time, he always asked me to eat ice cream, or the most expensive kind sold by our family. Twelve dollars a box, my father was not willing to give me to eat.”

“Once I was bullied by junior high school students, they blocked my pocket money and it was Brother Han Xu who helped me come back.”

“Later Brother Han Xu went to college and went home less often, so he rarely went to our convenience store, but every time we met, he would still invite me to eat ice cream.”

“Since I was on the second day of junior high school, I haven’t seen Brother Han Xu again. I always thought he was too busy with school, and only later learned …” At this point, Wu Liang’s eyes were flushed and his voice choked. “Brother Han Xu is so good, how could it be …”

Wu Liang drank a glass of sake at once, and looked at the boss’s voice hoarsely: “Uncle, tell me what you know, Brother Han Xu’s story, I miss him a bit.”

The boss also drank a glass of sake, looked into the distance with his eyes, and fell into a memory, slowly telling: “That kid …”

The boss’s surname is Zhao, and the young regular customers like to call him Uncle Zhao.

Uncle Zhao and Han Xu first met eight years ago.

That day, Uncle Zhao sent away the last guest, cleaned the store, and when he was ready to close, Han Xu walked in and asked Uncle Zhao if he could make something to eat.

The remaining ingredients in the shop are running out. Uncle Zhao made a plate of fried rice with salmon and a thick egg yaki for Han Xu.

Han Xu ate a clean meal.

Thanks, Han Xu specially asked for a whole bottle of sake when he checked out, but he refused it when he didn’t want to.

Uncle Zhao told Han Xu that since it ’s not because he wants to drink it now, it ’s better to go to the online flagship store to buy it, and it will be available soon. The price will be much cheaper than that in the store. Uncle Zhao can help the fever for free.

Han Xu looked at Uncle Zhao in surprise, his eyes bright, and only a moment later, Uncle, you are really different from my dad.

Uncle Zhao didn’t understand Han Xu’s meaning, but just smiled gently.

Since then, Han Xu has often come to the restaurant to eat, and occasionally invites good friends to come together. More often, he comes alone. He comes later deliberately, warms a pot of sake, and chats with Uncle Zhao while no one is there. to chat with.

Slowly, Uncle Zhao learned that Han Xu’s parents’ feelings were not good.

Han Xu’s father started a company in Shencheng and was very rich. Han Xu’s mother worked as an executive in a foreign-funded enterprise and spent most of the year on a business trip abroad.

When Han Xu was young, he always saw his father take a different woman home. At that time, he didn’t understand anything, and let the babysitter take him to the home’s video room to watch cartoons.

Han Xu gradually grew up. During the hysterical quarrel between his mother and his father, Han Xu gradually realized that the reason why her mother was so angry was because her father was cheating.

Although Han Xu didn’t know what it meant to be derailed, he always remembered that his mother held herself in her arms and couldn’t stop crying.

Until going to middle school, Han Xu understood his father ’s betrayal of his mother, the women who were brought home by their father when they were young, the aunt who was holding her belly and stuck at her door, and understood everything.

Father and mother never divorced.

There is no other reason, but it is just a matter of property division.

Although it was the father who made the mistake, he did not want to pay the corresponding price. On the contrary, he did not want his mother to share even a penny.

To this end, father’s means exhausted.

Han Xu is ashamed of having such a father. He is unfaithful to his wife. He loves money more than anything. He is selfish, hypocritical, shameless, mean …

In his father, Han Xu saw the inferiority that many people have.

Han Xu does not want to be like his father.

Sincerity, kindness, selflessness, and loyalty, these beautiful qualities have always been Han Xu’s pursuit. He wants to be such a person, and he will also be attracted by such a person.

Han Xu saw the sincerity and kindness in Uncle Zhao’s body, and felt the temperature of human nature, so he always liked to come to the store by himself and chat with Uncle Zhao.

A few months later, Han Xu brought a girl to Uncle Zhao’s shop.

That girl is Gao Qi, is the girlfriend of Han Xuxin, and is Han Xu’s first love.

Gao Qi is a simple and beautiful girl, kind, sincere, caring, and easily shy.

Uncle Zhao can see that Han Xu loves Gao Qi very much.

Since then, Han Xu and Gao Qi have always come to the store together.

Uncle Zhao knows that the injuries that Han Xu suffered from the native family have been buried in the heart and tortured him.

And Gao Qi is like a beam of light that can disperse the haze in Han Xu’s heart.

Han Xu likes to take Gao Qi to Uncle Zhao’s shop, warms two pots of sake, and tells Gao Qi his story as a child.

Gao Qi has never been impatient. He always listened carefully, holding Han Xu’s hand, comforting him from time to time, affirming him.

Every time Han Xu finished speaking, Gao Qi would seriously look at Han Xu’s eyes, telling him that he is now a kind, sincere, and sunny person, and he even believes in his loyalty.

Those ugly scars can only be healed by their own hands and then slowly healed by the person they trust most.

Only a clean and beautiful girl like Gao Qi can cure Han Xu’s heart injury.

Suddenly one day, Han Xu stopped coming to Uncle Zhao.

Gao Qi also disappeared.

Uncle Zhao thought that the two young couples were hanging out and didn’t think much about it.

Until one day two months later, Uncle Zhao suddenly heard the bad news: A male student of Shencheng University committed suicide by jumping off the building, named Han Xu.

Uncle Zhao has never seen Han Xu and Gao Qi again. Of course, he can no longer see Han Xu.

After listening to Uncle Zhao ’s story, Wu Liang asked tentatively: “Uncle Zhao, would you say that the death of Brother Han Xu is related to his girlfriend Gao Qi?”

“No, you have never seen Gao Qi, the girl is simple, kind, honest, compassionate, a child with many beautiful qualities, it is impossible to have a relationship with her.” Uncle Zhao shook his head and vetoed.

Wu Liang no longer tried, changed the subject, and chatted with Uncle Zhao for a while, until the two had finished drinking a bottle of sake, then they settled the bill and said goodbye to leaving.

Looking for a hidden corner, Wu Liang returned to the Hope Coffee House, lying in bed quietly thinking about the story told by Uncle Zhao.

This trip is quite rewarding.

Is just Uncle Zhao’s evaluation of Gao Qi, which is really interesting.





How could it be true Gao Qi.


When Wu Liang opened his eyes, it was already the next morning.

Slept all night in his clothes.

Last night, I drank too much sake in Uncle Zhao ’s shop for clichés. I did n’t feel much at the time, but I did n’t know that the sake had great stamina. I was lying in bed thinking about Han Xu and Gao Qi. .

Wu Liang glanced at the phone, and only one hour was left from the time agreed with Jia Ruofei. He quickly got a carp to fight and quickly got up to brush his teeth and take a bath.

After washing, there is still some time left, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Wu Liang suddenly wanted to do an experiment.

Last night I entered the Hope Cafe in Shencheng. I wonder if I can go directly from Hope Cafe to Jicheng?

Wu Liang imagined the lake park of Jicheng in his mind and opened the door.

A burst of cold air was poured in from Wu Liang’s neck collar, and Wu Liang froze with a shock. Jicheng seemed to snow last night, and there was still a lot of ice and snow on the grass of the lake park.

Wu Liang laughed happily before returning to the Hope Cafe.

In the future, as long as you travel to and from your own city, you do n’t have to buy a ticket anymore. You just need to go in and out of the Hope Coffee House!

Not only save money, but also save time!

Isn’t it possible to eat Jicheng’s fried liver with Shencheng’s raw fried?

Will I go to more places in the future, wouldn’t it be possible to travel all the dragon cities in one day?

This is too cool!

Wu Liang turned around in the coffee house excitedly twice, and his body suddenly froze in place.

Is wrong.


I must take a plane back to Jicheng.

Nowadays, everything in this world is networked. If you have your own consumption record, it appears in Jicheng one minute before and in Shencheng one minute later. Frequent changes in the consumption location across cities in a short period of time will definitely be suspected.

Even if you use cash for consumption, there are monitors everywhere in the city today. Although the probability is not high, there will be risks of exposure.

Using the Hope Coffee House to achieve instant cross-city operations can only be used in emergencies.

Less than last resort, can not be used indiscriminately.

Wu Liang sighed, put away the excitement, and was ready to see Jia Ruofei.

As Han Xu’s roommate, Jia Ruofei must know something.

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