Hope Coffee House

Chapter 10 - 1 diary

A **** case, two lives.

Having heard the story told by Fan Hongshuang, Wu Liang’s suspicion of Gao Qi was even more serious.

The two lives in the blood case were Fan Hongshuang’s cousins ​​and Fa Xiao, what role did Gao Qi play in it?

Does Fan Hongshuang know anything else?

Since Fan Hongshuang is willing to meet with him, and sincerely persuades himself to give up pursuing Gao Qi, if he wants to be a good person, maybe he can ask more information.

Wu Liang poured a glass of juice for Fan Hongshuang and firmly said with a smile: “Sister, I don’t quite understand what your story wants to tell. Are you trying to say that Gao Qi is a bad woman who is a cheating friend? But those are the past Something is wrong, Gao Qi may have been fascinated for a while, and now she is not such a person. “

Fan Hongshuang took a sip of juice and smiled bitterly at Wu Liang: “My story has not been finished yet.”

Although Ding Anming did not say a word until he was executed, the police have basically restored the truth through investigation.

Ding Anming was suppressed by Sun Lihui without warning at work. He was in a rage and returned home. He just broke through the betrayal of Sun Lihui and his girlfriend. A **** case.

But Fan Hongshuang always had a doubt in his heart, how his cousin Sun Lihui did not judge first, but he was not stupid.

Since he secretly suppressed Ding Anming at work, how could he just go home and hold a private meeting with Gao Qi when the employee posted it?

Such a coincidence is really suspicious.

Looked at the aunt who was washing her face with tears because of the loss of her son, and the uncle who was white-headed overnight, Fan Hongshuang wanted to make things clear anyway.

The easiest way is to find Gao Qi and ask everything.

After things happened, Gao Qi seemed to evaporate in the world and disappeared into everyone’s vision.

Fan Hongshuang had to go to his cousin Sun Lihui’s home to find clues, but unexpectedly found a diary in the hidden place of Sun Lihui’s bookshelf.

Speaking of this, Fan Hongshuang handed the phone to Wu Liang, which was just a photo of Sun Lihui’s diary.

“Write a diary for the first time.

I feel very uncomfortable today.

While An Ming was away, Gao Qi came to my room to find me, and heard that our company had a big project recently and was about to start work. She hoped that I could give this opportunity to An Ming.

When he said this, Gao Qi flushed, his voice timid, and he dared not look at my eyes with his head down.

An is definitely very promising, and I was planning to recommend him for this project, let alone we are still friends.

Did Anming force Gao Qi to come to me?

Why didn’t he tell me directly?

What does it mean to get this out? “

“The project was still arranged to An Ming through my recommendation.

An Ming worked overtime at the company tonight. I thought that supper needs to be solved outside. I did n’t expect Gao Qi to call me and call me home for dinner.

The moment I opened the door, I smelled the aroma of the food and looked at Gao Qi who was busy in the kitchen. I was a little moved.

Has always been a person who rubs the rice. She didn’t think that An Ming wouldn’t go home for dinner. She still made dinner for me.

Is my favorite braised fish belly and prawns in tomato sauce.

I jokingly asked Gao Qi if this meal thanked me for recommending An Ming.

She tilted her head and asked me, he is not at home, we two will not eat?

She drank a glass of beer. When she said this, she blushed and was very cute.

Maybe I should find a girlfriend. “

“To go home earlier today.

She was washing vegetables in the kitchen, the water heater in the kitchen was out of order, and her hands were flushed with cold water.

I asked her if she would help.

She stretched out her red hands in front of me, and said pitifully, cold, you help me warm my hands.

Didn’t think she would say such a thing, I froze in place, I do not know how to answer.

Suddenly felt a chill in his waist.

Her cold hands are lying on my waist to keep warm.

With a thin layer of shirt, I can feel her hands soft and cold.

We faced each other very close, and even smelled her hair.

I haven’t recovered yet. She has taken her hand away and looked at me with a brow and smile, saying that I can’t do anything to help, just wait for dinner.

My heart beats fast, my face is still a little hot until now. “

“Today, she quarreled with Ding Anming.

Ding Anming’s temper has always been bad, she must have suffered a lot of grievances.

Ding Anming really was in the blessing, but he didn’t know how to cherish it.

If I had a girlfriend like her, how could it make her a little bit wronged.

She was crying fiercely.

I want to comfort her, but I am not qualified.

I feel so uncomfortable. “

“Today in the kitchen, she inadvertently rolled up her sleeves, and she revealed two arms that were radiant.

Unexpectedly, Ding Anming actually moved her yesterday.

I asked her if I would like to help me buy some bruises, but she laughed calmly, it was okay, I was used to it, and it would be fine in a few days.

I finally couldn’t hold back and asked her if she did it.

She burst into tears in a flash, slowly telling everything.

Knowledge is not known to anyone, who can think of Ding Anming as a beast. “

“Today, Ding Anming was on a business trip again, and only two of us had dinner.

She opened a bottle of red wine and we talked while talking.

Having eaten, she shook the wine glass in her hand and sighed softly that she hadn’t been so happy for a long time.

Through Ruowu’s drunkenness, I couldn’t help but ask her, since she was not happy with Ding Anming, why didn’t she separate.

She lowered her eyes, did not answer, and invited me to watch a movie with her.

She chose a funny horror film.

Every time she saw a horrible plot, she would cling to my clothes tightly.

When she grabbed my clothes corner, she would lean gently on the left side of my body, and I could even feel her temperature faintly.

I breathed chaotically.

When she saw half of the movie, she suddenly whispered in frustration. If you were separated from him, the friendship between the four of us would break up. I was always reluctant to think of seeing you again in the future.

I couldn’t believe it, but I met a pair of tender eyes like spring water.

I didn’t hold back and kissed her lips. “

“I want her to show off with Ding Anming, and the two will break up completely.

She said that Ding Anming has been abusing her mentally and physically, and she doesn’t want to let him go so easily.

Thinking of the bruise on her arm, thinking of her tears that day, I asked her what I needed to do.

She said that she wanted Ding Anming’s promotion to fail and her job fell to the bottom.

I agreed. “

“I told her everything was done.

Tomorrow morning, the company’s promotion announcement will not have Ding Anming’s name.

His project, I also arranged for others to take over.

She smiled relaxedly, looking at my eyes, full of affection.

She told me that she will showdown with Ding Anming tonight and break up completely.

I am both happy and worried.

Worried that Ding Anming would rough her again.

There was no movement upstairs, and no trace of noise was heard.

I can’t sleep anymore.

Just now, she received her text message.

She said that Ding Anming was thinking about promotion, she proposed to break up, Ding Anming agreed quietly, and sneered that when he was promoted tomorrow, some people wanted to be his girlfriend.

Ding Anming really is a beast.

She also said, let me do n’t rush to work tomorrow, she has a gift for me.

I know that the gift she wants to give me is the gift I want most, UU reading book www. uukanshu.com herself.

Starting tomorrow, she will belong to me completely.

She will be my girlfriend, my wife, the mother of my future child.

I will always love her and cherish her. “

The time of the last diary was the eve of the **** incident.

It turned out that in Sun Lihui’s eyes, Gao Qi had broken up with Ding Anming, and Ding Anming was indifferent to it.

It was the first time they had been together on the morning of the original **** incident.

Ding Anming’s eyes are definitely different from Sun Lihui.

Gao Qi played a clear role in it.

After reading the diary photos taken on Fan Hongshuang’s mobile phone, Wu Liang remained silent for a long time and asked softly, “Why didn’t you give this diary to the police?”

“I showed it to the police, although we all know that Gao Qi played both of them, but Sun Lihui was killed by Ding Anming. The evidence is conclusive, and he cannot convict Gao Qi at all.” Fan Hongshuang sighed.

Sure enough, Gao Qi was fooling, and Wu Liang sighed.

Two people clearly love her, but both died because of her. Why did Gao Qi do this?

Wu Liang suddenly thought of Chen Wei.

If he didn’t walk into the Hope Cafe, Chen Wei might have committed suicide because of his father’s lack of money to save his life.

The man next to Gao Qi didn’t seem to end well.

This is the problem of Gao Qi!

Since Fan Hongshuang got Sun Lihui’s diary, she must be able to think of this layer. For her cousin and Fa Xiao, she is very likely to continue to investigate Gao Qi.

May also get more useful information from Fan Hongshuang.

Wu Liang took a deep breath and looked at Fan Hongshuang and asked, “Sister, do you know Gao Qi’s past?”

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