Hope Coffee House

Chapter 1 - Parallel world

When Wu Liang opened his eyes, there was only a dark ink like black.

The cold that penetrated into the bone marrow and the sense of suffocation that could not escape came at the same time.

Seeing the faint yellow halo coming from the direction of the head, Wu Liang struggled a few times, and his limbs gradually recovered a little strength, struggling to rush towards the direction of light.

The moment when the water broke through, Wu Liang felt a sense of being out of this world.

The cold wind in the early winter brought a hint of coolness and mercilessly mocked Wu Liang.

Wu Liang used his last energy to swim to the lake, looked at the strange scenery, and was lost in confusion.

Where I am located should be a lake park. The park is very large and can’t be seen at a glance. The path along the lake is clean and tidy. The weather is cold and cold. The night is already dark. There are no pedestrians in the park. Only the orange lights and the path along the lake are two. The weeping willow, rustled by the wind, accompanied his trembling self.

How did he fall into the water, Wu Liang could not remember, but Wu Liang was very convinced that he had never seen the lake in front of him.

Wu Liang sat for a while in the sheltered place along the lake path, recovered some strength, quickly turned over his clothes inside and out, but did not touch the mobile phone, not even found a coin.

There is no mobile phone, it is more late at night, there is no way to call for help.

Wu Liang took off his clothes helplessly, squeezed the water of the lake vigorously, and then used his arms to circle the clothes in a circle for a while, and then put it on again.

The cold night in the early winter was compelling, and the semi-dry clothes did not bring warmth to Wu Liang. Wu Liang gave a sigh of warmth to his palm, his palms were facing each other, rubbing hard, and got up and walked out of the park.

At this moment, I can only find a police station to ask for help. Although I don’t have much time, at least I don’t want to die tonight, nor do I want to be frozen to death. This kind of death method is not comfortable to think about.

Lake Park seems to be in the center of the city. After walking out of the park, a large area of ​​prosperous city buildings caught Wu Liang’s eyes.

The wide streets are very quiet, and occasionally sporadic cars quickly pass by Wu Liang.

The city full of tall buildings still has bright lights everywhere, and countless people are still struggling for themselves and their families.

The billboards everywhere in the high-rise buildings became clearer and more eye-catching in the middle of the night, but Wu Liang’s face wandering on the wide streets became more solemn.

The words Jicheng appeared on countless billboards.

This city is obviously a first-tier city, but in Wu Liang’s memory, there seems to be no big city in the motherland named Jishi City.

Where is this place?

Why do you appear here?

After walking for nearly an hour, Wu Liang finally confirmed one thing: this world is very similar to the earth world where he was before, but there are some subtle differences. It is very likely that he will come to a parallel world, and this The strange thistle city is the capital of the world that he was once familiar with.

But in this way, as a black household who came here from the earth, he has no household registration, no relatives, and no traces of previous activities. Not only is it useless to go to the police station, even if it is a rescue station, he also needs to provide his Basic information is needed to get help …

Wu Liang stopped and sat on the stone steps by the road, quietly thinking about the incredible things that happened to him and what he should do.

‘S clothes were gradually dried by the cold wind, and there were again familiar dull pains in the upper abdomen. Wu Liang finally made up his mind.

Could be fortunate to come to this parallel world in the last moments of life. Perhaps it was God’s compensation for himself. Since he is still alive, he should cherish it.

Such a cold night, hurry up and find a small shop that is still in operation, go in and warm up.

Perhaps God heard Wu Liang ’s thoughts, and a strong coffee aroma came in, which was mixed with the sweet aroma of the silky baked pastries.

Wu Liang turned around in surprise, looking to his side and back. A small coffee shop stood there quietly, exuding a warm orange halo.

Signboard “Hope Coffee House” five yellow characters are even more radiant.

I just didn’t have it.


Wu Liang pulled the corner of his mouth, got up and patted the dust on his pants, and walked slowly towards the coffee house.

Pushing open the door of the coffee house, a wave of heat with a strong aroma of coffee rushed in the face.

Wu Liang couldn’t help but shivered comfortably and quickly closed the door behind him.


The sound of falling locks came from behind Wu Liang.

The door just closed was automatically locked.

Unlike the coffee house Wu Liang used to know, there is only one set of tables and chairs for guests to dine in, and they are placed in the center of the hall.

There was no clerk at the counter, and no sound was heard in the room.

Unmanned cafe?

Wu Liang greeted him, and when no one answered, he walked towards the back kitchen.

After a round, Wu Liang finally confirmed that there was really no second person in this cafe.

Is so best, it seems that without having to negotiate with the clerk, you can rest in a warm coffee house for one night.

Wu Liang pulled one of the two chairs in the center of the hall and sat up. Until then, Wu Liang finally relaxed and lay on the table, his consciousness gradually blurred, and he fell asleep.

In half a dream and half awake time, Wu Liang appeared on a ground filled with silvery white light. The silvery white ground extended towards infinity, and no border could be seen.

There was a high voice above his head and said lightly: “Wu Liang, you are finally here.”

“Who are you? Do you know me?” Wu Liang was puzzled.

The high voice did not answer. After a short pause, he slowly said: “Unlike the world where you are full of hope and warmth, this world is constantly decaying, and hopes become entangled, despair makes people unable to resist. Here People are gradually becoming numb and cold-blooded, evil has been incorporated into the bones of countless people, and the collapse of the world order may be in the near future. “

Is this the parallel world? Wu Liang had some regrets in his heart. I wanted to feel the beauty of this fresh world in the last days, but if this voice is true, perhaps all I can feel is disappointment and coldness.

“Despair is false, and it is the same as hope. The purpose of the hope coffee house is to reignite a lamp of hope for the desperate, and reignite this gradually indifferent and numb world with the fire of hope. Wu Liang , Would you be in charge of the Hope Cafe? “

“It’s hard to light the hope for the desperate. I don’t have such a lofty ambition, and I don’t think I have such a capability.” Wu Liang laughed at himself with his lips, “not to mention that I am also a desperate person, But at the age of nineteen, many of the good things in life have not yet been realized, and he will die. “

The voice said lightly: “Every time you help a desperate person to rekindle hope, you will have a month without disease and injury. If you continue to help desperate people, it is not difficult to live forever.”

There was a flash of light in Wu Liang’s eyes, and then he dimmed again, and smiled bitterly: “If what you say is true, I naturally want it, but I am like a rootless duckweed in this world, nothing, how can I help those desperate?”

“Collect specific emotions, which can be converted into hope coins, and purchase the materials you need in the Hope Coffee Shop Mall.”

Specific emotions?

Turned into hope coins?

Can I exchange the supplies in the mall?

Does this particular emotion refer to the gratitude of the desperate?

Wu Liang was a little bit persuaded and pondered: “How can we help a desperate person?”

“After taking charge of Hope Coffee House, every desperate person comes to Hope Coffee House, you can see his hope value. When the hope value rises above 60%, the task will be successfully completed and you will get a month Life without disease or injury. “

“Of course, depending on the situation of the mission, I hope the coffee house may also issue additional missions. The additional missions will not force you to complete, but if you complete, you will get additional rewards.” The voice continued to add.

Sounds achievable. Wu Liang wants to fight for the chance to live again.

After all the previous world experiences, what is more precious than living healthy?

“Well, I am willing to take charge of the Hope Coffee House.” Wu Liang firmly said.

【I hope the coffee house system will start binding】

A burning tingling sensation came from his left wrist. Wu Liang was sore with a cold sweat. He quickly awoke from the muddy nightmare and looked to his left wrist.

[Hope that the coffee house system is successfully bound]

The familiar voice sounded again in the ear, Wu Liang’s left wrist no longer stung and unbearable, and a cloud pattern imprinted with a faint golden light appeared on Wu Liang’s left wrist.

Wu Liang reached out his right hand and gently touched the mark on his left wrist, a few lines of large characters clearly appeared in his mind:

[The seventh owner of the Hope Cafe]: Wu Liang

【Life Value】 : 17 days of lingering panting

【Task】 : No

【Materials】 : No

[Hope coin]: 0

【Mall】: Not open yet

Seeing that the mall is not yet open, Wu Liang asked: “Will I open the mall when I have hope?”

“Yes.” The familiar system prompt answered in Wu Liang’s brain.

“How do I find and help desperate people?”

“People with a hope value of less than -90% will find it here unconsciously and can’t help but walk in.”

“So this coffee house doesn’t exist in the real world? How do I get in and out of here?” Wu Liang wondered.

“As the owner of the Hope Cafe, you only need to think about entering or leaving,”

Wu Liang’s heart moved, and he was standing in the lake park that fell into the water last night.

At this time, it was already morning light and the sky was twilight.

Chaoyang seems to have infinite power, leap from the horizon, and gradually expel the night, illuminating the whole world.

In the cold breeze, Wu Liang’s eyelashes twitched slightly, and his eyes blinked directly at the brilliant sun without blinking.

Seems to be stabbed by the sun, the young man’s eyes are extremely bright, tears are faintly visible in his eyes.

In the eyes of the boy, carrying endless hope, the boy under the sunrise seems to be glowing all over.

One month ago, the boy was alone in the hospital. After receiving the diagnosis of advanced pancreatic cancer, he held back tears and kept repeating two thin sentences to himself.

It’s okay, maybe the doctor will appear suddenly, and apologize to tell myself that the report is wrong, and I’m okay.

Don’t worry, maybe your pancreatic cancer is not serious, and you will get better soon after surgery.

Until the report was soaked with sweat in the palm, the teenager did not wait for the sentence he was expecting. It ’s okay, do n’t worry.

Doctor holding a diagnosis book, with a deep pity in his eyes, embarrassed to tell himself that the current situation is no longer possible for surgery, only drug conservative treatment …

The boy braced himself hard and squeezed a dry smile to the doctor, asking about the time left.

May be less than two months.

In the last days, it will be very painful.

Wu Liang’s thoughts turned and returned to the coffee house.

Next, as long as you continue to help the desperate to regain hope, you can always have a disease-free and injury-free time, you can live again.

Wu Liang wanted to live well.

After the mind was completely relaxed, a strong sense of hunger came, along with the dull pain from the upper abdomen, which was really uncomfortable.

Wu Liang rubbed his groaning stomach, got up and walked to the counter, made a cup of latte for himself, and took out a large plate of various pastries from the glass counter, and ate it gulpingly.

Breakfast, Wu Liang carefully looked at the coffee house, after all, after this, this is where he lives and works.

Coffee house is small, but it has all the internal organs, the kitchen is clean and tidy, the staff lounge is spacious and bright, and the layout is very warm.

Wu Liang was lying on the soft bed and yawned comfortably, thinking about whether to make up first. After all, it was only 5:30 in the morning, and those who wanted to come to despair should not appear at this time.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door came from the hall, and a low voice from a man came: “Anyone?”

Someone came.

Wu Liang got up quickly and walked to the hall with a warm smile.

A man who looked about 27 or eight years old was standing in front of the counter. The man was handsome, but he looked haggard, stubble Wuqing, with a strong cold on his body.

The moment he saw the man, Wu Liang received the mission issued by the Hope Cafe.

【Novice Mission】 Help Chen Wei regain his hope. (Hopefully the value rises above 60%)

Chen Wei’s current status:

Hope value: -96%

Warm reminder: When the hope value reaches -100%, people will have suicidal behavior, causing irreparable tragedy.

This guy named Chen Wei … is too desperate …

This novice task is too difficult …

Wu Liang was speechless, and the warm smile on his face was deeper, and Chen Wei, who was afraid of stimulation, was even more desperate.

After seeing Wu Liang with a smile, the man barely raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a dry smile, and said in a low voice, “Come on an American … Ice American.”

Wu Liang looked at the haggard Chen Wei and said with a smile: “Okay, please sit down and wait a moment.”

“Reminder: A cup of warm sea salt caramel mocha can ease people’s desperation, relax, and say their own things.” I hope that the familiar system sound of the coffee house sounds in Wu Liang’s ear.

Sea salt caramel mocha? How to do it?

Wu Liang was a little embarrassed, but the latte was just pouring milk into the coffee. It was not difficult to make it by himself, but how to make the sea salt caramel mocha would be inaccurate. If he made a “death coffee”, Chen Wei drank it It’s not good if the despair value bursts directly …

At this time, the familiar prompt sound came into Wu Liang’s mind again: “You have a barista skills training course to be viewed.”

Wu Liang: “…”

After three minutes, Wu Liang handed a cup of warm sea salt caramel mocha to Chen Wei and smiled warmly: “It’s cold in the morning, drink ice American stomach, it is better to warm up with a cup of sea salt caramel mocha.”

Chen Weilen took a moment, nodded and took the coffee, pursed his lips and said, “Thank you.”

Thanks value from Chen Wei: +5

In Wu Liang’s mind, there appeared a prompt for the coffee shop.

Wu Liang quickly checked whether there was any change in the hope currency.

[Hope coin]: 50

Sure enough! The so-called specific emotion refers to the gratitude of the desperate, and the 5 points of gratitude can be exchanged for 50 coins of hope!

This means that the value of 1 thank you is 10 hope coins!

Wu Liang quickly checked the current status of Chen Wei, and the hope value is still -96%, which has not changed.

If he was n’t afraid of over-enthusiasm and irritated Chen Wei, what would be the irreparable consequences, Wu Liang really wanted to give Chen Wei a full set of services.

After taking the coffee, Chen Wei didn’t drink it, just holding the cup with both hands, and sat there silently, wondering what he was thinking.

Wu Liang had to pretend to wipe the counter, secretly observing Chen Wei’s every move, and praying that the temporary barista training he had just completed in one minute had some results.

For a while, just when Wu Liang was about to wipe off the paint on the counter, Chen Wei finally took a sip of coffee in his hand and then looked up at Wu Liang.

Wu Liang’s heart mentioned his throat, he quickly opened his eyes and wanted to see Chen Wei’s expression carefully.

But the opportunity is fleeting.

Chen Wei lowered his head, and continued to drink his coffee.

Thanks value from Chen Wei: +1, +1, +1, +1, +1 …

Seeing the continuous thanks from Chen Wei, Wu Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the coffee he made tastes good!

But within two minutes, Chen Wei drank his coffee clean and the whole person seemed a little more energetic.

Wu Liang quickly checked his hope coin in his mind, and it had already risen to 120!

To Wu Liang’s surprise, after drinking the cup of sea salt caramel mocha named by the coffee shop, Chen Wei’s hope value has rebounded and has become -92%!

This sea salt caramel mocha is amazing too!

Wu Liang smirked in his heart, smiled and walked towards Chen Wei, hesitating whether to give Chen Wei a free wave of refills, or add more pastries.

Wu Liang had just walked in front of Chen Wei, still speaking in the future, and heard Chen Wei’s low-pitched words: “My girlfriend, I gave everything for her, but she is getting engaged to someone today. “

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