Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 308

Chapter 309 Artel’S Vision, Swallowing All The Power Of Light (For Subscription)

The next day was October 1st, and the day officially entered October.

The annual Quidditch Cup is about a month away, and the whole school can see people talking about it, and the atmosphere on the campus has become cheerful and cheerful.

On the recommendation of Mrs. Hooch, Harry successfully joined the Quidditch team in Gryffindor. He is indeed very talented in broom flying. Just like the original book, after joining the team, he has become a recruiter. golfer.

Hermione felt a little embarrassed since she misunderstood Lavender last time. Although the two of them were a little embarrassed, their relationship was somehow better than before.

Just like that, another month and a half passed.

Early this morning, Artel and the others were having dinner in the Great Hall, and the owls once again brought the Daily Prophet.

Artel bought a golden owl to communicate with other little wizards during the holidays, so he didn’t have to read Ron’s newspapers this semester.

The headline of “One Twenty Seven” Daily Prophet is the news of the establishment of the Minas Morgul Magic School.

Minas Morgul was built in the Caucasus Mountains. In the photo, the Witch King of Angmar was wearing a black robe, a crown, and a sneer, looking indescribably terrible.

The little wizards naturally have no good impression of this dark wizard who once attacked Hogwarts, and most of them are still very scared.

The establishment of a new magic school, although it is in Eastern Europe, has also had a great impact on the magic circle in Western Europe, and the entire Daily Prophet is almost reporting related things.

The little wizards also chatted and discussed, Hermione tilted her head, looking at the contents of the newspaper, her eyebrows furrowed.

The dark wizards are so rampant now, she always feels that it is not a good sign, maybe the current easy campus life will not last too long.

Artel flipped through the newspaper and saw an article in a corner.

Quirrell was seen in Knockturn Alley.

Ever since Quirrell escaped from Hogwarts and the Sorcerer’s Stone incident was announced, everyone knew that Quirrell was doing something for Voldemort.

And now Quirrell’s appearance in Knockturn Alley has also attracted the attention of many people, who think it may be related to Voldemort who has disappeared for many years.

After reading this article, Artel remembered that he hadn’t seen Voldemort for a long time.

Almost forgot about Voldemort and Quirrell…

“Find a chance to meet them, otherwise Voldemort can’t find me, and an impulse to join the Witch King of Angmar is also a trouble.”

Artel thought about it and decided to meet Voldemort this weekend.

Anyway, tomorrow is Saturday. After participating in the training of the dueling club, it is enough to find another opportunity to sneak out.

In the morning, Artel took a herbal course. Professor Sprout started planting mandrakes this semester. Artel and the others learned how to change soil for mandrakes.

Artel is very curious about this plant. It can make a harsh sound and even make people faint. If you study it carefully, maybe you can come up with a potion.

In the afternoon, Artel came to his exclusive classroom. Taking advantage of the fact that everyone else was taking flight lessons, Artel took out the branch that Gandalf gave him, and exchanged it for Glauron’s Dragon Heartstring in the system space. Foundry craftsmanship, and got himself a new wand.

“The branches of the dark tree, the dragon heartstrings of the dragon ancestor, eleven inches, the perfect combination.

Artel held the wand lightly, and a force was generated out of thin air, and the light in the entire classroom suddenly dimmed a bit.

Artel felt that some dark talent in his body was being mobilized, and for some reason, the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his soul even resonated with the wand.

A huge black dragon loomed behind Artel, and there was a phantom of a tower hidden in the darkness…

A ghost came quietly.

The classroom was completely darkened, as if all the light had been absorbed by the shadow behind Artel.

In the next second, the tower in the darkness suddenly became real, and Glauron’s phantom fell on the tower, roaring toward the void.

With Hogwarts as the center, the radius of ten miles suddenly became pitch black, and all the light was absorbed.

But it only took a moment for everything to return to normal.

Artel’s figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Dumbledore, who was talking to Newt in the office, suddenly stood up.


Just as Newt was about to speak, his face suddenly turned, and Dumbledore and Dumbledore looked in the same direction as Artel.

“What a power of evil! 35

Dumbledore glanced at Newt, his face a little serious.

The last time this happened was when Shilob came to the Forbidden Forest.

But this time, the power came from within Hogwarts.

“Did something come directly to Hogwarts?33

Dumbledore’s heart trembled, and he couldn’t help but start to worry about the little wizard in the school. He didn’t have time to say anything, and glanced at Fox…

Fox neighed and came to Dumbledore’s side. Dumbledore reached out to hold Fox and put the other hand on Newt’s body. With a snap, the two disappeared from the office.

When they reappeared, they had already reached the fifth floor.

“Here, seems to be a spare classroom for Artel? 35

Dumbledore was startled and exchanged glances with Newt, but the cautious nature they had developed over the years made them pull out their wands.

The two cautiously approached the idle classroom, feeling the dark aura coming from inside, Dumbledore winked, Newt nodded, and suddenly waved his wand in his hand, smashing the door of the classroom.

And Dumbledore rushed into the classroom at once, and pointed his wand sharply at the figure in the middle of the classroom.

“who are you?!

Dumbledore glanced, not seeing Artel in the classroom, and his heart was suddenly relieved.

He was terrified that Artel was here too, and then got hurt by this inexplicable guy, that would be horrible.

In the middle of the classroom, stood a white-haired old man in a black robe, holding a pitch-black staff in his hand, which looked like gold but not gold, very strange.

What alarmed Dumbledore the most was that the person in front of him had an indescribable temperament. Standing in front of him, Dumbledore had a faint illusion that he was very small.

This is naturally the effect brought by the title of the Dark Staff [Wise].

In fact, Artel felt that 0.1 was bad the moment he held the wand.

When he held the Dementor nerve wand for the first time in Ollivander’s wand shop, he also had some visions, but it only lowered the temperature of the whole shop a little, covering it with a layer of frost. .

Like this time, it directly absorbed all the surrounding light.

Artel knew that Dumbledore would definitely come to check, so he simply put on the Lord of the Rings, and then summoned Sirte in the system space.

Sirte is an old magician in Mordor, and his strength is similar to that of the professors at Hogwarts.

Artel summoned him out, and while he was still blinded, he wore the ring of air and the ring of fire, relying on the huge magic and spiritual power, and instantly forcibly signed a contract with him.

Then Artel threw Saruman’s dark staff directly to him, and then hid in the corner.

Sure enough, as soon as Artel finished doing this, the door was blown open.

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