Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Gandalf: What Is This World? (Subscription)

“Earth…Europe, England…Wizards and Muggles?”

Gandalf took out a pipe out of nowhere, and began to smoke it one by one.

There was no expression on his serious face, and the professors did not dare to say anything. For a time, there was only the sound of Gandalf’s clack and the sound of tobacco burning in the pipe in the entire auditorium.

“Then how did you know me? And… about Saruman, when did he appear in this world?

Gandalf pondered for a long time before asking the crowd.

Snape knew this best, and said.

“It started ten months ago…On that day, a student in our school found a piece of parchment in the library, which was your diary.

Hearing this, Gandalf raised his brows slightly.

He does not have the habit of keeping a diary.

He traveled in Middle-earth, made friends with various races, wrote books, wrote letters, but never kept a diary.

But he did not interrupt Snape, but continued to listen.

“The diary records that the Fellowship of the Ring expedition you led met a Balrog in the underground mine of Moria…

Gandalf’s thing became more and more solemn, and he whispered:

“Durin’s nemesis?”

“That’s right, it’s that flame demon.”

Snape nodded, his expression suddenly embarrassed.

“In fact, we didn’t believe the contents of the parchment diary at first, because we had never seen or even heard of that creature called the Balrog.

“We thought that it was you who made up the story of defeating demons in order to spread the magic of Aura of Light more widely.

Gandalf stopped smoking the pipe, and he looked at Snape with some doubts.

“Aria of Light?”

“Yes, the magic written on the parchment can heal all black magic wounds and curses, don’t you remember?

Snape was a little surprised, and described the magic of Aria of Light.

Gandalf did not answer, and he was more certain now that the diary had an odd origin.

He didn’t know the magic of the Aria of Light, but it sounded a bit like Maya’s ability.

It’s just that Maya doesn’t need any magic spell, they can heal other people with their own spiritual thoughts.

Of course he didn’t know that this was Saruman’s former power, but it was only embodied by the system into the magic corresponding to this world.

“We didn’t believe it at first, until later, some creatures we have never seen appeared one after another, trolls, Balrogs, Ent, Hobbits…and a big spider called Shilob…”

“Afterwards, we found a few diaries you left, and learned about the events of the year. You formed the Fellowship of the Ring expedition in the valley, and set foot on the road to the Doomsday Volcano of Mordor in order to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings.”

Gandalf became more and more alarmed.

These things did not happen, but if the Supreme Lord of the Rings was not lost, he did intend to let everyone meet in the valley, and he did have plans to destroy the Lord of the Rings Alliance.

This is also the prototype of the Fellowship of the Ring.

“Are those parchment diaries really mine? Just something that happened in the future?”

For Gandalf, such things as timelines are not so incomprehensible.

“Could it be that this earth is the Middle-earth world that will be thousands of years later? Or, is there some reason that causes things in the future to appear in this world… This possibility is relatively high. After all, Smaug, the dragon that existed in the past, also appeared here.”

Gandalf thought so, but he still had doubts.

Because, he really is not someone who can keep a diary.

“The Fellowship of the Ring, who are its members?”

Gandalf did not realize that his voice was hoarse.

Snape was slightly startled, he thought about it, and replied:

“Besides you, a Hobbit named Frodo Baggins, and Aragon, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Sam, Merry, Perry Green…”

Gandalf listened to these names, and the more he listened, the more frightened he became.

These people, with the exception of the hobbits at the back, were all his acquaintances!

Moreover, he did invite them to the valley!

“Take the diary away and show it to me.”

Gandalf whispered, he wanted to look at those diaries, if they were really left by him in the future, he would definitely recognize them.

If it is true, maybe he can find clues to the Lord of the Rings.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Gandalf, those diaries were put away by Headmaster Dumbledore. Not long ago, a little thief infiltrated Hogwarts and tried to steal them. Although he didn’t succeed, the Headmaster changed them anyway. It’s hidden somewhere, and we don’t know where it is.”

Snape spread his hands, and there was nothing he could do.

Gandalf could only suppress the doubts in his heart for a while, and asked again:

“What about Saruman? About him…”

“Mr Saruman appeared out of nowhere last Christmas, oh, about seven months ago, and he wanted to take that hobbit that the Ministry of Magic caught, it’s called Gollum… I don’t know if you know him, It is said to have held the One Ring for five hundred years.35

Gandalf added some cut tobacco to the pipe and continued to smoke.

Gollum, of course he knew.

He has been looking for Gulu’s whereabouts all these years, yes, Sauron’s people found Gulu one step ahead of him.

It was from the mouth of Gollum that Sauron’s people knew that the Lord of the Rings was in Bilbo’s hands.

I heard that Gollum was taken to Mordor and imprisoned in the dungeon of Barad-dul, but unexpectedly, he also appeared in this world.

“Saruman wanted to see Gollum, but the Ministry of Magic wouldn’t let him, so he summoned an Ent, almost destroying the Ministry of Magic, and then, not knowing what happened, Saruman left.”

“But since then, the name of Saruman the Wise has spread in the wizarding world, Dumbledore has seen him, and Saruman came to Hogwarts in order to meet the man in the Forbidden Forest. That big spider called Shilob.35

“Many things happened later. He also attacked the Magic Congress, killing nearly a hundred wizards, destroying half of the city, and killing many Muggles, that is, ordinary people.”

Gandalf’s brows knitted together.

It sounds like Saruman, but not like Saruman.

This made Gandalf feel a little offended.

As for Shilob, the spider monster stationed in Chilis Ungou, Gandalf had dealt with it, but he was just keeping aloof.

“I think… what secrets should there be in this, I still have some doubts, only after seeing the diary and Saruman, can I fully understand… Smaug, Balrog, Shilob and Saruman… This world …”

Gandalf knocked on his pipe, and the expression on his face became more serious.

He felt a layer of fog that could not be seen enveloped him, making him feel like he was in a dark vortex.

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